
上传日期:2009-07-16 14:15:11
上 传 者tzh_mail
说明:  svg2swf 是一款将SVG 文件转换为 Flash SWF 文件的转换器.
(svg2swf is an SVG to Flash SWF converter. It is written in C and uses libsvg to parse the SVG document and libming to generate the SWF file. It is available for both Linux and Windows platforms. )

svg2swf-0.1 (0, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\web (0, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\web\style.css (1232, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\web\usage.html (6151, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\web\build.html (13109, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\web\tasks.html (10696, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\web\index.html (3151, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\win32 (0, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\win32\vc71 (0, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\win32\vc71\svg2png.vcproj (4654, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\win32\vc71\svg2swf.sln (21091, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\win32\vc71\libjpeg.vcproj (27134, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\win32\vc71\svg2svg.vcproj (4680, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\win32\vc71\svg2swf.vcproj (5745, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\win32\vc71\libsvg-cairo.vcproj (3821, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\win32\vc71\libming.vcproj (45713, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\win32\vc71\expat_static.vcproj (6702, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\win32\vc71\libsvg.vcproj (5482, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\COPYING.txt (26940, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\patches (0, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\patches\CHANGES_libsvg_cairo.txt (505, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\patches\libsvg_cairo.patch (12638, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\patches\libming_win32.patch (701199, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\patches\libsvg_win32.patch (453, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\patches\CHANGES_libsvg.txt (1037, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\patches\libsvg.patch (30840, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\patches\libsvg_cairo_win32.patch (518, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\patches\libming.patch (15351, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\patches\CHANGES_libming.txt (491, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\ (3078, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\src (0, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\src\svg_swf_internal.h (7205, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\src\svg_swf_converter.c (5783, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\src\svg_swf_shapes.c (8552, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\src\svg_swf_converter.h (2763, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\src\svg2swf.c (14605, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\src\svg_swf_render_engine.c (77554, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\src\Makefile (3051, 2009-01-21)
svg2swf-0.1\src\svg_swf_bbox.c (2565, 2009-01-21)
... ...

svg2swf is an SVG to Flash SWF converter. It is written in C and uses libsvg to parse the SVG document and libming to generate the SWF file. It is available for both Linux and Windows platforms. The homepage for the svg2swf project is A copy of the web pages is held in the web/ directory. The source files and Makefile for svg2swf can be found in the src/ directory. The source files and Makefile for the svg2png and svg2svg utilities can be found in the utils/ directory. The Microsoft Visual C++ 7.1 project files are in the win32/vc71 directory. Several changes have been made to libsvg, libsvg-cairo and libming. Patch files are provided in the patches/ directory. The patches/CHANGESxxx.txt files describe the changes. See for instructions on how to build the software. svg2swf is free software and is available for distribution under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 software license - see COPYING.txt.


