
注册日期:2006-11-16 13:30:38

chazhinihe.rar - 插值法与曲线拟合. 详细地讲述了插值法与曲线拟合的理论,尤其是最小二乘法,对于初学者很有帮助。,2007-12-24 09:51:07,下载46次
MATLABoptics.rar - MATLAB 在光学教学中的应用,有示例,模拟光的双缝干涉%单缝衍射和光栅衍射.,2007-11-01 21:13:11,下载171次
MATLAB3Ddigital.rar - 基于MATLAB三维数字地形图在库区冲淤分析中的应用,2007-10-26 23:37:57,下载26次
MATLABmontecarlo1.rar - 用MATLAB实现蒙特卡骂法计算结构可靠度. 针对应用蒙特卡罗直接抽样法解决结构可靠度所遇到的困难,提出利用MATLAB的强大数值计算功能解决此类问题。 ,2007-04-30 16:41:20,下载131次
zzxymath_matlab_program.rar - 数学实验与Matlab程序zxymath_matlab_program 对于初学者,是一份不错的自学资料. ,2007-03-18 11:38:47,下载9次
binomial.rar - % binomial.m by David Terr, Raytheon, 5-11-04, from mathworks.com % Given nonnegative integers n and m with m<=n, compute the % binomial coefficient n choose m. ,2007-01-28 15:09:47,下载3次
domdsProfile.rar - MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCALING in matlab by Mark Steyvers 1999 %needs optimization toolbox %Modified by Bruce Land %--Data via globals to anaylsis programs %--3D plotting with color coded groups %--Mapping of MDS space to spike train temporal profiles as described in %Aronov, et.al. "Neural coding of spatial phase in V1 of the Macaque" in %press J. Neurophysiology,2007-01-24 16:52:51,下载39次
Calculatetheprobability.rar - calculatePXTheta---Calculate the probability of each pixel being its color conditioned on all of the clusters that were found at the previous (coarser) iteration. ,2006-12-26 17:05:39,下载7次
piecewise_eval.rar - LINEINTRGAL Line Integral in a 2D Vector Field. LINEINTRGAL(X,Y,U,V,C) computes the line integral along the lines given in cell array C. X and Y define the coordinates of a rectangular grid over which U and V are defined. X and Y must be monotonic and 2D plaid as % produced by MESHGRID. X, Y, U, and V must all be the same size.,2006-12-14 21:44:49,下载13次
3D2Dvectorfieldplottervectline.rar - vectline "vector field line plotter" Depending on the dimension of coordinate axis, vectline can plot both 3D and 2D vector field line.,2006-12-14 21:43:00,下载19次
2Dlineintegral.rar - PIECEWISE_EVAL: evaluates a piecewise function of x usage: y = PIECEWISE_EVAL(x,breakpoints,funs) arguments (input) x - vector or array of points to evaluate though the function breakpoints - list of n breakpoints, -inf and +inf are implicitly,2006-12-14 21:41:39,下载3次
Peakfinder3.rar - A fast customizable function for locating and measuring the peaks in noisy time-series signals. Adjustable parameters allow discrimination of "real" signal peaks from noise and background. Determines the position, height, and width of each peak by least-squares curve-fitting.,2006-12-07 23:14:58,下载50次
Peakfinder2.rar - A fast customizable function for locating and measuring the peaks in noisy time-series signals. Adjustable parameters allow discrimination of "real" signal peaks from noise and background. ,2006-12-07 23:14:26,下载20次
Peakfinder1.rar - A fast customizable function for locating and measuring the peaks in noisy time-series signals.,2006-12-07 23:13:21,下载15次
MATLABz0.rar - 数字信号处理教程_MATLAB释义与实现.较全面地讲述了利用MATLAB进行数字信号处理,有大量示例讲解.,2006-12-04 17:39:10,下载112次
MATLABz1.rar - 实用化工计算机模拟:MATLAB在化学工程中的应用 详细地讲解MATLAB在化学工程中的应用,对于提高使用MATLAB的技巧有很大帮助.,2006-12-02 18:50:45,下载52次
z5.rar - 偏微分方程的MATLAB解法. 讲述如何利用pdetool工具箱求解偏微分方程. ,2006-11-16 14:12:01,下载203次

