
注册日期:2005-09-14 11:48:36

smo348.zip - 基于SMO算法的支持向量机,内有详细的注释说明,非常不错的源程序,采用Viusal .Net编写 ,2006-01-04 21:40:49,下载113次
CGAL-3.1.tar.gz - CGAL is a collaborative effort of several sites in Europe and Israel. The goal is to make the most important of the solutions and methods developed in computational geometry available to users in industry and academia in a C++ library.,2005-09-16 10:35:25,下载13次
libgist-2.0.1.rar - Libgist is an implementation of the Generalized Search Tree, a template index structure that makes it easy to implement any type of hierarchical access method (AM). ,2005-09-15 20:43:07,下载18次
HnSRTree-2.0beta5a.zip - SR-tree is an index structure for high-dimensional nearest neighbor queries,C++ sourcecode. SR-tree outperforms the R*-tree and the SS-tree especially for high-dimensional and non-uniform data which are likely to appear in the actual image / video applications.,2005-09-14 17:26:59,下载44次
Genetic Algorithms and the Traveling Salesman Prob - 遗传算法的一个例子:旅行商问题。C++源代码,适合初学者研究遗传算法与最优化等方面的知识。,2005-09-14 17:12:04,下载87次
遗传基因算法源代码(资料).zip - 遗传基因算法源代码(资料),C++源代码,是研究遗传算法的入门程序。,2005-09-14 17:07:57,下载60次
fd3-src.zip - 分形维数的估算软件FD3,C++源代码,具有很好的学习价值,是一切分形科学工作的基础。,2005-09-14 17:05:07,下载111次
模拟退火c++的算法程序.rar - 模拟退火c++的算法程序,广泛应用于最优化、运筹学、人工智能、遗传算法等领域,具有很好的学习价值,2005-09-14 16:52:41,下载311次
FRACTAL GEOMETRY MN1.rar - 非常好的分形集合入门级读物,包括引言、经典分形集合、自相似性和映射平面、度量空间、赋范空间、迭代函数系统等,2005-09-14 16:47:17,下载57次

