
上传日期:2009-11-19 22:39:11
上 传 者skycolor
说明:  Director chajian,包括许多Director实用插件,很不错的。
(Director chajian, including many Director useful plug-ins, very good.)

Director插件\killtransition\CREDITS.DIR (369288, 1996-08-01)
Director插件\killtransition\CREDITS.EXE (1712479, 1996-08-01)
Director插件\killtransition\ISDBGN.DLL (129536, 1995-10-02)
Director插件\killtransition\KILL2WIN.DIR (192000, 1996-08-03)
Director插件\killtransition\MANUALV1.RTF (122546, 1996-08-05)
Director插件\killtransition\MANUALV1.TXT (78279, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\MANUALV1.WRI (92416, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\SETUP.BMP (256822, 1996-08-01)
Director插件\killtransition\SETUP.EXE (47616, 1996-01-22)
Director插件\killtransition\SETUP.INI (45, 1995-12-11)
Director插件\killtransition\SETUP.INS (60986, 1996-08-01)
Director插件\killtransition\SHARK.DLL (49152, 1996-08-01)
Director插件\killtransition\_INST32I.EX_ (306666, 1996-01-22)
Director插件\killtransition\_ISDEL.EXE (8192, 1995-09-07)
Director插件\killtransition\_SETUP.DLL (10752, 1995-09-26)
Director插件\killtransition\_SETUP.LIB (43957, 1996-01-22)
Director插件\killtransition\sn.txt (24, 2003-11-09)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\HYBRIDS\BYTES2.X32 (158720, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\HYBRIDS\FIREWRKS.X32 (159744, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\HYBRIDS\INVERS.X32 (139776, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\HYBRIDS\KINETICS.X32 (151040, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\HYBRIDS\LIQFADE.X32 (128000, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\HYBRIDS\RAIN.X32 (147968, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\KILLER_H\BYTES2FA.T (97871, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\KILLER_H\FIREWORK.SFA (104222, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\KILLER_H\ICON_ (0, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\KILLER_H\INVERSEC.TIO (95726, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\KILLER_H\KINETICS.FAT (105520, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\KILLER_H\LIQUIDFA.DEF (83934, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\KILLER_H\RAINFAT (101801, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\KILLER_P\ASSEMBLE.FAT (94165, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\KILLER_P\CASCADEF.AT (115240, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\KILLER_P\CLOCKOUT.FAT (100190, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\KILLER_P\ICON_ (0, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\KILLER_P\LIQUIDTI.LES (112639, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\KILLER_P\SELFDEST.RUC (110206, 1996-08-04)
Director插件\killtransition\XTRAS\KILLER_P\SHATTERE.DFA (113107, 1996-08-04)
... ...

{\rtf1\mac \deff78\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f9\fnil\fcharset77\fprq2 Helvetica;}{\f78\fnil\fcharset77\fprq2 N Helvetica Narrow;}{\f207\fscript\fcharset0\fprq0 N4\'01\'e9L\'c4{\*\falt Times};}}{\colortbl;\red0\green0\blue0; \red0\green0\blue255;\red0\green204\blue255;\red0\green221\blue0;\red255\green0\blue255;\red255\green0\blue0;\red255\green255\blue0;\red255\green255\blue255;\red0\green0\blue136;\red0\green153\blue153;\red0\green119\blue0;\red204\green0\blue204; \red136\green0\blue0;\red153\green153\blue0;\red119\green119\blue119;\red187\green187\blue187;}{\stylesheet{\widctlpar \f78 \snext0 Normal;}{\*\cs10 \additive Default Paragraph Font;}}{\info{\author David Gartner}{\creatim\yr1996\mo8\dy1\hr10\min28} {\version1}{\edmins0}{\nofpages0}{\nofwords0}{\nofchars0}{\vern49217}}\widowctrl\ftnbj\aenddoc\hyphcaps0\formshade \fet0\sectd \linex0\endnhere {\*\pnseclvl1\pnucrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl2\pnucltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl3\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta .}}{\*\pnseclvl4\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl5\pndec\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl6\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang {\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl7\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl8\pnlcltr\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}{\*\pnseclvl9\pnlcrm\pnstart1\pnindent720\pnhang{\pntxtb (}{\pntxta )}}\pard\plain \widctlpar \f78 {\b\f9\fs48\cf1 Killer Transitions}{\b\f207\fs48\cf1 }{\b\f207\fs36\cf1 Read Me (or be eaten!)