
注册日期:2006-02-23 14:42:39

对称密码DES.rar - 用C语言实现des加密算法,保证可以加密解密,2006-02-23 17:17:59,下载297次
wavereader_matlab.zip - 提供GUI界面让用户能选择读取一个wav文件,并查看相关的信息,如采样率、比特深度 ,2006-02-23 15:37:48,下载177次
VQcoding.zip - 由matlab编写,带GUI界面。对bmp文件进行Vector Quantization。运行其中的VQ_GUI.m文件。 程序肯定是调试无误的。虽然比较耗时,但是最后能达到较好的图像效果和SNR。毕竟相比于VC,matlab运行较慢。 注意在点open打开了一个bmp文件过后,一定要先点VQ code,进行其他操作才能有效。,2006-02-23 15:34:47,下载225次
WavPlayer.zip - to show the waveform of audio file and play it on computer Purpose: Familiar with WAV file format and UI design It should have the following functions: Provide a Graphic User Interface for user to browse the file system and select one WAV file Show the waveform of input audio signal Play the selected WAV file Print the parameters of WAV file such as sampling rate, bit-depth, etc,2006-02-23 15:09:41,下载28次
BmpViewer.zip - to show the waveform of audio file and play it on computer Purpose: Familiar with WAV file format and UI design It should have the following functions: Provide a Graphic User Interface for user to browse the file system and select one WAV file Show the waveform of input audio signal Play the selected WAV file Print the parameters of WAV file such as sampling rate, bit-depth, etc,2006-02-23 15:02:34,下载10次

