
注册日期:2006-03-14 19:27:26

stund_0.96_Aug13.rar - This project implements a simple STUN server and client on Windows, Linux, and Solaris,2011-08-15 18:10:45,下载14次
fuppes-0.660.rar - A free, multiplatform Universal Plug and Play A/V MediaServer (not yet fully UPnP compliant). It supports on-the-fly transcoding from ogg/vorbis, musepack/mpc, FLAC and AAC/MP4 to mp3, mp2, wav or pcm, image conversion/rescaling and video transcoding.,2011-08-15 18:09:04,下载5次
lib.upnp-1.6.13.zip - The portable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) SDK provides support for building UPnP-compliant control points, devices, and bridges on several operating systems.,2011-08-15 18:06:35,下载10次
Platinum-SRC-0-6-4_690.zip - A cross-platform C++ library for discovering, controlling or implementing UPnP devices. Contains sample code for a UPnP AV Media Server, Media Renderer & Control Point.,2011-08-15 18:01:15,下载13次
upnpmusic-0.3.3.zip - UPnP-Music-Server. It serves a sqlite-database of your mp3 music collection to a upnp-client. I tested it with Noxon from Terratec. Written in Python. I no longer work on this project since I do not have access to the hardware any more.,2011-08-15 17:59:34,下载5次
BuildAutoIncrementSetup.zip - When a new project is created, Visual Studio generates an AssemblyInfo file inside it. This file, among other things, contains the AssemblyVersion attribute. Version information consists of four integer values: Major Version, Minor Version, Build Number, and Revision. The default pattern for version information generated by Visual Studio 2002/2003 is 1.0.*, i.e. Major Version is set to 1, Minor Version to 0, while Build Number and Revision are generated automatically. More specifically, during the build process, the Build Number is created from the number of days elapsed since January 1, 2000, whereas Revision is created from the current local time of the day. A similar rule applies for VB.NET projects and Managed VC++ projects, except that the project information files are named AssemblyInfo.vb and AssemblyInfo.cpp, respectively.,2008-06-02 23:29:42,下载6次
BuildAutoIncrementSetup2005.zip - When a new project is created, Visual Studio generates an AssemblyInfo file inside it. This file, among other things, contains the AssemblyVersion attribute. Version information consists of four integer values: Major Version, Minor Version, Build Number, and Revision. The default pattern for version information generated by Visual Studio 2002/2003 is 1.0.*, i.e. Major Version is set to 1, Minor Version to 0, while Build Number and Revision are generated automatically. More specifically, during the build process, the Build Number is created from the number of days elapsed since January 1, 2000, whereas Revision is created from the current local time of the day. A similar rule applies for VB.NET projects and Managed VC++ projects, except that the project information files are named AssemblyInfo.vb and AssemblyInfo.cpp, respectively.,2008-06-02 23:29:08,下载3次
BuildAutoIncrement.zip - When a new project is created, Visual Studio generates an AssemblyInfo file inside it. This file, among other things, contains the AssemblyVersion attribute. Version information consists of four integer values: Major Version, Minor Version, Build Number, and Revision. The default pattern for version information generated by Visual Studio 2002/2003 is 1.0.*, i.e. Major Version is set to 1, Minor Version to 0, while Build Number and Revision are generated automatically. More specifically, during the build process, the Build Number is created from the number of days elapsed since January 1, 2000, whereas Revision is created from the current local time of the day. A similar rule applies for VB.NET projects and Managed VC++ projects, except that the project information files are named AssemblyInfo.vb and AssemblyInfo.cpp, respectively.,2008-06-02 23:27:50,下载3次
umvistad3d.zip - This article will demonstrate how to access the power of Vista s new hardware accelerated windowing system without "managed" languages and best of all, without any use of .NET at all. The application provided uses good old unmanaged C++ and DirectX 9 Ex to create an anti-aliased, semi-transparent, 3D spinning cube on an Aero Glass window that operates as smoothly as any other application under Vista. ,2008-06-02 23:26:15,下载14次
