开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-10-11 16:55:44
上 传 者linsnlin
说明:  与之前的OpenGL vc6.0不同,这是。Net环境下的源码
(With the previous OpenGL vc6.0 different, yes. Net environment of the source)

OGLWiz7 (0, 2002-08-26)
OGLWiz7\1033 (0, 2002-08-26)
OGLWiz7\1033\styles.css (17205, 2001-01-16)
OGLWiz7\HTML (0, 2002-08-26)
OGLWiz7\HTML\1033 (0, 2002-08-26)
OGLWiz7\HTML\1033\default.htm (12150, 2003-04-25)
OGLWiz7\Images (0, 2002-08-26)
OGLWiz7\Images\OGLWiz7.gif (524, 2001-04-13)
OGLWiz7\Images\OGLWiz7_Background.gif (811, 2001-04-13)
OGLWiz7\Scripts (0, 2002-08-26)
OGLWiz7\Scripts\1033 (0, 2002-08-26)
OGLWiz7\Scripts\1033\default.js (6353, 2002-07-31)
OGLWiz7\Templates (0, 2002-08-26)
OGLWiz7\Templates\1033 (0, 2002-08-26)
OGLWiz7\Templates\1033\Templates.inf (114, 2002-05-23)
OGLWiz7\Templates\1033\res (0, 2002-08-26)
OGLWiz7\Templates\1033\res\Mainicon.ico (3638, 2002-05-15)
OGLWiz7\Templates\1033\App.cpp (10921, 2002-07-26)
OGLWiz7\Templates\1033\App.h (2438, 2002-07-26)
OGLWiz7\Templates\1033\OGLBase.cpp (5713, 2002-05-25)
OGLWiz7\Templates\1033\OGLBase.h (1206, 2002-05-25)
OGLWiz7\Templates\1033\OGLBase.rc (4047, 2002-05-23)
OGLWiz7\Templates\1033\resource.h (905, 2002-05-15)
OGLWiz7\Templates\1033\StdAfx.cpp (294, 2002-05-15)
OGLWiz7\Templates\1033\StdAfx.h (842, 2002-05-25)
OGLWiz7\OGLWiz7.ico (3638, 2002-05-15)
OGLWiz7\OGLWiz7.sln (914, 2002-05-21)
OGLWiz7\OGLWiz7.vcproj (3201, 2002-05-23)
OGLWiz7\OGLWiz7.vsdir (66, 2002-05-23)
OGLWiz7\OGLWiz7.vsz (212, 2002-08-26)
read.txt (122, 2009-10-11)

---------------------------------- Description ---------------------------------- OpenGL Win32 AppWizard By Ulf hlén, ulf_ohlen@hotmail.com A Custom AppWizard for VC++.NET that creates an OpenGL enabled Win32 application suitable for demos and simple games. ---------------------------------- Installation ---------------------------------- 1. Unzip the entire OGLWiz7 folder to your hard drive. Visual Studio's VCWizars folder (typically "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\VCWizards") is a good place to put it. 2. Move OGLWiz7.ico, OGLWiz7.vsdir and OGLWiz7.vsz to the folder vcprojects, usually "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\vcprojects". 3. Open OGLWiz7.vsz in a text editor. Change the ABSOLUTE_PATH parameter to point to the folder where you installed the wizard. For example: Param="ABSOLUTE_PATH = C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET\Vc7\VCWizards\OGLWiz7" ---------------------------------- Using the wizard ---------------------------------- In VS.NET, select "File/New.../Project" in the menu. Go to "Visual C++ Projects" and select the item "OGLWiz". Enter a project name and press OK. The following options to customize the project are available: - Menu: Check this box to add a menu to the main window. - Keyboard accelerator: Adds a keyboard accelerator resource and processes accelerator keys. - About box: Creates an about dialog and a dialog callback routine. Also adds an About command to the menu (if available). - Show FPS in caption: Adds code to show Frames Per Second on regular intervals. (Not available in fullscreen mode) - Use OpenGL: Adds code to initialize and maintain an OpenGL RC. If this box is not checked, a plain Win32 application is created. - Sample code: Adds code that renders a simple OpenGL scene (spinning cube). - Double buffering: Creates a double-buffered pixel buffer. - Window mode: Determines behaviour of the main window. Window: Creates an overlapped window with default size/position. Fullscreen: Creates a topmost popup window that occupies the entire screen. Ask: The user is asked at runtime if the application should run in fullscreen or not. - Color depth: Number of color bitplanes in each color buffer. - Z-buffer depth: Bit-depth of the Z-buffer. - Background color: Enter the R, G and B values for default background color. ---------------------------------- Overview of the generated project ---------------------------------- Two classes are generated by the wizard: - CApp - CMyApp, where "My" is the project name CApp is an abstract base class for a single-window Win32 application. It takes care of creating a window, initializing OpenGL(optional), starting the message pump etc. Only one instance of any class derived from CApp is allowed. This class should not need to be changed much. CMyApp derives from CApp and is used for application specific code. It overrides a number of virtual functions in CApp. See source code comments for details.


