
上传日期:2009-07-24 20:10:15
上 传 者fushoujiang
说明:  Magenta Systems WMI and SMART Component contains WMI, SMART and SCSI Pass Through functions, of particular use for getting hard disk information and configuring network adaptors, but also for many other general uses.

Delphi中使用WMI\magsubs1.dcu (100111, 2009-07-24)
Delphi中使用WMI\magsubs1.pas (170907, 2009-02-19)
Delphi中使用WMI\magwmi.dcu (39655, 2009-07-24)
Delphi中使用WMI\magwmi.pas (64684, 2009-03-05)
Delphi中使用WMI\magwmi52.upl (2178, 2009-03-05)
Delphi中使用WMI\smartapi.dcu (8030, 2009-07-24)
Delphi中使用WMI\smartapi.pas (13952, 2008-07-29)
Delphi中使用WMI\testwmi1.dpr (192, 2003-11-24)
Delphi中使用WMI\testwmi1.exe (577536, 2009-07-24)
Delphi中使用WMI\WbemScripting_TLB.dcu (126647, 2009-07-24)
Delphi中使用WMI\WbemScripting_TLB.pas (205168, 2009-03-05)
Delphi中使用WMI\wmimain.dcu (16835, 2009-07-24)
Delphi中使用WMI\wmimain.dfm (12510, 2009-03-05)
Delphi中使用WMI\wmimain.pas (12189, 2009-03-05)
Delphi中使用WMI (0, 2009-07-24)

Magenta Systems WMI and SMART Component v5.2 ============================================ Updated by Angus Robertson, Magenta Systems Ltd, England, 5th March 2009, Copyright Magenta Systems Ltd Introduction ------------ Magenta Systems WMI and SMART Component contains WMI, SMART and SCSI Pass Through functions, of particular use for getting hard disk information and configuring network adaptors, but also for many other general uses. MagWMI which allows access and update of windows system information using Windows Management Instrumentation. MagWMI provides general view access to any WMI information using SQL like commands, and also a number of dedicated function relating to TCP/IP configuration, such as setting the adaptor IP addresses, and the computer name and domain/workgroup. There are also some examples for getting BIOS and disk drive information using WMI, and also a method using SMART for getting disk information since WMI has limitations on Windows 2000. SMART also returns disk failing or fault information. For disks that don't support SMART, SCSI Pass Through is used to get the drive serial number. A demo program illustrates the use of all the functions. Note that WMI may be used to get information from both the local computer and remote computers, the latter needed a valid logon. WMI will only run locally if the Windows Management Instrumentation service is running. Running across a network also needs the RPC service running. Function Overview ----------------- MagWMI contains some general purpose functions for accessing any WMI class information, and more specific functions for particular types of information, which also illustrate how to use the former. WMI often returns significant qualities of information with multiple instance, for instance multiple items about several disk drives. To best return this information, a two dimensional dynamic string array defined as: T2DimStrArray = array of array of string ; is used for WmiResults. Functions are provided to search within this array for specific rows of information. The component converts all the internal WMI data types to ASCII for the results. Some result fields may have multiple sub-results, which are pipe (|) delimited strings. The result set may be thought of as being columns and rows in a grid, with property names in the first column. The demo program shows the results in a multi-column TListView. Some parameters are passed in a single dimension string array defined as: StringArray = array of string; This is used instead of TStrings so garabage collection is automatic. General Purpose WMI Functions ----------------------------- function MagWmiGetInfoEx (const Comp, NameSpace, User, Pass, Arg: widestring ; var WmiResults: T2DimStrArray; var instances: integer; var errinfo: string): integer ; This is the lowest level function for getting WMI information, it needs a computer name (. for local computer), WMI name space (usually 'root\CIMV2'), logon user name and password (may be blank for local computer) and the argument to pass to WMI which may be a simple WMI class or a complex WMI WQL language query statement, see below for examples. A variable WmiResults needs to be predefined for the results, see above, and instances will