}{\b\f207\fs48\cf1 \par }{\f207\cf1 \par }{\b\f207\fs28\cf1 OVERVIEW AND INSTALLATION \par }{\f207\cf1 \par Thank you for purchasing KILLER Transitions. \par \par KILLER Transitions allows you to add amazing special transition effects to your Director\'a8 5.x and Authorware\'a8 3.5 multimedia productions. This file contains all of the documentation you need to get started using KILLER Transitions! \par \par }{\b\f207\cf1 What is KILLER Transitions V1? \par }{\f207\cf1 \par KILLER Transitions contains over 50 major special transition effects which can be used in your Macromedia\'a8 Director and Authorware productions to add new visual transitions to your display. Each of the KILLER Transitions effects has many powerful settings which can be used to alter the effect to create literally thousands of transition results. \par \par KILLER Transitions is provided as a set of Xtras for Director and Authorware. Xtras are special \ldblquote plug-ins\rdblquote which add new functionality to your Macromedia applicat ion's capabilities. Through the Xtras provided in the KILLER Transitions package, you can add new transition effects to any multimedia production, including those that you deliver using Macromedia Shockwave\'aa technology! \par \par KILLER Transition supports the Macintosh 68K, PowerPC and Windows 95 and NT operating systems. Windows 3.1 playback support will be provided through a free downloadable update available from our websites: \par \par \par \par \par }{\b\f207\cf1 How To Install KILLER Transitions V1 \par }{\f207\cf1 \par When Director or Authorware launches, it automatically makes available Xtras that are in one of two places: \par \par }{\f207\ul\cf1 Macintosh \par }{\f207\cf1 \par Location #1:\tab The }{\b\f207\cf1 Xtras}{\f207\cf1 folder which is in the same location as your Director application. \par Location #2:\tab The }{\b\f207\cf1 Macromedia:Xtras}{\f207\cf1 folder contained in your System folder. \par \par }{\f207\ul\cf1 Windows \par }{\f207\cf1 \par Location #1:\tab The }{\b\f207\cf1 Xtras}{\f207\cf1 subirectory which is in the same location as your Director application. \par Location #2:\tab The }{\b\f207\cf1 Program Files\\Common Files\\Macromedia\\Xtras}{\f207\cf1 subdirectory on Windows 95 or Windows NT \par \par To make the KILLER Transitions Xtras available to your copy of Director or Authorware, you simply need to run the KILLER Transitions Installer contained in the root directory of this CD. \par \par Follow the prompts provided by the installer. You will get the option to choose a Custom installation to re-install only select portions of the KILLER Transitions product. \par }{\b\f207\fs28\cf1 \par GETTING STARTED \par }{\b\f207\cf1 \par How To Use KILLER Transitions V1 \par }{\f207\cf1 \par Once you have properly installed KILLER Transitions as described above, you can use the standard user interface of Macromedia Director or Authorware to apply them to your projects. For more documentation on this, please refer to the KILLER Transitions Manual file located on the root directory of this CD. \par \par }{\b\f207\cf1 More Usage Information \par }{\f207\cf1 \par For more details on using transitions in Director, please refer to the section titled \ldblquote Working with Transitions\rdblquote in Chapter 5 of your \ldblquote Using Director\rdblquote manual. \par \par For more details on using transitions in Authorware, please refer to the section titled \ldblquote Transition Xtras\rdblquote in Chapter 2 of your \ldblquote What's New in Authorware 3.5\rdblquote manual. \par \par }{\b\f207\cf1 Shipping a Projector with KILLER Transitions V1 Xtras \par }{\f207\cf1 \par All but one of the KILLER Transition Xtras can be shipped as part of a Director or Authorware multimedia project. \par \par }{\b\f9\cf1 IMPORTANT NOTE:}{\f207\cf1 YOU MAY NOT DISTRIBUTE the Killer Transitions interface Xtra named \ldblquote KillerTransitionsHub\rdblquote on Macintosh or \ldblquote KILLERHB.X32\rdblquote on Windows. }{\b\f207\ul\cf1 These files are not redistributable under the licensing agreement}{\f207\cf1 that accompanies this software and is a copyright violation. \par \par \par }{\b\f207\fs28\cf1 CREDITS \par }{\f207\cf1 \par KILLER Transitions V1 was developed by SharkByte Tools of Dallas, Texas, USA and is exclusively published by g/matter, inc. of San Francisco, California, USA. \par \par }{\b\f207\cf1 SharkByte Tools, Inc. \par }{\f207\cf1 \par SharkByte\'a8 Tools Inc. was formed in 1995, bringing together the