
注册日期:2005-04-04 13:31:47

上传列表 - codeprofect上面的一个代码统计的小工具,可以统计source中的有效代码,注释,空行的数目,2006-01-10 09:44:58,下载27次 - 使用C#实现的GOF的flyweight设计模式,希望对学习设计模式的朋友有帮助,2006-01-10 09:40:14,下载7次 - 使用C#实现的GoF的factory设计模式,对学习设计模式的有参考价值,2006-01-10 09:38:29,下载2次
illum.tar.rar - This a reflection model (BRDF) viewer written by students in the course 15-860. See for info on the course. ,2005-08-16 12:31:39,下载69次
2021942031200589930443641711.rar - This package contains a collection of geometry filters-- programs that are for manipulating polgonal representations for 3D graphical objects. This source code is undergoing revision, and I expect that a new version of the code, together with many more filters, will be available shortly.,2005-08-16 12:28:31,下载7次
202194203120058993704876147.rar - * RPly library, read/write PLY files * Diego Nehab, Princeton University * *,2005-08-16 12:26:44,下载9次
vigra.rar - VIGRA is a computer vision library that puts its main emphasize on flexible algorithms, because algorithms represent the principle know-how of this field. The library was consequently built using generic programming as introduced by Stepanov and Musser and exemplified in the C++ Standard Template Library. By writing a few adapters (image iterators and accessors) you can use VIGRA s algorithms on top of your data structures, within your environment. Alternatively, you can also use the data structures provided within VIGRA, which can be easily adapted to a wide range of applications. VIGRA s flexibility comes almost for free: Since the design uses compile-time polymorphism (templates), performance of the compiled program approaches that of a traditional, hand tuned, inflexible, solution.,2005-08-16 12:21:00,下载12次
3dtrans.rar - 3D Transforms Demonstration Program. Requires Turbo C Version 1.5. Project file should contain the line DEMO3D.C GRAPHICS.LIB 3D.LIB DRIVERS.LIB The library directory must include 3D.LIB and GRAPHICS.LIB, and the include directory must include 3D.H. DRIVERS.LIB must be created by converting the .BGI files to .OBJ files (using the BGIOBJ utility in Turbo C version 1.5) and collecting them in a library (using TLIB). The program displays a cube, a tetrahedron, and an octahedron in three dimensions. Each figure is rotated about a different axis.,2005-08-16 12:15:41,下载9次 - some source code deal with CMYK color space using GDI+,2005-04-14 12:32:53,下载42次 - some soutrce code dealing with color profile,2005-04-14 12:30:28,下载15次
unrarsrc-3.3.4.tar.gz - source code for unrar3.3.4,uppack the .rar files,for multi-os,2005-04-13 09:07:19,下载14次 - Draw a 3-D cube withoput OpenGL and DirectX,show some base ideas about 3-D Graphics,2005-04-07 12:15:22,下载16次 - 3-D Chart的绘制代码form,2005-04-04 13:34:19,下载19次

《加密与解密》(第二版)(全).rar - 电子书《加密与解密》(第二版)(全) PDF,可不能错过 - 算法设计 习题解答 算法设计,ISBN:9787302143352,作者:(美)克林伯格(Kleinberg,J.),()塔多斯(Tardos,E.) 著,张立昂,屈婉玲 译
算法设计.zip - 算法设计教材中文电子版, Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos著 张立昂,屈婉玲译 清华大学出版社 Algorithm Design Solutions 《算法设计》
Algorithm Design by Jon Kleinberg, Eva - Algorithm by Design. How to design Algorithms
机器学习.rar - 包含三本机器学习非常实用的教程:机器学习,机器学习实战,统计学习方法
机器学习五本书-英文.zip - 机器学习领域五本经典书籍(英文原版)电子版