return the number of columns of data, in addition to column 0 being the properties in the data. The function result is the number of rows in the result, with 0 being the header. Result -1 means failure with the error in errinfo. The size of the dynamic array may also be checked with Low/High functions and should match instances and result + 1 each. function MagWmiGetInfo (const Comp, NameSpace, User, Pass, Arg: widestring ; var WmiResults: T2DimStrArray; var instances: integer): integer ; Similar to MagWmiGetInfoEx, but does not return errinfo. function MagWmiGetOneQ (const Arg, Prop: widestring ; var ResStr: string): integer ; This is a simple function to get a single property for an argument on the local computer only, it Arg is a WQL SELECT statement that should return only a single instance, ResStr will then be filled from the field specified by Prop. Result is -1 for failure. function MagWmiSearchIdx (const WmiResults: T2DimStrArray; const Prop: string): integer ; This function searches the two dimensional array result from MagWmiGetInfo for the row of a specific property, or zero if not found. function MagWmiSearch1 (const WmiResults: T2DimStrArray; const Prop: string): string ; This function searches the two dimensional array result from MagWmiGetInfo for the value of a specific property, blank if not found. Specific WMI Functions ---------------------- Note most of functions work for the local computer only, to avoid passing more parameters than necessary. function MagWmiGetBaseBoard: string ; Returns the motherboard manufacturer and product name. function MagWmiGetSMBIOS: string ; Returns BIOS version information. function MagWmiGetLastBootDT: TDateTime ; Returns the date and time of the last PC boot. function MagWmiGetDiskSerial (drive: integer): string ; Returns the serial number for a specified physical disk drive, where 0 is the first drive, 1 the second, etc. Note this function only operates on Windows XP and later. Use SMART or SCSI functions for Windows 2000 or drives that return a blank. function MagWmiGetDiskModel (drive: integer): string ; Returns the disk model name for a specified physical disk drive, where 0 is the first drive, 1 the second, etc. function MagWmiGetOSInfo (item: string): string ; Returns a specific property from the Win32_OperatingSystem class, ie SerialNumber, Locale, RegisteredUser, BootDevice, etc. function MagWmiGetProcInfo (item: string): string ; Returns a specific property from the Win32_Processor class, ie Version, Manufacturer, ProcessorId, etc. function MagWmiFindAdaptor (var AdapterName: string): integer ; Returns the name and index of a the first unique enabled Ethernet 802.3 adaptor (except 1394 Net Adapter), ignoring hidden adapters. Generally, most PCs only have one working network connection and adaptor, and this function will find it. If there are multiple working adaptors, you'll need to check the names more carefully, particularly if there are duplicate names. function MagWmiNetSetIPAddr (const AdapNum: integer; const IPAddresses, SubnetMasks: StringArray): integer ; Changes the static IP addresses and subnet masks for a specific adaptor number, found using MagWmiFindAdaptor. Note the addresses are passed in dynamic StringArrays so that multiple IP addresses and matching masks can be configured. Return is -1 for error, 0 OK no reboot needed, 1 reboot needed, 68 bad parameters, 84 using wrong adaptor. This function will disable DHCP. function MagWmiNetSetGateway (const AdapNum: integer; const IPGateways: StringArray; const GatewayCosts: TIntegerArray): integer ; Changes the static gateway IP addresses and costs for a specific adaptor number, found using MagWmiFindAdaptor. Note the addresses are passed in dynamic StringArrays so that multiple IP addresses and matching costs can be configured. Return is -1 for error, 0 OK no reboot needed, 1 reboot needed, 68 bad parameters, 84 using wrong adaptor. This function fails if DHCP is enabled. function MagWmiNetSetDHCP (const AdapNum: integer): integer ; Enables DHCP for a specific adaptor number, found using MagWmiFindAdaptor, so it loses static IPs. Return is -1 for error, 0 OK no reboot needed, 1 reboot needed, 84 using wrong