
注册日期:2005-04-16 18:05:28

上传列表 - Convert a doc to a pdf.,2007-02-02 09:08:00,下载92次 - This article explains the need for Rebasing a DLL to improve performance during application startup using more than one DLL. It covers how to change compiler settings to rebase a DLL and also the use of /FIXED switch in rebasing.,2005-11-10 12:31:16,下载4次 - It is assumed that you are having a fair knowledge of Rebasing DLLs. If you have any problems regarding rebasing, refer my article Need for Rebasing DLLs. Also, a little knowledge of copy on write mechanism used by Windows OS is required. No worries, if you don t know, just relax, I will explain it to you right now, but in a very short way. Also, there is something known as memory mapped files.,2005-11-10 12:28:51,下载3次 - Most of us know about reflection (Example: Windows COM, .NET) and its flexibilities. Have you ever wondered how to accomplish reflection in Win32 DLL? Here is the funny tool that resulted from that kind of my thought. "Uh!.. Reflection in Win32 DLL", oops!.. don t believe 100%. Don t worry, you can t accomplish perfect reflection in WIn32 DLLs in a simple way. In perfect reflection, you don t need the knowledge of source, function, parameters & types until its usage. When considering Win32 DLL, I feel late binding is some sort of reflection (don t accuse me, just an opinion). Late bound DLLs can do without the path name, function name until its usage, but need the function argument type list to compile. It seems late binding is impossible when you don t know the parameter list & type until execution.,2005-11-10 12:26:39,下载7次 - The code snippet shown in this article is used to delay load a DLL, i.e., DLL is implicitly linked but not actually loaded until your code attempts to reference a symbol contained within the DLL. If your application uses several DLLs, its initialization time might be slow because the loader maps all of the required DLLs into the process address space and there is every possibility that even a single function from one of these DLLs is not called, so a better way for a loading a DLL which is rarely used is to delay load, it i.e., load it when required instead of loading initially. This improves the start up time. Sounds great. Now, we will actually try to delay load a DLL, and analyze its advantages and disadvantages, so all set,2005-11-10 12:24:13,下载5次
xrjspcheck.rar - 上传运行该程序可以返回JSP环境的一些信息. 由于各种JSP应用服务器(例如Tomcat和JRun以及Resin等)在许多方面存在差异, 因此部分信息有中英对照. 此外, 因为Context attributes信息部分与JSP应用服务器有关, 故该部分只提供英文信息.如果运行后直接显示程序源代码, 则表示不支持JSP.,2005-04-16 18:55:27,下载2次 - Named Pipe Wrapper for Win32 Platforms,2004-10-21 11:24:34,下载13次 - Writing a Service Program,2004-10-21 11:24:06,下载6次 - Memory Allocation for High-Dimensional Data Structures,2004-10-21 11:23:38,下载9次 - Obtain the plain text session key using CryptoAPI,2004-10-21 11:23:00,下载10次 - Converting SIDs Between Strings and Binary,2004-10-21 11:22:21,下载11次 - Macintosh-like Progress Control,2004-10-06 16:48:19,下载8次 - Shape-Changing Progress Control,2004-10-06 16:47:41,下载7次 - During the code development phase I detected some variables and actions that are general for all the resizable controls and for this reason I decided to move them in a general interface, IResizeControl, from which all the resizable controls are to inherit. Technically, IResizeControl is not an interface because it doesn t have any pure virtual functions, but I still consider it an interface because it doesn t make any sense to declare IResizeControl objects. In fact, I am preventing the creation of IResizeControl objects by declaring the IResizeControl s constructor and destructor as protected. The IResizeControl class ,2004-10-06 16:46:39,下载7次 - Suppose you wanted to give the user the ability to modify the size and position on a certain control? This example shows how to implement resizing controls on a dialog box as it is done when drawing controls on a dialog template or visual basic at design time. In order to accomplish this we can use the class CRectTracker to manage all the drawing and resizing of a rectangular frame which also has (optional) 6 resize handlers (as shown in the image above). The first thing, you ll need to do is to invoke a CRectTracker and specify given coordinates: ,2004-10-06 16:45:14,下载22次 - MFC Tool tip control(CToolTipCtrl) is easy to use with a window, such as a child window, or an application-defined rectangular area within a window s client area. However, in some situations you may not know in advance for which controls or rectangle area you will be displaying the tool tip. In this case, you have to dynamically display the tool tip depending on where your mouse position is. For e.g. you may have a window which display some graphics and you may want to display the tool tip on the graphics depending on where the mouse position is. ,2004-10-06 16:43:48,下载45次

