
注册日期:2005-04-09 16:08:14

上传列表 - 静动态视频算法This Project basically related to Object Tracking and Real Time Video Enhancement. We Mr Sheeraz and Mr Imran Malik done this project as a Final Project of BS(cs) Degree This Project is divided in to four main Modules ,2007-01-11 17:11:13,下载39次 - CSharp Windows Media Format SDK Translation一个库文件源码 ,2007-01-11 17:02:57,下载21次 - 多种渠道视频采集源代码This an attempt to create an application which captures Live video from a Video capture device and USB attached WebCam all together in the same application. While developing my project, I needed to capture the video from various video devices including TV. Though, I found some source for capturing Video, it was not so efficient. So, that prompted me to develop my own independent application. Initially, “LiveVideo” detects the availability of the Video Capture card and whether WebCam is attached or not. Otherwise, it shows the message. Most of the API functions are used from DirectX SDK.,2007-01-11 16:58:40,下载154次 - The company I own sells Infomercial time and we own and control much of the best half hour Infomercial time on television at the lowest prices. In addition I own a TV & Movie Production Company that produces Infomercials. ,2007-01-11 16:54:12,下载1次
fileprint.rar - 二进制文件的打印和预览,非常实用的,对VC的文件操作部分的学习很有帮助!,2005-10-11 21:26:50,下载29次
agant server.rar - 一个功能很全的代理服务器的源代码,各位大虾赶紧下吧!,2005-10-11 21:15:22,下载88次
bus search.rar - 城市公交车搜索系统的源文件,可以自定义,对此方面的开发者有一定的帮助!,2005-10-11 21:10:53,下载43次
ltdemo.rar - 一个基于WEB搜索的客户端源API程序,请大家下载试用!,2005-10-11 21:04:31,下载22次
圆形对话框.rar - 圆形对话筐吗!还不明白吗!什么不清楚!不是很清楚吗!,2005-04-09 17:10:04,下载203次

