
上传日期:2009-11-28 08:27:43
上 传 者enochytian
说明:  把cvs库转成svn库的工具,这个是我修改过的,已经解决了中文文件名和中文注释的!安装完perl,解压refinecvs包就可使用了。
(This is a tool for converts CVS repository to dump, suitable to load into subversion repository. This version is fixed Zh-CN Chararctors bug. After full install perl, unrar this package and have a fun.)

refinecvs-cn-0.86.1251\Changes (5214, 2005-11-14)
refinecvs-cn-0.86.1251\Cvs\Repository\ (10939, 2004-01-31)
refinecvs-cn-0.86.1251\Cvs\Repository\ (4201, 2003-12-06)
refinecvs-cn-0.86.1251\Cvs\Repository\ (4676, 2003-12-06)
refinecvs-cn-0.86.1251\Cvs\Repository\ (18894, 2005-11-13)
refinecvs-cn-0.86.1251\Cvs\Repository\ (4957, 2003-12-06)
refinecvs-cn-0.86.1251\Cvs\Repository\ (7155, 2003-12-06)
refinecvs-cn-0.86.1251\Cvs\Repository (0, 2009-02-17)
refinecvs-cn-0.86.1251\Cvs (0, 2009-02-17)
refinecvs-cn-0.86.1251\LICENSE (1561, 2005-11-14)
refinecvs-cn-0.86.1251\ (123335, 2009-02-12)
refinecvs-cn-0.86.1251\ (122914, 2005-11-14)
refinecvs-cn-0.86.1251\TODO (156, 2003-11-13)
refinecvs-cn-0.86.1251 (0, 2009-02-17)

This is the README file for Version 0.76 ABOUT is pure-perl script, which converts CVS repository to dump, suitable to load into subversion repository with `svnadmin load' command. ADVANTAGES (FEATURES) (*) Converts whole CVS repository or only one project (directory). (*) Allows to setup any SVN repository configuration. (*) Detects many errors and corruption in CVS repository. (*) Allows to ignore many errors in CVS repository. (*) Groups commits to make them atomic by author, log message, time and branch. (*) Set proper dates and authors for checkins. (*) Converts CVS keyword substitution modes to `svn:media-type' and `svn:keywords' properties. (*) Converts `.cvsignore' files into `svn:ignore' properties. (*) Adds `svn:executable' property for executable files. (*) Deletes directory when it becomes empty. (*) Converts all branches and tags, including vendors ones. (*) Allows to ignore any symbol (branch or tag), ignore any vendor objects. (*) Creates tags and branches with optimal tree copy operations, allowed in SVN. (*) Creates tags and branches when it becomes possible, not as last operations in dump. (*) Try to resolve branching tree and parents for tags, and resolves it properly in most cases. (*) Allows to specify symbols tree by hands in difficult situations. (*) Very fast. Don't use any disk storage for internal data. (*) Allows to store internal state before passes and resume work after adding some options. (*) Allows to cache deltas and revisions to speed-up checkouts on last pass. (*) Four levels of output: from few lines about performed steps to very verbose semi-debug output. DISADVANTAGES (*) Detects many errors and corruption in CVS repository. (*) Don't use any disk storage for internal data. Consume huge amount of memory for large repositories. REQUIREMENTS This script requires: (1) perl 5.8. Script need 'Encode' module. (2) Time::Local Any version is Ok. Perl 5.6.0 and higher contains it in base distribution. (3) Storable Any version is Ok. Perl 5.6.0 and higher contains it in base distribution. (4) Digest::MD5 Any version is Ok. Perl 5.6.0 and higher contains it in base distribution. USAGE [options] AUTHOR-FOR-TAGS PATH-TO-CVS-REPO NAME-OF-DUMP Please, read output of ` -h' command for description of every option. BUGS But here is some items about bug reports: (0) Read help. Especially, read about `-sp', `-sh' options and *events* (options `-e', `-w', `-i'). (1) Please, read error messages carefully. May be, it is not fatal error, but request for your help from script. Many errors could be SOLVED with help from you or simply IGNORED, but ALL errors ARE ENABLED by default, script works in PARANOID mode by default, to avoid broken conversions. (2) If pass 4 is failed, please, read (0) and (1) twice. Pass 4 is most complex one and it needs your help, which you could provide with `-sp', -`sh' and `-aw' options and DiffSymParent, DiffSymType parameters for `-e', `-w' and `-i' options. (3) When error is occurred, if this error is tunable, script shows name of corresponding event for you. DISCLAIMER THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2003-2005 Lev A. Serebryakov See LICENSE for details


