
上传日期:2009-08-05 10:09:06
上 传 者liuliuxu
说明:  TI公司常用的编程 用于DSP控制电机 DSP型号为F281x
(TI DSP F281x)

TI常用例程\C30Fast_FFT\c30fast_fft.exe (28469, 2003-04-17)
TI常用例程\C30Fast_FFT\DISCLAIM.TXT (1740, 1997-03-26)
TI常用例程\C30Fast_FFT\LICO.CMD (287, 1989-07-24)
TI常用例程\C30Fast_FFT\R2DIT.ASM (20983, 1989-08-14)
TI常用例程\C30Fast_FFT\R2DITB.ASM (20822, 1989-08-14)
TI常用例程\C30Fast_FFT\TWID1KBR.ASM (18024, 1989-08-14)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\BITREV.ASM (2093, 1992-06-01)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\c30fft.exe (52497, 2003-04-17)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\DISCLAIM.TXT (1740, 1997-03-26)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\FORFFT.ASM (24930, 1992-05-08)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\FORFFT.CMD (1545, 1992-06-01)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\FORFFTC.C (2939, 1992-06-01)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\INVFFT.ASM (25775, 1992-05-08)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\INVFFT.CMD (1545, 1992-06-01)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\INVFFTC.C (2773, 1992-06-01)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\LICENSE.TXT (3518, 1992-10-14)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\MATH.H (2598, 1991-12-10)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\R2DIT.ASM (24639, 1993-06-28)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\R2DIT.CMD (1231, 1992-06-01)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\R2DITC.C (4447, 1992-06-01)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\R2IDIT.ASM (25475, 1993-06-28)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\R2IDIT.CMD (1233, 1992-06-01)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\R2IDITC.C (2921, 1992-06-01)
TI常用例程\C30FFT\VALUES.H (9155, 1992-03-18)
TI常用例程\fft2xx\ASSEMBLE.BAT (211, 1990-09-07)
TI常用例程\fft2xx\C26X0512.ASM (9606, 1990-09-05)
TI常用例程\fft2xx\C26X0512.BAT (37, 1990-09-07)
TI常用例程\fft2xx\C26X0512.CMD (947, 1990-09-07)
TI常用例程\fft2xx\C2CX0016.ASM (6718, 1990-09-05)
TI常用例程\fft2xx\C2CX0016.BAT (37, 1990-09-07)
TI常用例程\fft2xx\C2CX0016.CMD (862, 1990-09-07)
TI常用例程\fft2xx\C2CX0032.ASM (7167, 1990-09-05)
TI常用例程\fft2xx\C2CX0032.BAT (37, 1990-09-07)
TI常用例程\fft2xx\C2CX0032.CMD (862, 1990-09-07)
TI常用例程\fft2xx\C2CX0064.ASM (7660, 1990-09-05)
TI常用例程\fft2xx\C2CX0064.BAT (37, 1990-09-07)
TI常用例程\fft2xx\C2CX0064.CMD (812, 1990-09-07)
TI常用例程\fft2xx\C2CX0128.ASM (8252, 1990-09-05)
TI常用例程\fft2xx\C2CX0128.BAT (37, 1990-09-07)
... ...

DOCUMENTATION ABOUT NEW FFT CODES RUN WITH THE 320C3x ----------------------------------------------------- Attached to this Readme file you will find four FFT codes : FORFFT.asm is a radix-2 real forward FFT, INVFFT.asm is a radix-2 real inverse FFT, R2DIT.asm is a radix-2 complex forward FFT, R2IDIT.asm is a radix-2 complex inverse FFT. These codes are either new or improved existing code, and they are C callable functions. For instance the real forward FFT function can be called with the six following arguments : size of FFT, log size of FFT, location of FFT input data, location of FFT output data, location of sin/cos table, bit-reversing enable. To make it clearer and easier to use, examples of C programs which call these FFT codes are provided also here. They are called : FORFFTC.c for the radix-2 real forward FFT, INVFFTC.c for the radix-2 real inverse FFT, R2DITC.c for the radix-2 complex forward FFT, R2IDITC.c for the radix-2 complex inverse FFT. Link command files are also provided to show memory allocation of code and data sections when the programs are run on the C3x EVM ( the FFT programs can be run on the C3x simulator or emulator after checking memory allocation). These link command files are called : FORFFT.cmd for the radix-2 real forward FFT, INVFFT.cmd for the radix-2 real inverse FFT, R2DIT.cmd for the radix-2 complex forward FFT, R2IDIT.cmd for the radix-2 complex inverse FFT. In the case of the complex FFT algorithms, the sin/cos table must be arranged in bit-reverse order. BITREV.asm is doing it. The .asm and .c files were compiled with cl30 ( no option) command of the rev 4.4. C30 C compiler. BENCHMARK - RADIX-2 REAL FORWARD FFT ====================================== Number FFT Timing FFT Timing in ms Comments of points in cycles for 320C3x-40 --------- ---------- ---------------- -------- *** 810 0.041 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 128 1760 0.088 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 256 3940 0.197 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 512 8860 0.443 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 1024 1***20 0.991 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 2048 44k 2.208 Data only in internal RAM 4096 242k 12.110 Code only in internal RAM 8192 532k 26.570 Code only in internal RAM Bit-reversal operation is not included in this benchmark BENCHMARK - RADIX-2 REAL INVERSE FFT ====================================== Number FFT Timing FFT Timing in ms Comments of points in cycles for 320C3x-40 --------- ---------- ---------------- -------- *** 1070 0.054 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 128 2370 0.119 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 256 5290 0.265 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 512 11740 0.587 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 1024 25900 1.295 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 2048 ***k 3.210 Data only in internal RAM 4096 254k 12.710 Code only in internal RAM 8192 556k 27.770 Code only in internal RAM Bit-reversal operation and division by 1/FFT-SIZE is not included in this benchmark . BENCHMARK - RADIX-2 COMPLEX FORWARD FFT ========================================= Number FFT Timing FFT Timing in ms Comments of points in cycles for 320C3x-40 --------- ---------- ---------------- -------- *** 1480 0.074 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 128 3450 0.173 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 256 7870 0.394 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 512 17710 0.886 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 1024 39510 1.976 Data only in internal RAM 2048 208k 10.370 Code+twiddle in internal RAM 4096 456k 22.800 Twiddle in internal RAM Bit-reversal operation is not included in this benchmark . BENCHMARK - RADIX-2 COMPLEX INVERSE FFT ========================================= Number FFT Timing FFT Timing in ms Comments of points in cycles for 320C3x-40 --------- ---------- ---------------- -------- *** 2040 0.102 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 128 4520 0.226 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 256 9960 0.4*** Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 512 21850 1.093 Code+data+twiddle in int. RAM 1024 47750 2.388 Data only in internal RAM 2048 257k 12.850 Code+twiddle in internal RAM 4096 555k 27.750 Twiddle in internal RAM Bit-reversal operation is not included in this benchmark . Division by FFT-SIZE IS included in this benchmark. 


