
上传日期:2009-09-24 10:24:16
上 传 者joman1
说明:  报表控件,可以使用delphi开发多种样式的报表
(Report Control, you can use delphi development of a variety of styles report)

FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\changes.txt (2623, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\changes_rus.txt (2670, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Dll\CALLDLL.DPR (206, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Dll\CALLDLL.RES (876, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Dll\FormDLL.dfm (2610, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Dll\FormDLL.pas (1304, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Dll\Rptdll.dpr (112, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Dll\RPTDLL.RES (876, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Dll\TestDLL.dfm (638, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Dll\TestDLL.pas (1068, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\InteractiveReport\Project1.dpr (188, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\InteractiveReport\Project1.res (876, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\InteractiveReport\Unit1.dfm (19271, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\InteractiveReport\Unit1.pas (3407, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\1.fr3 (5076, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\10.FR3 (16363, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\11.FR3 (4225, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\12.FR3 (5023, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\13.fr3 (2072, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\2.FR3 (7571, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\21.FR3 (2883, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\22.FR3 (7563, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\23.FR3 (161728, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\24.FR3 (7071, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\3.FR3 (14705, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\31.FR3 (3946, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\32.FR3 (62386, 2008-08-19)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\33.FR3 (14751, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\34.FR3 (15097, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\35.fr3 (17482, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\4.FR3 (11362, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\41.FR3 (1884, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\42.FR3 (2013, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\43.FR3 (2460, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\44.fr3 (7770, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\45.fr3 (10984, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\5.FR3 (3216, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\51.FR3 (5617, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\52.FR3 (6369, 2005-01-16)
FastReportv3.09\FastReportv3.09\Demos\Main\6.FR3 (4658, 2005-01-16)
... ...

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1251\deff0\deflang1049\deflangfe1049\deftab708{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset204 Arial;}} {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue255;} \viewkind4\uc1\pard\nowidctlpar\ri3235\lang1033\b\f0\fs16 FastReport 3\par for Delphi 4-7 & C++Builder 4-6\par \b0\par -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\par \par \b TABLE OF CONTENTS\par \b0\par 1. Introduction\par 2. Capabilities\par 3. Backward compatibility\par 5. Ordering\par \par -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\par \par \b 1. INTRODUCTION\par \b0\par FastReport 3 is new generation of the report generators components. It consists of \line report engine, designer and preview. FastReport 3 can be installed in Delphi 4-7 and \line C++Builder 4-6.\par \par FastReport 3 is "try before buy". See "Ordering" topic for details.\par \par -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\par \par \b 2. CAPABILITIES\par \b0\par - Band-oriented report generator.\par - Fast, compact and flexible code allows you to extend FastReport functionality.\par No additional DLLs needed.\par - Built-in powerful and easy-to-use designer (also available in run-time).\par - Full WYSIWYG\par - Set of most useful components: Text, Line, Diagonal line, Picture, Shape, OLE, \line RichText, Chart, Barcode. You can also write your own components.\par - Ability to export your reports to other formats (such as TXT, RTF, HTML, PDF, XLS, \line XML, JPG, BMP, TIFF). \par - Dot matrix reports. \par \par - Built-in language allows you write code without programming in Delphi. \par It allows you to create reports that can't be created in other tools. \par - Various fill types, shadow.\par - Script editor with syntax highligt.\par - One script in the report (like an unit in the Delphi). \par - Dramatically increased performance. \par - Strict type checking. \par - Multi-language architecture allows you to use many script languages (Pascal, C++, Basic, \line Java). \par - Access to any object inside your application (in case you've allowed this). Standard \line libraries to access to base classes, controls and forms. Easily expandable library \line architecture. \par - Debugger.\par \par - Report preview with "Search text" and "Edit" functions.\par - Text rotation 0..360 degrees.\par - Paragraph gap. \par - Memo object supports simple html-tags (font color, b, i, u, sub, sup). \par - Styles. \par - Text flow. \par - URLs, Anchors \par - Zooming in designer. \par - In-place editing. \par - Rulers, guides. \par - Grid: mm, inches, pixels. \par - Wizard for base type reports. \par - Copy objects to Windows clipboard. \par - Full Undo/Redo.\par \par - reports can contain dialogue forms that you can use to ask parameters before \line prepare a report. You can have as many dialogs as you need. FastReport uses the \line same designer for dialogs and have set of standard dialog controls like Button, Edit, \line CheckBox and other.\par - Storing reports in XML format, compressed XML format (compatible with GZip) also \line available.\par - Set of DB engines for FastReport allow you to create table/query/database \line components in run-time. Your reports can be completely independent of your \line application!\par - You can use FastReport in international applications.\par - Full Bi-directional text output.\par \par -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\par \par \b 3. BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY\par \b0\par You can't use old .frf files in FastReport 3. Use FastReport 2.53 for convert old files (from FR 2.*) to new FastReport 3. FastReport 3 and FastReport 2.* can work together in one time (design and run-time mode). Step by step migration from version 2.* to 3.0 is really possible.\par \par -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\par \par \b 4. ORDERING\par \b0\par FastReport 3 is "try before buy". You can try trial version of FastReport 3, which prints \line only five pages of report. Full version of Product does not contain such restrictions and \line shipped with compiled modules (Basic Edition and Standard Edition) or with full \line source code (Professional Edition and Enterprise Edition). FastScript components \par included in all versions except Basic Edition (it contains trial version of FastScript).\par \par Price:\par \par FastReport 3 Basic Edition $79\par FastReport 3 Standard Edition $179\par FastReport 3 Professional Edition $249\par FastReport 3 Enterprise Edition $349\par \par You can register it with Emetrix, RegisterNow! or ShareIt online services which \line accepts all kinds of payment. \par Use this link for register: \cf1\ul \cf0\ulnone \par Registered users gets technical support and can get minor upgrade to the next version of FR with no additional payment.\par \par Registered users of FastReport 2.* and FastScript can buy FastReport 3 with \line discount. Upgrade details: \cf1\ul \cf0\ulnone\par \par See Dealers.txt for more information about our resellers in countries.\par \par -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\par \par \b Fast Reports Inc. \par \b0\par e-mail: \tab\cf1\ul \cf0\ulnone\par web site: \cf1\ul \cf0\ulnone\par \par \par \pard\b\f1\par }


