
注册日期:2005-10-07 15:06:23

cpusimulator.rar - a cpu simulator with readme file . this code also is my assignment finished last year. i also provide the requirement and test file in this tar. ,2005-10-08 19:54:58,下载12次
stege2_javarmi.rar - a java-rmi code build a chat-room. to run this code , you need to know some basic idea about java-rmi. i spend three weeks to write this code which is also an assignment in my university ( ),2005-10-08 19:44:35,下载18次
src_parallel.rar - this code is a parallel programming code . such code is esay but is very useful to understand how to write the parallel code.,2005-10-08 19:37:39,下载5次
paging11.rar - this code is a simulator to simulate the paging system such as first come first service. the comment in this code can help you to run it.,2005-10-08 19:29:18,下载2次
tspwithKL.rar - this tar includes my code which employ the Lin-Kernighan algorithm to address the tsp problem. this tar also include some testfiles and config file and a readme which describes how to run this program. ,2005-10-08 19:22:11,下载39次

