
注册日期:2006-03-23 09:00:43

biew-564.tar.gz - BIEW source code. Release 5.64.,2008-12-12 13:43:12,下载40次
tanenbaum.zip - Operating systems. Design and implementation,2008-12-08 17:28:06,下载4次
vdr-1.6.0.rar - video disk recorder - linux,2008-11-23 03:05:58,下载24次
LEDM.rar - AVR code for led matrix,2008-11-21 05:03:38,下载29次
C++_primer_4_answer.rar - C++ primer 4 answer book,2008-11-04 16:14:24,下载25次
Flight_Whi21317410242008.zip - This is one of the best codes I have ever written. I did this about one year ago for one of my college projects. It is still known to be the best project ever done by a first year freshman in my college. This is a commandline programe with an awsome cool interface. The geeky look is given by using the black background with the neon green frountground.,2008-10-31 23:15:18,下载36次
links-2.2.zip - ELinks is an advanced and well-established feature-rich text mode web (HTTP/FTP/..) browser. ELinks can render both frames and tables, is highly customizable and can be extended via Lua or Guile scripts. It is quite portable and runs on a variety of platforms. Check the about page for a more complete description. ELinks is an Open Source project covered by the GNU General Public License. It originates from the Links project written by Mikulas Patocka. If you want to see ELinks in action check out the screenshots.,2008-10-25 20:32:36,下载40次
KawaiiGL.zip - Kawaii kawaii yes hello this is just something I wrote as a demo for opengl in 3d it is very cute and square and stuff with it along way for it to go hello.,2008-10-21 05:02:14,下载3次
SuperBrickBreaker_src.zip - 一个经典打砖游戏,使用directx的范例,编译前须安装directx sdk 8.0以上版本,2008-06-27 02:01:29,下载2次
Magnifier_src.zip - 一个放大看图源码,移动鼠标可以放大图像的对应部分,2008-06-27 01:57:38,下载17次
screenpainter_src.zip - 在桌面上画图,程序其实是个透明背景窗口。,2008-06-27 01:52:53,下载74次
gdiplush.zip - 检测内存泄漏的工具,可以同时检查gdi+和mfc的内存泄漏,2008-06-27 01:47:12,下载20次
ImageEx_src.zip - 用gdi+制作程序动画,利用gif格式文件,2008-06-27 01:44:46,下载20次
Desktop_Puzzle_Game_demo.zip - 一个把桌面变成拼图游戏的程序,拼图内容为你的桌面,2008-06-27 01:41:15,下载5次

