laoo07952laoo07952 在 2021-04-26 16:12:02 上传
说明:Maybecms station is a suitable for information, articles, web sites and enterprises, the company's web site PHP content management system, high speed performance, accord with SEO, plug-in extension is convenient, the template engine is easy to use, based on open source framework KONGPHP development, each column and page SEO optimization function.Backstage function: set, classification, modules, themes, plugins, user management, etc.
开发平台:Others | 大小:1404KB | 下载0次
jiulianop2400jiulian 在 2021-04-26 02:05:32 上传
说明:Rice CMS is a set of mobile web website, PC and integration the integration of the website system of rice CMS support pseudo static with total station to generate static HTML, support for data collection
开发平台:Others | 大小:5334KB | 下载0次
suiil1877suiil1877 在 2021-04-15 16:17:25 上传
说明:PHP qr code, phone card online source generated module, electronic business CARDS and qr code contains the business card information such as name and phone number, mobile phone after sweeping qr code, you can automatically save the information to the mobile phone address book, do not need to manually input.Make a phone call and send text messages can also be directly click on the name card, also convenient.This code implements mobile electronic business CARDS and online generation function of the qr code, simple to use convenient.
开发平台:Others | 大小:191KB | 下载0次
xiaiqiqxa4xiaiqiqxa4 在 2021-04-15 16:15:20 上传
说明:PHP online webps PS image processing source code, is a program that can use Photoshop online, interesting PHP source code, can realize the online processing pictures, complete pictures add filter functions such as cutting, change and filial piety.And the function of PhotoShop is a bit similar, because found that many people want the source code, but also can not find on the net, today share out to everyone, can be uploaded to the space use.
开发平台:Others | 大小:168KB | 下载0次
xiaiqiqxa4xiaiqiqxa4 在 2021-04-15 16:14:38 上传
说明:DEDECMS kernel PHP electronic mobile phone accessories website source code, support adaptive computer station and mobile station.Should look is a PHP class enterprise web site source code, can make enterprise stand.Including the product display, company profile, and other enterprises standing basic elements of the page.Update please refer to the instructions inside the package.
开发平台:Others | 大小:6975KB | 下载0次
minbaozhep248minbaoz 在 2021-04-15 16:06:48 上传
说明:SiteTeam is a set of open source PHP self-build platform, a specially designed for SEO companies self-build applications, particularly simple installation, open the web site can be installed automatically, but also very easy to upgrade, can be from either version upgrade to the latest version, infinite would support a single space, but also has automatic fault repair, upgrade and maintenance, online speed characteristics, and it is open source, interested friends can download a try.
开发平台:Others | 大小:5102KB | 下载0次
bindiegir2bindiegir2 在 2021-04-15 16:04:51 上传
说明:Doc. MZ PHP document management system, based on open source editor, md, basic grammar and fully support the Markdown extended syntax (flow diagram, sequence diagram and function formula), with the PC version of a web page, the various version of the mobile version, single file, at any time convenient to share, to generate a separate HTML page, also can generate convenient to print the PDF page, running environment: PHP5.3, MySQL5.0.
开发平台:Others | 大小:10217KB | 下载0次
suiil1877suiil1877 在 2021-04-15 15:36:13 上传
说明:PHPMyWind CMS is a professional enterprise website, the company website construction system, PHPMyWind CMS scalability is very strong, it is not only just a CMS, or a set of the underlying code, is a toolkit, is a kaleidoscope.PHPMyWind CMS built-in multiple classes and functions, development foreground and the background completely using PHP native code, and the system is open free of charge.
开发平台:Others | 大小:4244KB | 下载0次
gaieo91748gaieo91748 在 2021-04-15 15:30:27 上传
说明:Thousands of flavor restaurant order payment system based on PHP source code development, support access to mobile phones and computers end, can service for small and medium-sized restaurant, let customers through this convenient order placing order system, mobile phone, tablet full range of support;WeChat and fast online payment, pay treasure to online payment.Innovation of management mode, all mobile operating without receipts transfer;Complete data statistics, the daily marketing situation at a glance.
开发平台:Others | 大小:5112KB | 下载0次
shancuody7493shancuo 在 2021-04-15 15:25:02 上传
说明:PHP beautiful calendar (calendar) source, because of work need to use to the calendar program development system, but online calendar plugin, often cannot easily identify days, so he had to write a goofy calendar program, basically is to use looping statements in PHP and CSS styles to achieve control, more simple, for colleagues in need.The calendar effect is clear, easy to secondary revision on the source code.Because it is personal, if you have the wrong place, please notify the author to modify and change, thank you!
开发平台:Others | 大小:137KB | 下载0次
paner68185paner68185 在 2021-04-15 15:07:47 上传
说明:PHP Chinese characters conversion pinyin program source code, according to what you input Chinese, query the corresponding pinyin.Input of Chinese characters one by one by the user query pinyin, translates into pinyin, can be developed as a run on PHP environment online tools, such as Chinese characters to pinyin online tool, convenience for the user query at any time.
开发平台:Others | 大小:382KB | 下载0次