
注册日期:2006-02-09 14:32:05

quakeIII源码.zip - quakeIII源码这个不用我多说吧,卡马克的大作,2006-02-09 18:31:26,下载61次
vcn远程控制源代码.zip - VNC Source Distribution for Windows platforms ============================================= VNC is Copyright Olivetti & Oracle Research Laboratory. This software is distributed under the GNU General Public Licence as published by the Free Software Foundation. See the file LICENCE.TXT for the conditions under which this software is made available. VNC also contains code from other sources. See the Acknowledgements section below, and the individual files for details of the conditions under which they are made available. There are two programs here in the two subdirectories: vncviewer - this is the VNC viewer, or client, program for Win32. winvnc - this is the VNC server for Win32. It allows an NT desktop to be accessed remotely using a VNC viewer. These were both built using Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 and each contains a workspace & project file suitable for building it. ,2006-02-09 17:14:50,下载118次
COM组件接口继承的实现.zip - COM组件接口继承的实现,是学习com编程的入门级例程,2006-02-09 14:40:17,下载237次

