
注册日期:2005-01-13 02:18:55

ATmega16_CN.rar - MEGA16 单片机 数据手册 一款主流AVR系列单片机数据手册 中文文档,2010-08-30 15:14:16,下载6次
MDB.rar - This document explains the format of the MDB files. MDB files store the actual contents of a database record. The MDB file begins with a variable length header describing the overall database configuration. The header is followed by one or more variable length records. Every MDB file must have (generally as its first record, though it is not clear if this location is a requirement) a null record. This record is used by parent databases, if they exist, to specify a null value for one of their access keys.,2010-03-02 15:13:43,下载4次
DVB-C.rar - Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) Framing structure, channel coding and modulation for cable systems,2010-03-02 15:10:06,下载4次
Zigbee.rar - ZigBee, Stack, Network, Application, Profile, Framework, Device description, Binding, Security,2010-03-02 15:08:34,下载3次
USBMIDI.rar - Universal Serial Bus Device Class Definition for MIDI Devices,2010-03-02 15:04:18,下载8次
TPA2005D1.rar - The TPA2005D1 audio power amplifier evaluation module is a complete, low-power single-channel audio power amplifier. It consists of the TI TPA2005D1 1.1-W low-voltage class-D audio power amplifier IC in a very small MicroStar Junior BGA package, along with a small number of other parts mounted on a circuit board that is approximately one and a quarter inches square (see Figure 1–1).,2010-03-02 15:00:56,下载5次
ATA20050913.rar - 硬盘控制电路以及原程序Demo,知识是属于全人类的。能将自己的成果无条件与人共享是伟大和受人尊敬的,同时也是一件幸福的事。 由于我想得到幸福和受人尊敬,所以我也开放我的工作成果。(其实也不算什么工作成果,匆匆忙忙用了一晚写的,见笑了。 在此感谢邵春伟同志,我在研究ata协议的时候参考了他写的程序) ,2005-09-15 01:11:27,下载107次
新编万年历星期速算法C语言的实现(hotpower).rar - 最新的万年历算法,新编万年历星期速算法C语言的实现(hotpower).ZIP,2005-09-15 01:06:17,下载17次
PS2参考例子.rar - 2051模拟PS2键盘和PC机通讯程序 6M下,2005-01-13 02:34:10,下载507次
TFT8.rar - 8色TFT驱动程序,2005-01-13 02:29:16,下载40次
TFT256.rar - 256色TFT,2005-01-13 02:27:51,下载41次

