开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-07-17 11:44:13
上 传 者1820783
说明:  一款VC++自定义的列表控件,可以展开、折叠。   WINDOWS应用程序的创建一般都需要使用控件,像VB、DELPHI等编程环境都提供了相当多的控件供程序员调用,这些控件基本上能满足程序开发的要求,但有时也会有些不尽如意的地方,因此学会创建自定义控件有一定的重要性。本程序实现了一个可以折叠、可以更换成员类型的特效列表控件。
(A VC++ the list of custom controls, you can start folding. WINDOWS applications generally need to use to create controls, such as VB, DELPHI, such as programming environment provides a considerable amount of control for the programmer to call, these controls were generally adequate to meet the requirements of development, but sometimes some are not well place, so learn to create a custom control to the importance. This procedure has a folding, you can change the list of control types of effects.)

CLB\Clb.cpp (1420, 2007-12-13)
CLB\Clb.dsp (5380, 2007-12-31)
CLB\Clb.dsw (529, 2007-12-13)
CLB\Clb.h (1184, 2009-05-17)
CLB\Clb.ncb (66560, 2009-05-17)
CLB\Clb.opt (54784, 2009-05-17)
CLB\Clb.plg (2446, 2009-05-17)
CLB\Clb.rc (6334, 2008-01-21)
CLB\ClbDlg.cpp (4457, 2009-05-17)
CLB\ClbDlg.h (1364, 2008-01-09)
CLB\GraphMember.cpp (9165, 2008-01-16)
CLB\GraphMember.h (2674, 2009-05-17)
CLB\res\BINOCULR.ICO (1078, 2008-01-09)
CLB\res\BOOK02.ICO (1078, 2007-12-20)
CLB\res\BOOK03.ICO (1078, 2008-01-09)
CLB\res\BOOKS04.ICO (1078, 2007-12-20)
CLB\res\Clb.ico (1078, 2008-01-09)
CLB\res\Clb.rc2 (395, 2007-12-13)
CLB\res\CLOCK06.ICO (766, 2008-01-09)
CLB\res\EARTH.ICO (1078, 2008-01-09)
CLB\res\icon2.ico (1078, 2008-01-09)
CLB\res\NOTE06.ICO (1078, 1998-04-24)
CLB\res\NOTE18.ICO (1078, 2008-01-09)
CLB\res\SNOW.ICO (1078, 2007-12-20)
CLB\res\Thumbs.db (18944, 2008-01-29)
CLB\res\toolbar1.bmp (1398, 2008-01-09)
CLB\res\TRFFC10A.ICO (1078, 2008-01-09)
CLB\resource.h (1186, 2008-01-10)
CLB\StdAfx.cpp (205, 2007-12-13)
CLB\StdAfx.h (1081, 2008-01-09)
CLB\TaskList.cpp (4365, 2008-01-16)
CLB\TaskList.h (648, 2009-05-17)
CLB\TaskListBox.cpp (2120, 2008-01-16)
CLB\TaskListBox.h (853, 2009-05-17)
CLB\res (0, 2009-07-17)
CLB (0, 2009-07-17)


