
开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-11-11 10:14:08
上 传 者铜牌
说明:  A星算法的经典模型,实现了寻找最短路径,并且用按钮实现了这些使用的方法
(A classic model of satellite algorithm to realize the search for the shortest path, and used the button the methods used to achieve these)

经典A星算法\ase\aiwisdom.ase (76824, 2001-06-25)
经典A星算法\ase\ase.cpp (3739, 2001-06-30)
经典A星算法\ase\ase.dsp (4888, 2001-07-06)
经典A星算法\ase\ase.dsw (531, 2001-06-21)
经典A星算法\ase\ase.exe (49152, 2001-09-01)
经典A星算法\ase\ase.h (491, 2001-06-30)
经典A星算法\ase\ase.ncb (140288, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\ase.opt (65024, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\ase.plg (240, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\ase.rc (17381, 2001-09-01)
经典A星算法\ase\aseDoc.cpp (11306, 2001-07-06)
经典A星算法\ase\aseDoc.h (2811, 2001-07-06)
经典A星算法\ase\aseView.cpp (8056, 2001-07-05)
经典A星算法\ase\aseView.h (1635, 2001-07-04)
经典A星算法\ase\asincludes.h (1314, 2001-07-06)
经典A星算法\ase\complex.ase (76824, 2001-07-19)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\ase.exe (159805, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\ase.ilk (425792, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\ase.obj (22723, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\ase.pch (6891388, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\ase.pdb (410624, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\ase.res (14964, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\ase.sbr (13740, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\aseDoc.obj (51668, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\aseDoc.sbr (18910, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\aseView.obj (44083, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\aseView.sbr (16449, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\MainFrm.obj (26131, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\MainFrm.sbr (14290, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\NodeView.obj (34242, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\NodeView.sbr (14504, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\PathFinder.obj (17921, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\PathFinder.sbr (8875, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\StdAfx.obj (105600, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\StdAfx.sbr (1376914, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\vc60.idb (222208, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\Debug\vc60.pdb (372736, 2009-11-10)
经典A星算法\ase\MainFrm.cpp (3619, 2001-07-02)
经典A星算法\ase\MainFrm.h (1054, 2001-07-02)
经典A星算法\ase\NodeView.cpp (5519, 2001-07-04)
... ...

Program: A* Explorer Author: James Matthews Version: 1.0 (1st September, 2001) - This program was written as an example program for my chapter in AI Wisdom published by Charles River Media, "Basic A* Pathfinding Made Simple". - Check Generation5 for latest executable and help files: ================================= F E A T U R E S ================================= - Draw, load and save maps. - View the A* tree and open/closed lists. - Run or Step the A*. - Breakpoints and 5 break conditions. Set a breakpoint by double-right clicking on a point on the map. If that point is queried, the A* will break allowing you to examine the tree as well as the open and closed lists. ================================= B U G S A N D Q U I R K S ================================= - Quirk: If a node changes parent, the A* tree doesn't update to reflect this. - Quirk: Do not place the goal node on a impassable (black) piece, since it will render the goal unreachable. - Quirk: The A* tree doesn't update when "Continous Update" is selected. This is for efficiency reasons. ================================= F U T U R E F E A T U R E S ? ================================= - Hexagonal map support. - CAStar should really support distance function overloading. - Improve the nasty saving/loading code. Any comments would be welcome at Enjoy! - James