TreeCtrlDemo.zip - After quite a few requests, I thought I d post this tree control that uses a similar selection drawing style to the list control I posted here: ListCtrl - A WTL list control with Windows Vista style item selection. For an added bonus, I ve also included support for multiple-selection.,2008-06-02 23:25:08,下载51次
SingleInstance_src_demo.zip - TIP Dialog-Based, Single-Instance Applications,2008-06-02 23:24:19,下载3次
Win32++_A_Simple_Alternative_to_MFC.rar - Win32++ provides a framework for developing applications using the Win32 API directly. It supports all MS operating systems that run the Win32 API, from Windows 95 through to Windows XP and Vista. This framework is designed to produce programs with a similar look and feel to those created using MFC. It can develop applications based on simple windows, dialogs, frames and MDI frames. The frames produced by Win32++ have the following features: • Rebar control (to contain the Menubar and Toolbar) • Menubar • Toolbar • Status bar • Tool tips ,2008-06-02 23:22:49,下载28次
piczoom.rar - 用于图像缩放的程序, 可对图像进行缩放!,2007-08-13 23:02:02,下载48次
GetDiskSpace.rar - 获取硬盘空间大小的静态库程序,可直接调用!,2007-08-13 23:00:28,下载11次
GetSysSpace.rar - 获取硬盘空间大小的静态库程序,可直接调用!,2007-08-13 22:59:01,下载7次
TestDlg.rar - 一个用于测试Struct结构体的程序,入门级!,2007-08-13 22:57:10,下载3次
bmpconverter.rar - 用于转换bmp多色格式为单色文件的程序。,2007-08-13 22:54:43,下载47次
TestWin32Console.rar - 一个用于转换bmp 文件格式的程序, 可转换成单色的bmp图像。,2007-08-13 22:50:53,下载26次
p2p_Network_Messenger.rar - Peer to Peer Network Messenger 开发文档,2007-01-05 01:40:31,下载33次
wildmidi-0.2.2.tar.gz - WildMidi Midi Library and Player,2006-09-03 00:33:35,下载11次
Program_about_Read_write_Nand_Flash.rar - Program about Read write Nand_Flash.,2006-04-01 23:19:37,下载42次
TCopyComplete.zip - 用Twain协议开发的一个程序, 界面8错,内有消息传送。,2006-03-15 22:28:03,下载70次
TranText.zip - 用visual basic 程序写的训练text字体,有创意。,2006-03-15 22:22:26,下载4次
Beej的网络socket编程指南.rar - Beej的网络socket编程指南,详细的介绍了socket编程。,2005-06-14 23:02:04,下载8次
DDK开发协议驱动程序.rar - DDK开发协议驱动程序编程内容,如果想了解或提高ddk开发能力的。,2005-06-14 22:36:10,下载151次
Ctrl2cap-src.zip - 利用Caps Lock键替代Ctrl键的源程序。,2005-06-14 22:28:41,下载49次
fullscr.zip - 能使窗体最大化,稍微修改就可以增加程序的界面风格.,2005-05-31 12:01:48,下载35次
oo.rar - 如果能够把这个文件看懂了(只有一个main函数,可用到的C知识非常深奥),那你的C语言就到家了。非常值得学习。,2005-01-26 15:32:05,下载13次
XPMessageBox.rar - XP形式的窗体,分模式与非模式两种,附加文件功能非常强大,只要添加一条语句就可以实现。非常值得学习,很经典。,2005-01-26 15:26:50,下载29次
Kingsoft-Hook.rar - 金山词霸的屏幕取词技术,利用了 DLL编程,非常值得学习。,2005-01-25 12:11:33,下载712次
xmms-mp3-1.2.7-13.p.i386.rar - linux下用来播放mp3的插件,2004-11-05 15:15:19,下载88次
rarlinux-3.2.0.tar.gz - linux下用的解压缩软件,2004-11-05 15:13:49,下载105次
Send_UDP_Packet.rar - 发送UDP网络数据包,2004-11-03 15:21:50,下载62次
send udp packet1.rar - send udp packet1,2004-11-03 12:00:59,下载17次
Windows对象的分配和释放函数.zip - Windows资源对象的分配和释放函数,2004-08-30 00:21:31,下载9次

STM32_USART_DMA_RX.zip - 程序为STM32 串口UART 使用DMA方式收发数据的实践
arduino_USB_TTL______.rar - 下载到arduino uno,直接将TX、RX与ESP8266 TX、RX以并行线相连,可以实现将arduino uno开发板当成USB_TTL转换芯片,终于不需另外购置劣质转换产品了。
霍尔传感器AS5047P.zip - 霍尔传感器AS5047P-TS_EK_AB开发板说明及案例,测量电机角位置
AS5600 iic lcd显示.zip - AS5600 STM32F103ZET6
as5048 5600-v1.2.zip - as5600 iic writ read demo
proteus.rar - proteus元件库最新版 很有用的! 多多下载啊!
library.rar - 对Proteus元件库的补充和完善,直接解压后覆盖原文件即可。
流水灯500HZ.zip - proteus仿真STM32流水灯 六个LED依次循环点亮
H-Bridge_Drv_Motor.rar - 基于51单片机、IR2101、IRF2804的H桥直流电机驱动测试电路
BLDC.rar - 51单片机无刷直流电机proteus仿真无刷电机 IR2101驱动电机
ir2101-h-kopru-dc-motor-surucu-devresi.rar - reliability and monte carlo simulation
49、基于单片机的无刷直流电机控制系统的设计.rar - 应用ir2101驱动无刷电机转动 实现电机的转动。
SPWM_IQmath.rar - dspspwm波形分析,在对三相正弦波形进行脉宽调制时,主要的参数有: 1.载波比N=Fr/FS 其中:Fr为载波频率;FS为调制波频率 2.调制度 M=US/Ur 其中:US为调制波幅值;Ur
IQmath1.rar - 2812DSP中的数据格式转换 IQMATH
stm32.rar - stm32f103vet6的PCB和原理图
STM32_PCB.rar - 这是stm32系列的pcb封装,分享给大家希望对大家的学习有帮助。
schematics.rar - STM32电路图,有原理图和PCB,稍微处理即可直接去制作。
IICF103ZET6读取磁编码传感器AS5600.zip - 此代码中以stm32f103zet6作为主机,通过IIC读取奥地利微电子公司生产的磁性旋转位置传感器的角度数据
IQmathLib.rar - 28335 数学库 包括sin cos aqrt等浮点函数的应用
平衡小车PCB.rar - 平衡小车的PCB图,用Altium Designer打开,用来学习画PCB图的实例
