
注册日期:2006-07-21 11:32:52

TracertMap.zip - The tracert tool displays the various IP Addresses in the route of a network packet as it travels to a destination IP address from a source. An article which describes how tracert works and which also presents a C# component to implement tracert functionality in your projects can be found here. In the tool presented in this article, I combine the tracert component, technology to geo-locate based on IP address from HostIP.info and the Virtual Earth API to map the locations of various IP addresses that fall in the route of a network packet when it travels to a user provided destination IP address. Since the tracert component is covered thoroughly in the other article let start by looking at geo-location and the MSN Virtual Earth API.,2006-07-21 13:12:58,下载30次
DotMsnDemo.rar - C#连接MSN的演示程序。用到了DotMSN.DLL。,2006-07-21 13:10:32,下载27次
CSharpVoice.rar - C#设计高精度语音识别程序。内有演示程序。,2006-07-21 13:06:07,下载1403次
DOTNETGrid.rar - DOTNET DataGrid自定义控件。采用C#开发,可采用正则表达式、下拉列表、属性结构、日期空间等输入数据。,2006-07-21 11:46:43,下载74次
Piccolo.NET-1.2.zip - MS.NET GDI+平台。使用C#开发。,2006-07-21 11:41:58,下载35次

