
注册日期:2006-05-16 20:49:57

wavelet_transf.rar - WAVELET BASED COMPRESSION,本程序用matlab工具编程实现了小波变换进行图像压缩,并且显示压缩前后的图像。代码很简明清晰,适合初学者研究和学习。,2006-06-04 10:59:05,下载511次
Actual_JPEG_codec.rar - 由几个完整的m文件组成的很好的jepg压缩解压的matlab实现程序。 Steps to Run: 1. Run jpegdemo.m (encoder) by Yu Hen Hu 2. Run ijpegdemo.m (decoder) by Ravi Lakkundi (Me),2006-06-04 10:55:19,下载133次
simulate-dpsk8.rar - 本例用matlab语言实现了8dpsk的编解码及通过awgn信道的仿真。采用蒙特卡罗仿真法,得到误码性能,绘制曲线。可用于算法研究或课程学习。,2006-05-28 14:41:40,下载61次
homo_filter_based_on_opencv.rar - opencv是目前广泛流行的一个开源图像处理库。基于它实现各种图像处理的二次开发都十分方便。本程序基于opencv简洁的实现了图像处理中的同态滤波器,注释清楚,便于大家学习和使用。,2006-05-17 11:10:34,下载353次
qof-gen.rar - Generates the C source code for Query Object Framework objects and provides a test environment linked against QOF to query objects, store in XML and export into SQL files. Create the fundamental object code from XML exported by any other QOF project,2006-05-16 22:48:26,下载4次
RS_codec_system.rar - 这是我自己编写的一个完整的多进制GF域上RS信道编解码系统。解码采用梅西迭代算法。整个算法模块功能分明,GF域上运算都单独成为子模块,移植性强。还附有测试程序,方便了解各个模块的功能完成情况。,2006-05-16 22:24:48,下载59次
musicTree.rar - musicTree is a java application that allows you to view and play your MP3 files from a tree which sorts albums by artist. It allows you to easily navigate your music collection and play albums at random, to play all the songs by a specific artist etc. ,2006-05-16 22:15:17,下载3次
myron.rar - Myron (webcamxtra) brings native-implemented, cross-platform computer vision to Processing and Macromedia Director, allowing inexpensive commercial USB cameras to control just about anything. Keep computer vision easy and inexpensive for the people!,2006-05-16 21:59:32,下载7次
biosig4c++.rar - BIOSIG is an open source software library for biomedical signal processing. Library works well with Octave and Matlab. Special emphasis is put on EEG/MEG/ECoG, but also other types of biosignals like ECG, EMG, etc. are supported. ,2006-05-16 21:45:31,下载108次
Estereo.rar - EStereo is a computer vision C++ library for real-time disparity estimation. The library contains various functions for dense stereo matching from 2 or 3 rectified images and 3D scene reconstruction.,2006-05-16 21:05:21,下载215次

