上传日期:2009-07-21 11:18:57
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说明: A Matlab Toolbox for Pattern Recognition,PRTools..Version 3.0
prtools3.1.7\@dataset (0, 2004-04-17)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\abs.m (50, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\and.m (166, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\classsizes.m (547, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\conj.m (52, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\ctranspose.m (59, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\cumsum.m (104, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\dataimage.m (91, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\dataimsize.m (674, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\dataset.m (7538, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\det.m (41, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\display.m (293, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\double.m (346, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\eig.m (388, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\end.m (139, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\eq.m (198, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\exp.m (50, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\find.m (171, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\finite.m (79, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\ge.m (198, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\getfeatd.m (163, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\getimheight.m (327, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\getlabd.m (240, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\getlablist.m (334, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\getlabn.m (382, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\getprob.m (405, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\gt.m (195, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\hist.m (358, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\horzcat.m (637, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\image.m (1291, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\imagesc.m (362, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\inv.m (41, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\invsig.m (69, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\ldivide.m (440, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\le.m (198, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\length.m (77, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\log.m (50, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\lt.m (195, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\max.m (613, 2002-09-18)
prtools3.1.7\@dataset\median.m (284, 2002-09-18)
... ...
% PRTools3.0 December 1999
% PRTOOLS is a basic set of statistical pattern recognition
% tools under Matlab. Not all commands are entirely tested.
% It is heavily upgraded from the previous version, November 1997
% The main change is the use of "classes' and 'objects' offered
% by Matlab-5 (Don't confuse them with the pattern recognition
% classes and objects!). This simplifies the use, but may be
% hard to understand for old users. Moreover, it makes PRTools3.0
% completely incompatible with old versions.
% There are two of these class-constructors: datasets and mappings,
% the basic elements of pattern recognition. As use is made of
% structures (entirely hidden for the user), they contain all types
% of information that should be transferred otherwise explicitely
% by the user: labels, sizes, weigths, mapping types, etcetera.
% What we can do now are defining datasets by
% A = dataset(a,labels);
% use it for training by defining a mapping by
% W = ldc(A);
% which may also be written as
% W = A*ldc;
% and use it for testing by:
% e = A*W*testd;
% This can be read as: map the dataset A on W (i.e. a space constructed
% by class memberships) and test it (count the errors).
% Mappings can be combined sequentially (W = W1*W2), by stacking
% ([W = [W1 W2 W3]) and in parallel (W = [W1; W2; W3]). This facilitates
% the construction of combined classifiers, e.q. W = maxc([W1 W2 W3]).
% A number of routines has been renamed, e.g.:
% nlc : ldc
% nqc : qdc
% mlslc : fisherc
% nmlc : nmc
% Others are combined or have been moved outside the user sight into the
% private directory. Many routines have been added. See the Contents file.
% PRTools3.1, January 2000
% For affine mapping and normalizing mappings the multiplicative output
% constant w.v is now integrated in the mapping coefficients. w.v is set
% to one.
% Untrained mappings are no longer empty, so now isempty(fisherc) is 0.
% These mappings can now be detected by the new routine 'istrained', so
% istrained(fisherc) is 0.
% The display command for datasets has been changed such that it returns
% the actual number of classes available in the dataset.
% New commands:
% seldat: Select classes / features / objects from dataset
% classim: Classify image using a given classifier
% clevalf: Classifier evaluation (feature size curve)
% cnormc: Renamed copy of normc
% emclust: Expectation - Maximization Clustering
% spatm: Augment image dataset with spatial label information
% nlfisherm:Renamed copy of nlklm
% PRTools3.1.2, January 2001
% The dataset structure changed in order to speed up the handling of labels.
% This should not effect the calls as it is intended to be upwards compatible.
% Newly created datasets, however, cannot be used under previous versions
% of PRTools.
% The confmat command changed slightly to enable a more general use. As a
% result the number of errors for the specific useage in which the two
% labellists are identical is not returned anymore.
% A new command matchlab is added to rotate labels for optimal match.
% PRTools3.1.3, July 2001
% New commands
% pca: Principal component analysis (replaces overloaded procedure by klm)
% maf: Maximum autocorrelation mapping, (pca for multi-band images)
% Consequently, some of the old, overloaded and confusing possiblities in klm
% are removed.
% PRTools3.1.4, August 2001
% some bugs are removed in @dataset/subsasgn.m and @dataset/dataset.m
% all relating to the erroneous working of expressions like
% A([1 2 3],:) = []; A(:,[1 2 3]);
% if A is a dataset.
% kljlc: bug removed
% gauss: label generation improved
% gendats: labels changed from numeric to character
% featsel* redundant output suppressed
% PRTools3.1.5, August 2001
% knnc: Makes no use anymore of prior probabilities.
% New command
% getprob: Retrieves dataset prior probabilities
% PRTools3.1.6, September 2001
% normal_map: now generates scaled densities
% qdc: now also in 2-class problems based on densities
% plotm: internal scaling improved. Parameter added for
% selecting contour.
% scatterd: extended, a.o. with 3d plot
% distm: now returns a dataset
% gendat: relative class sizes supported
% New commands:
% subsc: Subspace Classifier
% quadrc: Quadratic classifier (original 2-class qdc)
% mclassc: Multi-class classifier by 2-class discriminants
% classsizes: Returns sizes of classes in a dataset
% getlablist: Returns label list of a dataset
% See 'help datasets' for all means to retrieve data stored
% in a dataset.
% mds: Non-linear mapping by multi-dimensional scaling (Sammon)
% classs: Multi-dimensional mapping by classical scaling
% *************************************************************
% More information can be found by
% help prtools
% help datasets
% help mappings
% or in the manual (
% This software can be used freely for inspection and academic research.
% Please refer to
% R.P.W. Duin, PRTools 3, A Matlab Toolbox for Pattern Recognition, Delft
% University of Technology, January 2000
% if it has been useful to you. If you like to use the toolbox for commercial
% purposes, please contact me.
% Bob Duin
% Copyright: R.P.W. Duin,
% Faculty of Applied Physics, Delft University of Technology
% P.O. Box 5046, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands