
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-07-16 21:23:40
上 传 者1820783
说明:  餐饮管理系统VC++源代码,界面没有美化,早两年的程序,不过编译很顺利,使用MSSQL或Access都可以。在编译、运行程序之前,请将所附的数据库文件rms.mdb导入SQL server中,并将此数据库命名为RMS。若没有安装SQL server,也可以直接在控制面板中将此数据库文件设置为数据源,并命名为MyDS。注意,若数据库没有安装成功,MS Visual Studio在打开工程文件的时候将会报错,但忽略之后不影响程序的正常编译。
(Food & Beverage Management System VC++ source code, the interface is not landscaping, as early as two years of proceedings, but the compiler is very smoothly, and the use of MSSQL or Access can be. In the compiler, before running the program, please rms.mdb attached database file into SQL server and will be named this database RMS. If not install SQL server, can also be directly in the control panel in this database file is set to the data source named MyDS. Note that if the databases are not installed successfully, MS Visual Studio project file in the open when the error will be, but do not overlook the impact of following the normal procedures for compiling.)

HotelBiz\rms.mdb (233472, 2002-09-11)
HotelBiz\代码\DataBinding.cpp (5264, 2002-08-12)
HotelBiz\代码\DataBinding.h (5115, 2009-06-27)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgBeginJS.cpp (1002, 2002-08-14)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgBeginJS.h (1219, 2009-06-27)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgDC.cpp (5780, 2002-08-15)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgDC.h (1597, 2009-06-27)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgJS.cpp (5107, 2002-08-15)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgJS.h (1526, 2009-06-27)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgLogin.cpp (1004, 2002-08-13)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgLogin.h (1258, 2009-06-27)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgProxy.cpp (2896, 2002-08-12)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgProxy.h (1642, 2009-06-27)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgUpdPwd.cpp (1168, 2002-08-13)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgUpdPwd.h (1426, 2009-06-27)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgViewCP.cpp (5907, 2002-08-14)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgViewCP.h (1636, 2009-06-27)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgViewDC.cpp (5025, 2002-08-14)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgViewDC.h (1631, 2009-06-27)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgViewKH.cpp (6045, 2002-08-13)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgViewKH.h (1632, 2009-06-27)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgViewZBY.cpp (759, 2002-08-14)
HotelBiz\代码\DlgViewZBY.h (1185, 2009-06-27)
HotelBiz\代码\res\RMS.ico (1078, 2002-08-12)
HotelBiz\代码\res\RMS.rc2 (395, 2002-08-12)
HotelBiz\代码\res\Thumbs.db (3072, 2009-06-25)
HotelBiz\代码\Resource.h (4397, 2002-08-15)
HotelBiz\代码\RMS.APS (33256, 2009-06-25)
HotelBiz\代码\RMS.clw (9199, 2009-06-25)
HotelBiz\代码\RMS.cpp (2621, 2002-08-12)
HotelBiz\代码\RMS.dsp (5640, 2002-08-15)
HotelBiz\代码\RMS.dsw (529, 2002-08-12)
HotelBiz\代码\RMS.h (1327, 2009-06-27)
HotelBiz\代码\RMS.odl (1014, 2002-08-15)
HotelBiz\代码\RMS.rc (20936, 2003-07-04)
HotelBiz\代码\RMS.reg (675, 2002-08-12)
HotelBiz\代码\RMSDlg.cpp (9350, 2009-06-27)
HotelBiz\代码\RMSDlg.h (1904, 2009-06-27)
HotelBiz\代码\StdAfx.cpp (205, 2002-08-12)
... ...


