开发工具:Visual C++
上传日期:2009-11-13 16:15:09
上 传 者aday_gao
说明:  模拟超声波传播过程中非线性现象,输出非线性畸变波形
(Simulation of ultrasonic wave propagation in non-linear phenomena,Non-linear distortion output waveform)

KZK\create_initial.m (1208, 2009-11-02)
KZK\declar.h (860, 2000-12-07)
KZK\Examples\monorelax.cfg (586, 2009-11-02)
KZK\Examples\nonlinear.cfg (608, 2009-11-02)
KZK\Examples\user_input.wvf (811640, 2009-11-02)
KZK\Examples\user_nonlinear.cfg (571, 2009-11-02)
KZK\Examples\user_nonlinear.wvf (81736, 2009-11-02)
KZK\KZK.cpp (29917, 2001-02-16)
KZK\KZK.dsp (4583, 2001-02-15)
KZK\KZK.dsw (529, 2000-12-27)
KZK\KZK.exe (65536, 2001-02-16)
KZK\kzk.m (627, 2009-11-02)
KZK\read_kzk.m (1321, 2009-11-02)
KZK\StdAfx.cpp (290, 2000-12-27)
KZK\StdAfx.h (667, 2000-12-27)
KZK\Examples (0, 2009-11-02)
KZK (0, 2009-11-02)

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Time-domain KZK program for Windows //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The program KZK.exe is a Win32 Console Application generated from the Microsoft Developer Studio KZK project by S. Manneville (february 2001). KZK.cpp is a C++ version of the fortran KZKtexas2.f code written by R. Cleveland & M. Hamilton (october 19***). It comes with Matlab files, that are useful to run the simulation from the Matlab command window, load and plot the results of a simulation, or generate user-defined initial waveforms. The present WinZip archive is supposed to be extracted into an empty default directory called C:\KZK\. If you want to run the simulation from another directory, you will have to change the paths in the input text files (*.cfg) used by KZK.exe. If you are running the simulation from the Matlab M-files (*.m), the paths will have to be modified as well. In order to change the source files and recompile the project, the project settings may need to be adjusted to account for machine-dependent directories containing dlls, headers or other C++ libraries. The application KZK.exe should work on any PC running Windows9x, Windows ME, Windows 2000 or Windows NT. Please report any bug to Sebastien Manneville at or //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This set of files contains the time domain computer code developed at U Texas Austin, for solving the KZK equation in the case of a focused source. The code accounts for nonlinearity, diffraction, thermoviscous absoprtion, and multiple relaxation frequencies. Refer to the following articles for the details of the code: [1] Yang Sub-Lee, "Numerical solution of the KZK equation for pulsed finite- amplitude sound beams in thermoviscous fluids", Ph D dissertation, The University of Texas at Austin, December 1993. [2] Yang Sub-Lee and Mark F. Hamilton, "Time-domain modeling of finite- amplitude beams", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97, 906-917 (1995). [3] Robin O. Cleveland, Mark F. Hamilton, and David T. Blackstock, "Time-domain modeling of finite-amplitude waves in relaxing fluids", J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 99, 3312-3318 (1996). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The present WinZip archive contains the following files: KZK.cpp This is the main application source file. KZK.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.dsp) file, but they should export the makefiles locally. KZK.dsw This file contains the workspace information corresponding to the project KZK.dsp KZK.exe This is the console application generated by compiling the project in the release mode. StdAfx.h, StdAfx.cpp These files are used to build a precompiled header (PCH) file named KZK.pch and a precompiled types file named StdAfx.obj. declar.h This header file contains the declarations of structures used in KZK.cpp KZK.cpp also requires the standard files stdio.h, stdlib.h, string.h, malloc.h, math.h, process.h to be present on your PC. kzk.m A Matlab M-file that launches the KZK simulation from the Matlab command line. Add the directory containing the KZK simulation to your Matlab path change the parameters KZKdir, CFGdir, or param_file, and just type 'kzk' in the Matlab command window to run KZK.exe with your own parameters. read_kzk.m This M-file reads and plots the results of a KZK simulation. Adjust the parameters RESdir, name, and IndexPlot to load the data corresponding to your results. create_initial.m Change this M-file to define and store your own initial pressure waveform. The initial pressure data is axisymmetric and should be specified for rho=0 to the value of rho corresponding to the edge of the piston. Steps in both rho and time can be chosen arbitrarily. The version found in this archive generates an input waveform called 'user_input.wvf' that corresponds to a focused beam with G=5 and given by Eq. (5.1) in Ref. [1]. This input waveform is then supposed to be used with the 'user_nonlinear.cfg' parameter example file. \Examples\ : This directory contains various examples of input text files (.cfg). If needed, change the name of the default directory 'C:\KZK\Examples\' to your custom directory in the various paths present in the input files. nonlinear.cfg : input file with diffraction, absorption, and nonlinearity that generates Fig. 5.25 from Ref. [1]. user_nonlinear.cfg : input file that reads the user-defined initial pressure data 'user_input.wvf' and generates Fig. 5.26 from Ref. [1]. create_initial.m should be run prior to using this input file in order to create the initial binary file 'user_input.wvf'. monorelax.cfg : input file with diffraction, absorption, nonlinearity, and one relaxation process that generates Fig. 3 from Ref. [3]. Example: if you installed the simulation in the default directory C:\KZK\, you can use Matlab and the following procedure to simulate a 3-cycle pulse propagating from a circular transducer of gain G=5 in a non-linear (N=1) and highly absorbing (A=20) medium with an initial data file: 1) Add the KZK directory to your Matlab path or change the current working directory to the KZK directory. 2) Generate the initial pressure binary file 'user_input.wvf' by typing 'create_waveform' in the Matlab command window. 3) Run KZK.exe with the 'user_nonlinear.cfg' input file by typing 'kzk' in the Matlab command window. This input file will read the initial data and KZK.exe will run for about 4 minutes on a 1 GHz Pentium III processor. The results wiil be stored in a binary file called 'user_nonlinear.wvf'. 4) Read and plot the data contained in the result file by typing 'read_kzk' in the Matlab command window. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////


