
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2009-07-17 16:23:55
上 传 者kktv
说明:  Face recognition is a popular industry video surveillance technology, the use of biometric identification information and thus achieve the purpose of identity

人臉\FaceRec.exe (81920, 2005-03-07)
人臉\FACES\S1\1.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S1\10.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S1\2.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S1\3.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S1\4.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S1\5.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S1\6.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S1\7.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S1\8.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S1\9.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S10\1.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S10\10.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S10\2.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S10\3.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S10\4.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S10\5.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S10\6.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S10\7.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S10\8.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S10\9.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S11\1.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S11\10.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S11\2.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S11\3.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S11\4.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S11\5.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S11\6.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S11\7.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S11\8.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S11\9.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S12\1.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S12\10.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S12\2.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S12\3.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S12\4.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S12\5.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S12\6.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S12\7.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
人臉\FACES\S12\8.BMP (3382, 2003-02-06)
... ...

Face Recognition Library ======================== Advanced face recognition DLL using two functions : Train and Recognize. Uses neural net back propogation alogorithm with more AI tools added for imaging optimization. Library works great even for a low resolution web cam image and requires the user to align to a mirror frame on screen. Complete Source Code with Video capture and feature extraction kit for Registered Users. Please register here for only $299 with Source Code : http://www.research-lab.com/facerecognitionorder.htm (c) www.research-lab.com


