
注册日期:2005-12-22 18:43:14

kismet-3[1].0.1.tar.gz - Kismet is an 802.11b network sniffer and network dissector. It is capable of sniffing using most wireless cards, automatic network IP block detection via UDP, ARP, and DHCP packets, Cisco equipment lists via Cisco Discovery Protocol, weak cryptographic packet logging, and Ethereal and tcpdump compatible packet dump files. It also includes the ability to plot detected networks and estimated network ranges on downloaded maps or user supplied image files. Kismet是一个针对IEEE802.11b无线局域网的嗅探和包分析器,支持大多数无线网卡,支持自动检测UDP、ARP和DHCP的数据包,支持通过CDP协议检测思科网络设备,支持加密数据包记录,采用与Ethereal和Tcpdump兼容的的数据包记录文件,支持通过用户提供地图来检测和评估无线网络范围。 ,2005-12-23 10:03:04,下载44次
securemessenger-1_1_1-nokia-s60-de.zip - SecureMessenger可以在支持J2ME的设备(移动电话,PDA等)上进行安全的点对点消息通信。最初的实现使用SMS作为传输,用3DES 作为密码。 ,2005-12-23 09:27:12,下载25次
oolsr-0.99.15.tar.gz - Optimized Link State Routing是IETF正在研究的、用于移动式无线行动网络(这里,不仅终端用户可移动,路由器和服务器等也可以)的几个协议之一。该项目的实施弥补了Hipercom项目的一个内容。 ,2005-12-23 09:14:01,下载7次
linux-wlan-0.3.4.tar.gz - The goal of the Linux WLAN project is to develop a complete, standards based, wireless LAN system using the GNU/Linux operating system. What differentiates this project from the Linux wireless extensions and other Linux wireless projects is that it is basing everything on the IEEE 802.11 standard. Linux Wireless LAN Project 的目标是开发一个完整的,基于标准的无线 LAN系统,这个系统用的是GNU/Linux 操作系统。把这个项目同Linux 无线扩展和其它 Linux无线项目区分开的是,它完全基于 IEEE 802.11标准,2005-12-22 18:52:16,下载86次