talents of several professional multimedia developers and programmers. Our goal is to produce products that enhance multimedia development and allow authors to take multimedia to a higher lev el. SharkByte Tools will continue to produce only the highest quality, state-of-the-art tools to empower multimedia authors of any skill level. \par \par }{\b\f207\cf1 Get the most recent information about SharkByte Tools, Inc. and Killer Transitions at their website: \par }{\f207\cf1 \par }{\b\f207\cf1 g/matter, inc. \par }{\f207\cf1 \par g/matter, inc. is the leading publisher of information and tools for mastering multimedia. Established in 1992, we have been responsible for the development of over 70 CD-ROM titles. Since 1994 we have been creating a large number of add-on products for Macromedia software, including: \par \par }{\b\f207\cf1 PrintOMatic Xtra \par }{\f207\cf1 Prin tOMatic is the premier printing tool for Director. The PrintOMatic Xtra adds a full set of page-layout, text and graphics printing features to Macromedia Director projects on Macintosh and Windows. PrintOMatic includes commands for drawing styled text, gr aphic primitives, bitmapped pictures, and snapshots of the Director stage, all under Lingo control \par \par }{\b\f207\cf1 PopMenu Xtra \par }{\f207\cf1 PopMenu Xtra adds tools for enhancing your Macromedia Director user interfaces, including pop-up and multi-level heirarchical menus. \par \par }{\b\f207\cf1 Sound Xtra \par }{\f207\cf1 Sound Xtra adds powerful new sound recording and playback control to your Macromedia Director productions.With Sound Xtra, you can control the use of sound using features which are not available in Lingo or with other Xobjects. \par \par }{\b\f207\cf1 Trans-X Xtra \par }{\f207\cf1 Trans-X Xtra lets you create your own transition effects by creating animated 1-bit masks and then applying those as a transition. Trans-X ships with over 100 pre-rendered masks to get you started! \par \par }{\b\f207\cf1 Director ToolBox Pro \par }{\f207\cf1 Director ToolBox Pro contains a powerful suite of development aids for users of Macromedia Director, including cast, score sprite and Lingo analysis, debugging, formatting and management tools which make it easier and faster to produce complete, solid results. \par \par }{\b\f207\cf1 The MediaBook CD for Director \par }{\f207\cf1 The MediaBook CD for Director is the definitive collection of information and tools for users of Macromedia Director 3, 4 and 5. Learn everything about the Lingo programming language! The MediaBook CD helps you leverage your investment and enrich your use of Director. Professional and novice multimedia producers will save time and money by using the royalty free programming, numerous XObjects for Macintosh and Windows and reuseable, professionally written Lingo provided in The MediaBook CD. \par \par g/matter, inc. also teaches a series of very advanced multimedia development seminars focused on Director, Media Production and Internet development all over the world. Contact us for information on the next seminar in Japan! \par \par }{\b\f207\fs28\cf1 CONTACT INFORMATION \par }{\b\f207\cf1 \par How To Contact Us \par }{\f207\cf1 \par If you have questions about using KILLER Transitions, please contact g/matter, inc. via email at: \par \par }{\b\f207\cf1 \par }{\f207\cf1 \par If you have comments or suggestions for future features or transition effects please send email to SharkByte Tools, Inc at: \par \par }{\b\f207\cf1 \par }{\f207\cf1 \par or send us a facsimile at: +1.214.444.0001 \par \par If you have suggestions about other products please send email to g/matter, inc at: \par \par }{\b\f207\cf1 \par }{\f207\cf1 \par or send us a facsimile at: +1.415.243.0396 \par }{\b\f207\cf1 \par \par }{\b\f207\fs28\cf1 COPYRIGHT NOTICES \par }{\f207\cf1 KILLER Transitions V1 \'a9 1996 Shark Byte Tools, Inc. All rights reserved. KILLER Transitions is a registered trademark of SharkByte Tools, Inc. SharkByte is a registered trademark of Terry Ranson. g/matter, MediaBook and The MediaBook CD are registered trademarks and PopMenu Xtra, PrintOM atic Xtra, Sound Xtra, Director ToolBox Pro are trademarks of g/matter, inc. Macromedia, Authorware and Director are registered trademarks and Shockwave is a trademark of Macromedia, Inc. Other product names mentioned within this documentation may be tra demarks or registered trademarks of other companies. No sharks were harmed in making this product. \par } \par }


