
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-08-25 17:01:40
上 传 者galihoo
说明:   isShield 是一个IIS ISAPI过滤器,防止破坏IIS的任何已知和未知的攻击。在IisShield预防的方法是增加值阻止,甚至还试图解释的请求试图打破在IIS。一份详细的日志引擎,IisShield帮助IIS管理员预先知道和防范已知或未知的攻击的IIS的HTTP流量在互联网上。 今天的互联网风险,必须在各级和应用层防火墙的保护是一项新兴技术,需要提供更高的保护级别,由于HTTP协议层的攻击类新的Web服务器。 配置相当详细提供准确的能力,决定了什么是接受的,什么是不就HTTP层。 RFC符合性只是对IisShield的核心特征之一,提供的服务质量保证到IIS管理器。 IisShield运行在IIS 4.0中,IIS 5.x和IIS 6.0中。
(isShield is an IIS ISAPI Filter preventing any known and unknown attacks from disrupting IIS. The preventive approach of IisShield is an added value preventing IIS from even trying to interpret requests trying to break-in. With a detailed logging engine, IisShield helps IIS administrators to know in advance and protect IIS from known or unknown HTTP attacks that flow over the Internet. Today s Internet exposure must be protected at all levels and Application Layer Firewalls are an emerging technology providing a needed higher level of protection to Web Servers given the new class of attacks over the HTTP protocol layer. The configuration is quite detailed giving the ability to precisely decide over what is accepted and what is not regarding the HTTP Layer. RFC Compliance is just one of the core features of IisShield offering an assurance of quality of service to the IIS Administrator. IisShield runs in IIS 4.0, IIS 5.x and IIS 6.0. )

code (0, 2009-08-18)
code\IisShield.sln (1233, 2009-08-18)
code\IisShield.vssscc (256, 2009-08-18)
code\src (0, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Buffer.cpp (8713, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Buffer.h (1673, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Config.cpp (3095, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Config.h (599, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Context.cpp (2865, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Context.h (753, 2009-08-18)
code\src\CriticalSection.h (385, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Default.ini (8158, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Defs.cpp (259, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Defs.h (2809, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Error.h (6162, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Exception.h (424, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Extension.cpp (6925, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Extension.h (223, 2009-08-18)
code\src\File.cpp (1978, 2009-08-18)
code\src\File.h (508, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Filter.cpp (14259, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Filter.h (352, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Header.h (126, 2009-08-18)
code\src\IisShield.cpp (1005, 2009-08-18)
code\src\IisShield.def (198, 2009-08-18)
code\src\IisShield.ini (3763, 2009-08-18)
code\src\IisShield.rc (2781, 2009-08-18)
code\src\IisShield.vcproj (8384, 2009-08-18)
code\src\IisShield.vcproj.vspscc (257, 2009-08-18)
code\src\List.h (1298, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Log.cpp (4116, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Log.h (789, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Memory.cpp (551, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Memory.h (189, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Request.cpp (3877, 2009-08-18)
code\src\Request.h (929, 2009-08-18)
code\src\resource.h (403, 2009-08-18)
code\src\RuleByKey.cpp (1664, 2009-08-18)
code\src\RuleByKey.h (412, 2009-08-18)
code\src\RuleFlag.cpp (626, 2009-08-18)
... ...


