
注册日期:2005-09-07 11:32:16

上传列表 - 编译过可运行的PSK31通信程序,可运行,原代码已上传.,2008-08-19 10:35:20,下载6次 - PSK31方式通信C++编写的原代码,可以通过声音传递数据.,2008-08-19 10:32:17,下载38次
KEYCW.source.rar - 特点如下: 1 利用PC的声卡作收/发报设备, 无须其他接口 2 键盘/鼠标均可发报, 无须电键 3 可做Morse Code和字符间的相互转换 4 支持Koch练习模式及错码统计 对PC的要求: 开发时用的P3 900M, 估计P3以上的机器都没问题 支持DirectSound的双工声卡 另外, 我觉得我们HAM自己有能力和实力做一个"有用"的软件. 与硬件DIY一样, 软件DIY我认为 也算是一种有趣的玩法和有意义的尝试! 我也希望能寻找到有意共同研究/学习/开发的朋友, 当然如果能有前辈指导, 那就更好啦! 随学, 随用, 随改进, 把这个软件做成真正属于我们自己的软件, 相信这个过程一定其乐无穷! ,2008-08-19 10:27:47,下载34次
PSKCore.rar - DELPHI PSK无线通信需要使用的PSKCore.dll(已上传),2008-08-19 10:21:57,下载11次 - DELPHI PSK无线通信,基于声卡的通信原代码.,2008-08-19 10:18:25,下载17次
VirtualTreeview.rar - VirtualTreeviewVirtual Treeview is a treeview control built from ground up. More than 3 years of development made it one of the most flexible and advanced tree controls available today. Virtual Treeview starts off with the claim to improve many aspects of exisiting solutions and introduces some new technologies and priniciples which were not available before. As the name already indicates, this control uses a different paradigm for tree management than other controls of this kind. It does not know anything about the data it manages (except its size), not even the captions of a node. Everything is retrieved from the application via events (or descentants via overridden methods). Virtual Treeview has been carefully designed and thoroughly tested. The control proved its concept as well as everyday fitness already in many commercial products and freeware projects.,2006-02-06 21:25:37,下载68次
cr-wp515-2005-05-31.rar - wptools5 pro 完整源代码 Msword界面的文本编辑器源代码,支持表格、图像等文字处理,中文化一般,有高手请改动 它的底层处理方法。,2006-02-06 21:21:42,下载105次
DockPreside.rar - 作为Delphi的忠实用户,我想大家对Delphi中的停靠窗体应该比较熟悉吧,是不是也希望自己编的程序也具有这样的功能?使她看起来更漂亮,更专业,更方便;DockManager系列控件正好能满足您的这种需求。您不需要编写一行代码,就可以做出具有停靠功能的窗体。,2006-02-06 21:12:22,下载34次
jsdbtree.rar - 另类TREEVIEW算法编写的,速度快,2004-06-12 11:12:11,下载279次
ACCess-解密.rar - ACCESS 97~2000 20位密码破解程序源代码,2004-06-12 11:08:52,下载64次

