
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-08-10 16:14:55
上 传 者masonwu21
说明:  基于DirectShow的开源mpeg1 mpeg2 解码器 filter,并且利用了MMX技术,我已验证可用,标清高清均可解,debug版本有点问题,release版可以用,有兴趣可以调调
(Based on the open source DirectShow codec mpeg1 mpeg2 filter, and the use of the MMX technology, I have to verify the availability of high-definition standard definition can be solution)

GPL MPEG Decoder\a_yuv2rgb.asm (42382, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\a_yuvtable.asm (18699, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\CVS\Entries (1548, 2009-08-10)
GPL MPEG Decoder\CVS\Entries.Extra (797, 2009-08-10)
GPL MPEG Decoder\CVS\Entries.Extra.Old (0, 2009-08-10)
GPL MPEG Decoder\CVS\Entries.Old (0, 2009-08-10)
GPL MPEG Decoder\CVS\Repository (18, 2009-08-10)
GPL MPEG Decoder\CVS\Root (69, 2009-08-10)
GPL MPEG Decoder\DeCSSInputPin.h (1053, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\detours.h (21251, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\detours.lib (178870, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\detours.pdb (110592, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\DSUtil.cpp (51774, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\DSUtil.h (7071, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\GPL MPEG Decoder.vcproj (6723, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\idct_mmx.obj (10091, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\libmpeg2.cpp (98556, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\libmpeg2.h (11675, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\License.txt (18349, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\MediaTypes.cpp (11046, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\MediaTypes.h (1274, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\moreuuids.h (4327, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\motion_comp_mmx.obj (8998, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\Mpeg2DecFilter.cpp (55512, 2004-01-11)
GPL MPEG Decoder\Mpeg2DecFilter.def (153, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\Mpeg2DecFilter.h (7342, 2004-01-11)
GPL MPEG Decoder\Mpeg2DecFilter.rc (5974, 2004-01-11)
GPL MPEG Decoder\Mpeg2DecFilterInterface.h (2923, 2004-01-11)
GPL MPEG Decoder\Mpeg2DecFilterUids.h (1380, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\NoDeCSSInputPin.cpp (2022, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\PropertyPage.h (2019, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\PropertyPageAbout.cpp (2623, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\PropertyPageSettings.cpp (8870, 2004-01-11)
GPL MPEG Decoder\resource.h (1097, 2004-01-08)
GPL MPEG Decoder\stdafx.cpp (1145, 2004-01-11)
GPL MPEG Decoder\stdafx.h (1527, 2004-01-11)
GPL MPEG Decoder\vd.cpp (25367, 2004-01-11)
GPL MPEG Decoder\vd.h (2499, 2004-01-11)
GPL MPEG Decoder\CVS (0, 2009-08-10)
GPL MPEG Decoder (0, 2009-08-10)
... ...


