mdyda 在 2021-04-29 11:00:46 上传
开发平台:Java | 大小:139KB | 下载0次
suiil1877suiil1877 在 2021-04-26 14:05:31 上传
说明:The use of Radio and the Checkbox in the Android source code examples
开发平台:Others | 大小:47KB | 下载0次
ganbinu4198ganbinu41 在 2021-04-26 12:17:23 上传
说明:Chinese chess game full version, the Android source code file description: ChessMove, such as pieces of a way to contain what is pieces, the position of the starting point, the position of the target, and valuations are used when the score of ChessActivity game start and menu music GameView the entire program of the main class, is the main game interface, this interface inherits from SurfaceView and implements the SurfaceHolder. Callback interface, which includes a brush frame thread class.GuiZe rules of chess, the other by calling canMove method given initial position and end position, other classes by calling the chess searchAGoodMove method to get the most of course, the best way to get and is the current position of the allPossibleMoves approach all the way...
开发平台:Others | 大小:1507KB | 下载0次
xinxinzhang1 在 2021-04-24 21:34:59 上传
开发平台:Java | 大小:3689KB | 下载0次
guahengtuyec7guaheng 在 2021-04-20 00:08:24 上传
说明:Android - android - fireworks effects, though not perfect, but can be used as a beginner of an instance, looks like a fireworks blast effect, android mobile development example source code a lot of people are needed.
开发平台:Others | 大小:1047KB | 下载0次
zouquewandtt75zouque 在 2021-04-19 02:02:17 上传
说明:Mode conversion Settings for the beginning of time, the Android timing automatic mode conversion program, can be in normal mode, silent mode, vibration mode between the conversion, after the set time, click the start button, then start the timer, time, automatic conversion mode.Involves ModeReceiver class, PendingIntent object, the use of the Calendar object, please the source code for a complete example.
开发平台:Others | 大小:16KB | 下载0次
chuncufji0737chuncuf 在 2021-04-17 16:02:37 上传
说明:The realization of the function of the android native drop-down refresh example, official android SDK used to own a drop-down refresh controls to implement drop-down refresh function, is quite common in the android development, some novice is not familiar with how to use, this code is just for your reference.
开发平台:Others | 大小:6829KB | 下载0次
pituandoushg142pitua 在 2021-04-15 16:45:25 上传
说明:Android beginners ImageButton usage examples, application of the image button interface implementation example, a button with pictures, will make the Android application interface is more beautiful, I hope this is a very simple example can let you of the Android interface more vibrant, beginners reference.
开发平台:Others | 大小:57KB | 下载0次
dengmex31dengmex31 在 2021-04-15 16:40:57 上传
说明:Android game development instance of onboard source code, full of resources, is the Android beginners learning Android mobile game development is a good example of the material, the game operation method: the up and down or so control the direction of the artillery, the blank space key shells, the return key to exit the game.This game source code, has developed a lot of game action class, such as: tool for mountain terrain collision detection classes are used to draw up the shell of the ball ball star day graph drawing class represents land, such as the code file are annotations, is conducive to learning Android game development.
开发平台:Others | 大小:5586KB | 下载0次
dengmex31dengmex31 在 2021-04-15 16:40:42 上传
说明:MusicBox Android native music box code - music player, to register their own BroadcastReciever MyMusicBroadcastReciever namely, code complete, the source code package have 8 m, patience to download oh.Learn the android music playback function in the writing methods, for the friend that wants to learn how to android application development, this example is quite good.
开发平台:Others | 大小:7559KB | 下载0次
refappr030refappr030 在 2021-04-15 16:37:26 上传
说明:Source code examples that demonstrate the notification of the android mobile phone pop up, android Toast pop-up notification function implementation, can short time showing Toast Toast and long android Toast to multiple examples of pop-up prompts the phone's screen, like show clear, cloudy, rain of notification, and will voice notice, the vibration of the notice, notice of both sound and vibration etc.250 ms after 100 ms delay, vibration, vibration 500 ms after stop 100 ms.
开发平台:Others | 大小:15KB | 下载0次
shenshuny940shenshun 在 2021-04-15 16:36:15 上传
说明:Image upload more android imitation WeChat implementation code function, is to enter the show album all the interface of the picture, there is also a picture for browsing interface and display all images in a folder of interface, here to use a display all the pictures in the mobile phone list control, when the mobile phone no pictures, prompt the user controls without pictures, sign up for a radio, the radio is mainly used to preview in GalleryActivity, prevent after when all images are deleted, return to this page was cancelled when the selected image is still in the selected state, at the same time created some monitoring function, listens for back button and preview button, complete button, etc.Effect of take a look at the preview, you can immediately understand the function of the source, whether very familiar WeChat interface to upload the pictures?
开发平台:Others | 大小:780KB | 下载0次
hongzd451hongzd451 在 2021-04-15 16:32:35 上传
说明:Android based sample components use skills, more than most of these components is closely related to daily Android programming, and more time is an essential element of the UI, the essential elements control includes the following contents: AutoCompleteTextView, CheckBox, CopyOfTimePicker, DatePicker, EditText, GridView, ImageButton, ImageShow, ImageView, ProgressBar, RadioGroup, RatingBar, SeekBar, Spinner, Tab, TimePicker, ViewText.
