
开发工具:Visual Basic
上传日期:2009-07-30 22:08:49
上 传 者Elikwww
说明:   ATMEL ATmega - a GSM Modem or Mobile/Cell- Phone/Handy (ME) that supports AT-commands on a serial bus and the SMS PDU-Mode according to standard GSM 07.05 - connection between serial ports, RS232 V24 level shifter for configuration, output hardware (LEDs, Relais etc.), Inputs (switches etc.), Power Supply...

divios\eversmith_0_56a\bin\eversmith_m16_8Mhz.hex (14240, 2003-09-29)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\bootloader\AVRBootloader2_org.zip (11985, 2003-09-15)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\bootloader\bootloader_m16_at_8Mhz.hex (1151, 2003-09-25)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\bootloader\fuses_ponyprog.jpg (39521, 2003-09-24)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\bootloader\m16_boot.asm (12124, 2003-09-25)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\bootloader\Thumbs.db (5120, 2009-07-30)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\doc\distclean.cmd (625, 2003-10-11)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\doc\license.css (930, 2003-09-23)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\doc\license.htm (14810, 2003-09-24)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\doc\manual.pdf (89605, 2003-10-11)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\license.txt (13094, 2003-09-25)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\src\avrdude_eebackup.cmd (71, 2003-09-24)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\src\avrdude_eerestore.cmd (69, 2003-09-24)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\src\avrdude_prog.cmd (72, 2003-09-25)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\src\avrdude_reset.cmd (139, 2003-09-24)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\src\avrsms.asm (23717, 2003-09-29)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\src\eeprom.asm (6826, 2003-09-25)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\src\globals.inc (1656, 2003-09-29)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\src\keys.asm (5204, 2003-09-29)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\src\MenuUart.asm (6054, 2003-09-29)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\src\modem.asm (7663, 2003-09-29)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\src\PDU.asm (35953, 2003-09-29)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\src\switches.asm (2695, 2003-09-29)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\src\UART.asm (9940, 2003-09-29)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\src.rar (30680, 2009-07-30)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\bin (0, 2003-10-11)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\bootloader (0, 2003-10-11)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\doc (0, 2003-10-11)
divios\eversmith_0_56a\src (0, 2003-10-11)
divios\eversmith_0_56a (0, 2003-10-11)
divios (0, 2009-07-30)

Eversmith AVR-SMS (c) 2003 Martin Thomas Version 0.56a, Oct. 2003 | | see manual.pdf for more details | This is a firmware for ATMEL (www.atmel.com) ATmega microcontrollers to send and receive short messages in a GSM Network (SMS) with a GSM Mobile Phone/Cell Phone/Handy connected to the AVR serial port. The firmware is completely written in AVR-Assembler Code. You may call it: YAAS-Yet Another AVR SMS Software. Features: - Sends and receives Short Message in SMS PDU-Format. PDU creation and decoding is done on the fly, so only one memory area is needed that can be shared. - Switches output on receive of SMS. - Send status on demand. - Sends SMS if input pins where enabled. - Menu-based configuration - no special software needed. - Configuration values are kept in EEPROM storage. - Debouncing of input keys. - Buffered UART. - Compact code, but sometimes cryptic. (it’s Assembler and my first AVR-Project, 16 years after I’ve left the Commodore *** and 6510 Assembler) Required Hardware - ATMEL ATmega - a GSM Modem or Mobile/Cell- Phone/Handy (ME) that supports AT-commands on a serial bus and the SMS PDU-Mode according to standard GSM 07.05 - connection between serial ports, RS232 V24 level shifter for configuration, output hardware (LEDs, Relais etc.), Inputs (switches etc.), Power Supply... More details in the manual (manual.pdf). The supplied hex-file is for an ATmega16 at 8 MHz. Authors e-mail: eversmith@heizung-thomas.de Licensed under the Aladdin Free Public License - free for NON-COMMERCIAL use -