adaptor. function MagWmiRenameComp (const NewName, UserName, Password: string): integer ; This functions allows the local computer to be renamed, it always needs logon information. This only works on Windows XP and later, and a PC reboot is needed before the new name is recognised. function MagWmiCloseWin (const Comp, User, Pass: widestring ; reboot: boolean; var errinfo: string): integer ; This function allows the local or remote PC to be closed down or rebooted. function MagWmiGetMemory: TWmiMemoryRec ; This function returns a record containing seven diferent memory sizes TWmiMemoryRec = Record FreePhysicalMemory: Int*** ; FreeSpaceInPagingFiles: Int*** ; FreeVirtualMemory: Int*** ; SizeStoredInPagingFiles: Int*** ; TotalSwapSpaceSize: Int*** ; TotalVirtualMemorySize: Int*** ; TotalVisibleMemorySize: Int*** ; end ; function MagWmiSmartDiskInfo (drivenr: integer; var errinfo, model, serial: string ; var diskbytes: Int***): boolean ; This function returns the model, serial number and size in bytes for a locally connected ATA disk drive, where 0 is the first drive, 1 the second, etc. It will not work with SCSI drives, or USB or firewire connected drive, nor with RAID arrays. function MagWmiSmartDiskFail (drivenr: integer; var SmartResult: TSmartResult ; var errinfo: string): boolean ; This function returns a record containing a lot of information for a locally connected ATA disk drive, where 0 is the first drive, 1 the second, etc. It will not work with SCSI drives, or USB or firewire connected drive, nor with RAID arrays. SMART information is really a historic record of drive usage and particular attributes saved by the drive, such as maximum temperature, running time, error rates, etc. Different manufacturers save differing attributes, using different units and techniques, so making use of the results can be difficult. See below for examples of the attribute results. TSmartResult = Record DriveNum: integer ; CapacityNum: int*** ; VendorUnique: array [1..3] of USHORT ; SerialNumber: string ; FirmwareRev: string ; ModelNumber: string ; MoreVendorUnique: integer ; Temperature: integer ; TempWorst: integer ; TempLow: integer ; HoursRunning: integer ; ReallocSector: integer ; PowerCycles: integer ; SmartFailTot: integer ; SmartWarnTot: integer ; TotalAttrs: integer ; AttrNum: array [0..MaxSmartAttr] of integer ; AttrName: array [0..MaxSmartAttr] of string ; AttrPreFail: array [0..MaxSmartAttr] of boolean ; AttrEvents: array [0..MaxSmartAttr] of boolean ; AttrErrorRate: array [0..MaxSmartAttr] of boolean ; AttrCurValue: array [0..MaxSmartAttr] of integer ; AttrWorstVal: array [0..MaxSmartAttr] of integer ; AttrThreshold: array [0..MaxSmartAttr] of integer ; AttrRawValue: array [0..MaxSmartAttr] of Int*** ; AttrState: array [0..MaxSmartAttr] of string ; end ; function MagWmiScsiDiskInfo (drivenr: integer; var errinfo, model, serial: string ; var diskbytes: Int***): boolean ; This function returns the model, serial number and size in bytes for SCSI disk drives, and and some USB drives, where 0 is the first drive, 1 the second, etc. The installed drivers really determine whether this function will work or not. Example WMI Class and SELECT Statements --------------------------------------- Listed below are the WMI class and WQL language select statements provided by the demo program (in the drop down box). Look at the Microsoft WMI documentation for hundreds more classes. Using a class on it's own returns all information for all instances of the class. A WQL select statement (similar syntax to SQL) allows just the specifically required data to be returned. Win32_OperatingSystem Win32_Keyboard Win32_AutochkSetting Win32_DiskDrive Win32_DiskDrivePhysicalMedia Win32_PhysicalMedia Win32_LogicalDisk Win32_MappedLogicalDisk Win32_TapeDrive Win32_BaseBoard Win32_BIOS Win32_Bus Win32_DeviceSettings Win32_IDEController Win32_MemoryDevice Win32_PhysicalMemory Win32_PNPDevice Win32_PortConnector Win32_Processor Win32_SerialPort Win32_SerialPortConfiguration Win32_SerialPortSetting Win32_SoundDevice Win32_SystemBIOS Win32_USBController Win32_USBControllerDevice Win32_NetworkAdapter Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Win32_NetworkAdapterSetting