
上传日期:2009-07-21 11:49:40
上 传 者yuner1130
说明:  A Systematic approach for Displays popup menu of toolbox demonstration scripts that illustrate: * homogeneous transformations * trajectories * forward kinematics * inverse kinematics * robot animation * inverse dynamics * forward dynamics
(Displays popup menu of toolbox demonstration scripts that illustrate: * homogeneous transformations * trajectories * forward kinematics * inverse kinematics * robot animation * inverse dynamics * forward dynamics )

Contents.m (3209, 2002-04-01)
coriolis.m (978, 2002-04-01)
dh.m (1097, 2002-04-01)
diff2tr.m (637, 2002-04-01)
drivepar.m (1493, 2002-04-01)
dyn.m (1498, 2002-04-01)
gravload.m (1156, 2002-04-01)
inertia.m (917, 2002-04-01)
ishomog.m (502, 2002-04-01)
jacob0.m (1015, 2002-04-01)
jacobn.m (1551, 2002-04-01)
jtraj.m (2107, 2002-04-01)
maniplty.m (2241, 2002-04-01)
numcols.m (425, 2002-04-01)
numrows.m (421, 2002-04-01)
plotbotopt.m (413, 2002-04-01)
puma560.m (3568, 2002-04-01)
puma560akb.m (2616, 2002-04-01)
rotvec.m (729, 2002-04-01)
rotx.m (553, 2002-04-01)
roty.m (553, 2002-04-01)
rotz.m (553, 2002-04-01)
rtjademo.m (5435, 2002-04-01)
rttrdemo.m (1607, 2002-04-01)
stanford.m (1604, 2002-04-01)
tr2rot.m (585, 2002-04-01)
tr2rpy.m (927, 2002-04-01)
transl.m (1008, 2002-04-01)
trinterp.m (859, 2002-04-01)
trnorm.m (780, 2002-04-01)
twolink.m (1344, 2002-04-01)
unit.m (391, 2002-04-01)
rtandemo.m (1560, 2002-04-02)
rtdemo.m (1470, 2002-04-02)
rtfddemo.m (1971, 2002-04-02)
rtfkdemo.m (2372, 2002-04-02)
rtidemo.m (3296, 2002-04-02)
rtikdemo.m (3747, 2002-04-02)
rttgdemo.m (2181, 2002-04-02)
ctraj.m (1361, 2002-04-14)
... ...

Installation: ------------ simply copy all the .m files into a directory 'robot' which is in your MATLABPATH. robot.pdf is the documentation in standard Mathworks style. It is formatted for double sided printing which makes for a more compact manual and saves trees. Run the demo `rtdemo' to see how to use this. Citing the Toolbox: ------------------ If you use the Toolbox and want to cite it in a paper please use: @ARTICLE{Corke96b, AUTHOR = {P.I. Corke}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine}, MONTH = mar, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {24-32}, TITLE = {A Robotics Toolbox for {MATLAB}}, VOLUME = {3}, YEAR = {1996} } Home page: --------- Please email bug reports, comments or code contribtions to me. Peter Corke


