
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-08-23 10:08:49
上 传 者lm365cn
说明:  无线网络仿真工具qualNet的几个应用实例,很有学习价值
(QualNet example)

Exercise\Chapter 5 Link Layer and Local Area Networks.htm (16903, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\basic.css (2634, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\degasnew.jpg (24919, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_analyzebutton.jpg (3487, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_analyzer.jpg (41955, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_animationfilter.jpg (18967, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_BW.jpg (47972, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_links.jpg (23446, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_menubar.jpg (9674, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_new_scen0.jpg (13669, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_new_scen1.jpg (17312, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_new_scen2.jpg (28366, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_nodes.jpg (21144, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_routes.jpg (30366, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_routfile_big.jpg (30547, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_run1.jpg (40101, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_run2.jpg (38745, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_runbutton.jpg (3359, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_statfile.jpg (41646, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_top.gif (8140, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 1 Computer Networks and the Internet.files\exp1_traffic.jpg (32322, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 2 Application Layer.files\basic.css (2634, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 2 Application Layer.files\degasnew.jpg (24919, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 2 Application Layer.files\exp2_analyzer.jpg (44132, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 2 Application Layer.files\exp2_aodv.jpg (49602, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 2 Application Layer.files\exp2_autoplacenode1.jpg (12139, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 2 Application Layer.files\exp2_autoplacenode2.jpg (12963, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 2 Application Layer.files\exp2_autoplacenode3.jpg (11834, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 2 Application Layer.files\exp2_http2.jpg (37989, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 2 Application Layer.files\exp2_http_attribute.jpg (38751, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 2 Application Layer.files\exp2_http_canvas.jpg (1703, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 2 Application Layer.files\exp2_nodes.jpg (17668, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 2 Application Layer.files\exp2_placenode_menu.jpg (12914, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 2 Application Layer.files\exp2_run1.jpg (40677, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 2 Application Layer.files\exp2_sha_0.jpg (27556, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 2 Application Layer.files\exp2_sha_1.jpg (12405, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 2 Application Layer.files\exp2_simutime.jpg (41250, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 3 Transport Layer.files\basic.css (2634, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 3 Transport Layer.files\cwnd_tahoe.jpg (41870, 2007-12-20)
Exercise\Chapter 3 Transport Layer.files\degasnew.jpg (24919, 2007-12-20)
... ...

Adding SRIP into QualNet 2007/10 ======================== Note: All directories referred in these instructions are relative to $QUALNET_HOME. 1. Copy source files (routing_srip.h and routing_srip.cpp) into the directory libraries/developer/src/ cp routing_srip.cpp routing_srip.h $QUALNET_HOME/libraries/developer/src/ 2. Modify the file include/network.h to let QualNet know about the new network layer protocol by adding: ROUTING_PROTOCOL_SRIP to the end of list of NetworkRoutingProtocolType enum. Also put a comma (,) at the end of the line before the insertion point if it is not already there. 3. Modify the file libraries/developer/src/network_ip.h to let IP layer know about the new IP protocol by adding: #define IPPROTO_SRIP 211 after the line '//InsertPatch ROUTING_IPPROTO'. Be sure to use an IP protocol number (e.g., 211) that is not already used by other protocols. 4. Hook all the SRIP functions into QualNet at the IP layer by modifying the file libraries/developer/src/network_ip.cpp as follows: - After the line '//InsertPatch HEADER_FILES,' add: #include "routing_srip.h" - After the line '//InsertPatch NETWORK_INIT_CODE' located inside the function NetworkIpInit(), add: else if (strcmp(protocolString, "SRIP") == 0) { NetworkIpAddUnicastRoutingProtocolType( node, ROUTING_PROTOCOL_SRIP, i); if (!NetworkIpGetRoutingProtocol(node, ROUTING_PROTOCOL_SRIP)) { SripInit( node, (SripData **) &ip->interfaceInfo[i]->routingProtocol, nodeInput, i); } else { NetworkIpUpdateUnicastRoutingProtocolAndRouterFunction( node, ROUTING_PROTOCOL_SRIP, i); } } - After the line '//InsertPatch NETWORK_IP_LAYER' located inside the function NetworkIpLayer(), add: case ROUTING_PROTOCOL_SRIP: { SripHandleProtocolEvent(node, msg); break; } - After the line '//InsertPatch FINALIZE_FUNCTION' located inside the function NetworkIpFinalize(), add: case ROUTING_PROTOCOL_SRIP: { SripFinalize(node); break; } - After the line '//InsertPatch NETWORK_HANDLE_PACKET' located inside the function DeliverPacket(), add: case IPPROTO_SRIP: { SripHandleProtocolPacket( node, msg, sourceAddress); break; } 5. Tell QualNet to incorporate SRIP code into the simulation by editing libraries/developer/Makefile-common - Insert the line $(DEVELOPER_SRCDIR)/routing_srip.cpp \ in the proper position of the alphabetically ordered list of "DEVELOPER_SRCS = \". Also put a backslash (\) at the end of the line before the insertion point if it is not already there. 6. Rebuild the .h dependencies by running 'make depend' from main/: cd $QUALNET_HOME/main make depend 7. Rebuild QualNet executable: make 8. Create a new main configuration file for SRIP by copying default.config into srip.config in bin/ directory, and modify the following two parameters: EXPERIMENT-NAME srip ROUTING-PROTOCOL SRIP Also add one more parameter for SRIP itself SRIP-UPDATE-INTERVAL 10S If you're already provided with srip.config and/or srip.app, just copy them into the bin/ directory 9. Test the protocol on the configuration file: cd $QUALNET_HOME/bin ./qualnet srip.config