Win32_Printer Win32_PrinterConfiguration Win32_POTSModem Win32_POTSModemToSerialPort Win32_DesktopMonitor Win32_DisplayConfiguration Win32_VideoController Win32_VideoSettings Win32_ActiveRoute Win32_IP4PersistedRouteTable Win32_IP4RouteTable Win32_NetworkClient Win32_NetworkConnection Win32_BootConfiguration Win32_ComputerSystem Win32_MotherboardDevice Win32_SystemUsers Win32_SystemTimeZone Win32_SystemSetting Win32_Account Win32_UserAccount Win32_SystemAccount Win32_Group Win32_LogonSession Win32_ComputerSystemWindowsProductActivation Win32_WindowsProductActivation Win32_FontIntoAction Win32_ScheduledJob Win32_Process Win32_ServiceControl Win32_Product Win32_TemperatureProbe Win32_StartupCommand Win32_BaseService Win32_Service Win32_Desktop Win32_Environment Win32_LogicalProgramGroup Win32_ProgramGroup Win32_PerfFormattedData_RemoteAccess_RASTotal Win32_PerfFormattedData_RemoteAccess_RASPort Win32_PerfRawData_RemoteAccess_RASPort SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE ConfigManagerErrorCode = 0 SELECT Name, MACAddress, ConfigManagerErrorCode, NetConnectionID FROM Win32_NetworkAdapter WHERE AdapterType = 'Ethernet 802.3' SELECT Name, Model, InterfaceType, MediaType, Size from Win32_DiskDrive SELECT Name, Description, DriveType, FileSystem, FreeSpace, Size, VolumeSerialNumber from Win32_LogicalDisk SELECT Description, IPAddress, IPSubnet, IPConnectionMetric, MACAddress, DefaultIPGateway FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE DefaultTTL > 1 Demonstration Application ------------------------- A Windows demonstration application TESTWMI1.EXE is supplied, with source and compiled program. It illustrates the use of almost all the functions described above. Beware some are dangerous, such as rebooting the computer, changing the IP address and renaming the computer. The edit box for Get Class or Query contains a drop down with the lots of classes, but others can be entered for testing. SMART Results ------------- Below are two sample results generated from the MagWmiSmartDiskFail function. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drive 0 IC25N040ATMR04-0; Serial Number MRG254K2FUMHYP; Capacity 37.3G SMART Test Passed OK Attribute Name State Cur Value Worst Value Threshold Raw Value Pre-Fail 1 Raw Read Error Rate OK 97 97 62 196,611 Yes 2 Throughput Performance OK 100 100 40 0 Yes 3 Spin Up Time OK 158 158 33 Yes 4 Start/Stop Count - 99 99 0 2,696 No 5 Reallocated Sector Count OK 100 100 5 0 Yes 7 Seek Error Rate OK 100 100 67 0 Yes 8 Seek Time Performance OK 100 100 40 0 Yes 9 Power On Count - 94 94 0 2,912 No 10 Spin Retry Count OK 100 100 60 0 Yes 12 Power Cycle Count - 99 99 0 2,***8 No 191 Unknown - 95 95 0 524,2*** No 192 Emergency Retract Cycle - *** *** 0 454 No 193 Load Cycle Count - 97 97 0 39,926 No 194 Temperature Celcius - 166 166 0 No 196 Reallocation Event Count - 100 100 0 237 No 197 Current Pending Sector - 100 100 0 44 No 1*** Off-line Uncorrectable - 100 100 0 0 No 199 Ultra ATA CRC Error Rate - 200 200 0 5 No ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drive 1 TOSHIBA MK1031GAS; Serial Number 75CQ1825S; Capacity 93.2G SMART Test Passed OK Attribute Name State Cur Value Worst Value Threshold Raw Value Pre-Fail 1 Raw Read Error Rate OK 100 100 50 0 Yes 2 Throughput Performance OK 100 100 50 0 Yes 3 Spin Up Time OK 100 100 1 1,272 Yes 4 Start/Stop Count - 100 100 0 167 No 5 Reallocated Sector Count OK 100 100 50 0 Yes 7 Seek Error Rate OK 100 100 50 0 Yes 8 Seek Time Performance OK 100 100 50 0 Yes 9 Power On Count - 99 99 0 562 No 10 Spin Retry Count OK 103 100 30 0 Yes 12 Power Cycle Count - 100 100 0 167 No 192 Emergency Retract Cycle - 100 100 0 2 No 193 Load Cycle Count - 100 100 0 2,861 No 194 Temperature Celcius - 100 100 0 No 196 Reallocation Event Count - 100 100 0 0 No 197 Current Pending Sector - 100 100 0 0 No 1*** Off-line Uncorrectable - 100 100 0 0 No 199 Ultra ATA CRC Error Rate - 200 200 0 0 No 220 Unknown - 100 100 0 74 No 222 Unknown - 99 99 0 415 No 223 Unknown - 100 100 0 0 No 224 Unknown - 100 100 0 0 No 226 Unknown - 100 100 0 346 No 240 Unknown OK 100 100 1 0 Yes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Files Enclo ... ...


