
注册日期:2005-01-08 13:35:48

使用共享内存在ClientServer间通讯.zip - 使用共享内存在ClientServer间通讯,2005-05-20 12:38:59,下载41次
INI文件编程__框架基础__常州VC编程网.rar - This is a photo of a general purpose timer/ 在我们写的程序当中,总有一些配置信息需要保存下来,以便完成程序的功能,最简单的办法就是将这些信息写入INI文件中,程序初始化时再读入.具体应用如下:counter card you can wirewrap in a weekend. It plugs into your PC s ISA bus just like a sound or modem card. It gives high-resolution timing (microseconds). Because of its programmablity, it is very powerful and flexible. You can even control DC or servo motors using pulse-width modulated (PWM), or stepper motors using its square wave capabilities. The figure below is the actual output (square wave) from the 8254 card captured by an oscilloscope: ,2005-05-20 12:27:45,下载24次
SQL SERVER与ACCESS、EXCEL数据转换.rar - This a p熟悉SQL SERVER 2000的数据库管理员都知道,其DTS可以进行数据的导入导出,其实,我们也可以使用Transact-SQL语句进行导入导出操作。在 Transact-SQL语句中,我们主要使用OpenDataSource函数、OPENROWSET 函数,关于函数的详细说明,请参考SQL联机帮助。利用下述方法,可以十分容易地实现SQL SERVER、ACCESS、EXCEL数据转换,hoto of a general purpose timer/counter card you can wirewrap in a weekend. It plugs into your PC s ISA bus just like a sound or modem card. It gives high-resolution timing (microseconds). Because of its programmablity, it is very powerful and flexible. You can even control DC or servo motors using pulse-width modulated (PWM), or stepper motors using its square wave capabilities. The figure below is the actual output (square wave) from the 8254 card captured by an oscilloscope: ,2005-05-20 12:18:46,下载74次
8254.rar - This is a photo of a general purpose timer/counter card you can wirewrap in a weekend. It plugs into your PC s ISA bus just like a sound or modem card. It gives high-resolution timing (microseconds). Because of its programmablity, it is very powerful and flexible. You can even control DC or servo motors using pulse-width modulated (PWM), or stepper motors using its square wave capabilities. The figure below is the actual output (square wave) from the 8254 card captured by an oscilloscope: ,2005-05-20 12:14:52,下载20次
把USB访问的相关函数封装成DLL的源代码.rar - 把USB访问的相关函数封装成DLL的源代码,2005-01-08 14:44:36,下载134次
PDIUSBD12套件说明及源码.zip - PDIUSBD12套件说明及源码,2005-01-08 14:42:29,下载305次
嵌入式系统中USB总线驱动的开发及应用.rar - 嵌入式系统中USB总线驱动的开发及应用,2005-01-08 14:37:19,下载75次
ODBCAccess_demo.zip - ODBC数据库开发,2005-01-08 14:30:39,下载18次
括号匹配.rar - VC 括号匹配 问题,2005-01-08 13:38:40,下载27次