开发平台:Others | 大小:10284KB | 下载0次
gangduomingg71gangdu 在 2021-04-15 16:29:33 上传
说明:Android copy the purchase application source code, through the pull parser group-buying group-buying latest information, read the data stored in the SharedPreferences city_postiotn, will long time into the 2011-8-29 1324322343 format.
开发平台:Others | 大小:265KB | 下载0次
diaoyans27diaoyans27 在 2021-04-15 16:27:45 上传
说明:Android making screen scroll bar example, also can saying is a slider, everyone at the time of playing mobile phone, a lot of applications have this effect, this code seems to get from foreigners, didn't also a comment, anyway, hair came up, need to download it.
开发平台:Others | 大小:73KB | 下载0次
ciguiqsw5357ciguiqsw 在 2021-04-15 16:26:31 上传
说明:Android ByteArrayOutputStream () reads a TXT file and output, the Android file stream way to open the text file example, in the text box input file path, click on the button after directly read from the file content, and output to the screen, is a basic example of Java read TXT file, hope the Android beginners learn oh.
开发平台:Others | 大小:18KB | 下载0次
caxiangtu3010caxiang 在 2021-04-15 16:24:24 上传
说明:Android Toast use parsing attached code, to achieve a similar WEB development in the popup layer effect, when the user clicks on a link or button, the operation will pop up a operational layer (layer floating) or floating menu, and then perform the operation.This source code is the use of the Android popup layer Toast object to simulate the implementation of a web page.
开发平台:Others | 大小:77KB | 下载0次
houxlr6457houxlr6457 在 2021-04-15 16:22:49 上传
说明:Android e-book reader bookshelf interface source code, to write programs associated with the reader, this can provide some reference on the front desk interface, a similar book posture image index effect, intuitive, also very beautiful, now Android e-book reader have to use this kind of style.
开发平台:Others | 大小:1377KB | 下载0次
niehengtaozqo35niehe 在 2021-04-15 16:21:05 上传
说明:Android write a id number belongs to query, mobile phone number belongs to enquiry and the area code, zip code city of small procedures, can be directly copied to mobile phones, but the test found that the program interface failure, do not query to the data.But in this example, some network programming skills, are still very useful for Android development, welcome to download Android programming development novice learning study the source code.
开发平台:Others | 大小:76KB | 下载0次
hunjianvc1hunjianvc1 在 2021-04-15 16:18:04 上传
说明:Android small example: to obtain the system information file browser, can realize the following functions: file system, file browser, operating system version, read/proc/version information, system information, system information of mobile phone equipment, operator information, mobile phone network operator information, running background services, the task of running, the running process, operators and system information, CPU, hard disk, memory and other hardware information, has been installed software information, runtime information, disk information, network information, display information, etc.
开发平台:Others | 大小:46KB | 下载0次
pituandoushg142pitua 在 2021-04-15 16:16:10 上传
说明:Android develop similar whack-a-mole game, though not what big games, but for friends want to learn the Android game development, is a reference example of a simple and easy to understand.Part of the code definition:
开发平台:Others | 大小:2331KB | 下载0次
feid44956feid44956 在 2021-04-15 16:09:47 上传
说明:Examples of Android ContextMenu EditText text box to add the context menu, the menu is to activate and show the way, the user in the EditText input box above press 2 seconds long, can pop up the context menu, as shown in the operation screenshot effect, in order to achieve this function, create the onCreateContextMenu (ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenu. ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) method, this method at every time of bring up the context menu will be called once, example adds two text boxes, in this method will determine which users click the text box, and then define the menu item selected changes after the callback method, return to which the menu is activated, and show the context menu.Examples are small, but very useful.
开发平台:Others | 大小:18KB | 下载0次
minbaozhep248minbaoz 在 2021-04-15 16:07:09 上传
说明:Android Pdf Viewer source code, a run on the Android platform of the Pdf file Viewer, on a mobile phone can read Pdf files, source project is complete, a total of more than 100 code file, implementation in the Android support for Pdf files, refer to the project source code, from abroad, comments in English.
开发平台:Others | 大小:1035KB | 下载0次
haoruowkl24621haoruo 在 2021-04-15 16:06:27 上传
说明:Whether Android four components in the main Thread Thread running instances, with the example of several major components of the Android is running in the main Thread, the open service, send radio to demonstrate the operation of the main Thread.I think this is not too difficult, fit for Android beginners reference.
开发平台:Others | 大小:719KB | 下载0次
tantengniec3tantengn 在 2021-04-15 16:03:50 上传
说明:Android Settings and switch phone scene mode type, access to a phone for the model, and customize any scene model parameter options, and change its mode, the bell and vibration, ringtones, vibration, mute option set in type.This situation also used in the model view TAB object, made by a TabHost TabHost object, tags, create a new newTabSpec (newTabSpec), set the label and icon (setIndicator), set the content (setContent), etc.Create RadioButton add listeners to phone the initial volume, and initialize the progress bar, obtains the initial model, and set the icon.
开发平台:Others | 大小:46KB | 下载0次