
注册日期:2006-07-19 11:17:33

libdca-0.0.2.tar.gz - libdca is a free library for decoding DTS Coherent Acoustics streams. The code is written by Gildas Bazin and was based on the a52dec project. It is released under the terms of the GPL license. The DTS Coherent Acoustics standard (ETSI 102 114 v1.2.1), as published by the ETSI, is available here (,2006-07-19 16:54:40,下载20次
libdvdplay-1.0.1.tar.gz - 这个开源工程已经被libdvdnav取代,但仍颇有参考价值。 原始信息: libdvdplay is a simple library designed for DVD navigation. It depends on libdvdread (which can optionally use libdvdcss). NOTE: libdvdplay is no longer under active development. VLC has switched to libdvdnav which appears to be more reliable for DVD navigation than libdvdplay. Of course you are still welcome to use, work or submit patches to libdvdplay. Currently supported platforms are Unix, Windows, BeOS and Mac OS X, but it should work on almost any platform. ,2006-07-19 16:22:20,下载12次
x264-snapshot-20060718-2245.rar - x264 is a free library for encoding H264/AVC video streams. It is released under the terms of the GPL license. (x264 is still in early development stage) ,2006-07-19 15:50:11,下载26次
h264bitstream-0.1.4.tar.gz - The h264bitstream library provides a complete set of functions to read and write video streams conforming to the ITU H264 (MPEG4-AVC) video standard. License: GNU Library or Lesser General Public License. ,2006-07-19 15:09:40,下载61次 - 是一个有自动求解功能的推箱子游戏,本人的旧作品。使用了从起点和终点两个方向同时进行有向图搜索的方法,是学习博弈算法的极佳参考。闲来玩玩这个游戏可锻炼思维,精选了网上流行的很多高难度地图,如果全部都可不使用AI求解,那就很厉害了。,2006-07-19 11:34:01,下载31次

