
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-07-16 09:28:51
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说明:  控制中用到的mobus协议的编码实现,希望给您带来方便
(Mobus control protocol used in the realization of the coding, I hope to bring convenience to your)

mod101\Modbucfg.tmp (192512, 2005-10-16)
mod101\ModbusServer.tlb (10148, 1999-03-13)
mod101\frmMainForm.frm (16050, 2002-09-02)
mod101\frmMainForm.frx (247, 2002-09-02)
mod101\License.txt (746, 1998-09-03)
mod101\MBServer.exe (90112, 1999-03-13)
mod101\Modbu.cfg (76, 2002-05-15)
mod101\Modbucfg.exe (192512, 1999-03-13)
mod101\moddocs (0, 2002-05-15)
mod101\moddocs\automod.htm (1473, 1998-08-31)
mod101\moddocs\Autosrv.htm (1914, 1998-09-06)
mod101\moddocs\cautombr.htm (16353, 1998-08-31)
mod101\moddocs\client.htm (2737, 1998-08-27)
mod101\moddocs\cmodbu.htm (1551, 1999-02-16)
mod101\moddocs\concom.htm (2145, 1998-08-27)
mod101\moddocs\conDCOM.htm (5398, 1998-08-29)
mod101\moddocs\conTCP.htm (1801, 1998-08-27)
mod101\moddocs\conTServ.htm (2001, 1998-12-08)
mod101\moddocs\cremotem.htm (6808, 1998-08-31)
mod101\moddocs\ctcpsrv.htm (4836, 1998-09-06)
mod101\moddocs\Errors.htm (2065, 1998-08-28)
mod101\moddocs\excep.htm (2681, 1998-08-16)
mod101\moddocs\index.htm (8744, 1999-03-28)
mod101\moddocs\information.htm (12039, 1998-09-11)
mod101\moddocs\insjava.htm (2278, 1999-02-15)
mod101\moddocs\JavaC.htm (713, 1999-02-06)
mod101\moddocs\javaci.htm (29210, 1999-02-15)
mod101\moddocs\local.htm (1225, 1998-08-31)
mod101\moddocs\localcm.htm (14994, 1998-08-31)
mod101\moddocs\mfcins.htm (2089, 1999-01-23)
mod101\moddocs\ModbuEx.htm (2063, 1999-02-15)
mod101\moddocs\modbuimp.htm (27966, 1999-01-23)
mod101\moddocs\ModbusMonitor.html (543, 1999-01-25)
mod101\moddocs\ (26971, 1999-02-15)
mod101\moddocs\remote.htm (1572, 1998-08-31)
mod101\moddocs\srvctes.htm (2642, 1998-09-06)
mod101\moddocs\svrinst.htm (2471, 1999-02-16)
mod101\moddocs\svrmtd.htm (29193, 1998-12-08)
mod101\moddocs\svrprp.htm (13771, 1998-09-06)
mod101\moddocs\UsingMod.htm (4148, 1998-08-29)
... ...

Modbus Automation Server Installation There is no installation setup with this server , but it's not very difficult to install. System and Files Requirements: This software was tested with win95 and NT 4.0 with service pack 4.0 You need to install DCOM95 to work with win95 , download from MFC,ATL and Ole32 Run-Time Files: Download from Files Included with the server. MBServer.exe - ActiveX server executable. ModbusServer.tlb - Type Library with server component information. Modbucfg.exe - Client test application - home page and documentation of the software. Modbus Server Installation 1. - Install DCOM95 if you are using win95. 2. - Install MFC, ATL and Ole run-time files from just type MBServer.exe /RegServer 3. - Extract Server files (MBServer.exe,Modbucfg.exe,...) to any directory. 4. - Run Modbucfg.exe to test the installation. See the documentation. If you have Visual Basic you can try vb sample. Maybe you have to choose References and select MBSever.Exe before running the sample. You can uninstall the MBServer.exe typing MBServer.exe /UnregServer to remove the registry entry and delete the directory where you extract the files. The run-time files should not be uninstalled because many programs use MFC run-time files. Author Ricardo Saat -


