
注册日期:2006-04-12 09:23:45

closeForm.zip - 可以关闭屏幕上的所有Form包括Windows桌面、任务栏等,2008-10-05 21:15:36,下载2次
asp.ZIP - 这是一个演示如何利用ASP建立论坛的程序,功能很强大,2008-10-05 21:09:22,下载5次
clockvb.rar - 一个漂亮的钟,它可以设置每日定时、只今天定时闹铃,每日定时提醒、到某日定时提醒。 还是一个动态显示时间的钟,跟手表一模一样! ,2006-04-12 09:46:13,下载20次
vbinterface.rar - 一个非常好的visual basic 程序界面的例子,2006-04-12 09:42:13,下载15次
productSQL.rar - 你只要把想做的查询方式告诉它,它就会把相应的SQL语句告诉你,2006-04-12 09:34:44,下载4次
CoolProgressBar.rar - Cool Progress Bar is a regular progress bar, but with some cool effects (ok, maybe I m exaggerating a bit, but this was the first name that I came up with!). It was specially made for games (where a nice progress bar when loading the game always looks good, impresses the users and distracts them), but you can use it anywhere else. For now, all it supports is a gradation effect between two colors you choose, and a background color. But I plan to use a lot more effects, from custom graphics to transition effects and masks. Feel free to e-mail me your own suggestions. Just make sure you dedicate at least one line to me in the "Thanks to" section of your program/game or credit me in any other way you see fit. That s all I ask in return for using this.,2006-04-12 09:29:33,下载13次

