
上传日期:2009-10-05 21:49:51
上 传 者sheng2019
说明:  Toolbox for log-spectral magnitude MMSE estimators under super-Gaussian densities.
(Toolbox for log-spectral magnitude MMSE estimators under super-Gaussian densities.)

ConflHyperGeomFun.m (3368, 2007-11-23)
TabulateGainGamma2logmmse.m (2148, 2009-09-29)
license.txt (1559, 2009-09-29)
log_mmse_supergaus.m (772, 2009-09-29)
lookup_gain_in_table.m (1733, 2009-06-15)

The matlab files enclosed in this toolbox can be used to tabulate gain functions for log-spectral magnitude MMSE estimators under an assumed Generalized- Gamma model for the clean speech magnitude DFT coefficients. For the theory behind these estimators and constraints on the parameters we refer to the article [1] R.C.Hendriks, R.Heusdens and J.Jensen "Log-spectral magnitude MMSE estimators under super-Gaussian densities", Interspeech, 2009. Short description of the 2 main m-files (see the headers of the files for more info): For an assumed Generalized-Gamma prior density of the magnitude DFT coefficients with gamma=2 and specific nu parameter the m-file [G1]=TabulateGainGamma2logmmse(Rprior,Rpost,nu) tabulates the gain function for the log-spectral magnitude DFT coefficients, For mathematical expressions of the gain functions for these estimators see [1]. The range of a priori and a posteriori SNRs is -40 to 40 dB in 1 dB steps. Each row of the gain matrices is for a different a priori SNR, while a posteriori SNR varies along columns. Given the tabulated gain function, a vector of gain values for pairs of a priori and a posteriori SNRs can be selected using the m-file [gains]=lookup_gain_in_table(G,a_post,a_priori,a_post_range,a_priori_range); where a_post and a_priori are vectors with the a posteriori and a priori SNRs respectively. The vectors a_post and a_priori should have equal lengths. The parameters a_post_range and a_priori_range indicate the ranges in dBs used in the gain table G. The scriptfile log_mmse_supergaus gives an example of the usage of the aforementioned m-files. Implementations of the special functions are based on S. Zhang & J. Jin "Computation of Special Functions" (Wiley, 1996) with implementations available online: http://iris-lee3.ece.uiuc.edu/~jjin/routines/routines.html The implementations of these special functions in the toolbox have been adapted with respect to the original implementations such that they can handle vector arguments as well. Copyright 2009: Delft University of Technology, Information and Communication Theory Group. The software is free for non-commercial use. This program comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. June, 2009 R. C. Hendriks


