
注册日期:2006-12-04 16:54:18

singlechip_C_Program_Example.rar - 内有C51语言和C语言以及汇编语言的对比,单片机内部资源、扩展资源及其编程;有应用实例,通过实例,读者可以在工作中进行类比编程,又可以开阔思路,提高实际工作能力。,2009-12-15 09:35:55,下载2次
bwlargestblob.rar - bwlargestblob reads in a 2-d binary image and outputs a binary image, retaining only the largest blob.,2007-10-23 08:45:27,下载22次 - The program should recognize objects like circles, rectangles, and squares from the input image. ,2007-10-23 08:42:32,下载9次
rgb2hsv_fast.rar - In addition to being inherently more efficient, it introduces optional arguments - to calculate in single precision - to calculate only hue or saturation or value (or combinations of them),2007-10-23 08:36:59,下载13次 - this script used a new fast block matching algorithm with dynamic search patterns to obtain motion vectors for each blocks.,2007-10-23 08:32:54,下载52次 - This function computes Euclidean distance transform for 3D binary image with non-trivial aspect ratio (i.e. anisotropic pixels). The algorithm uses fast optimized line-scans and is actually faster than MATLAB s BWDIST implementation of search on optimized kd-tree for many cases. It also uses cell-array representation for internal data, and thus is less demanding to physical memory.,2007-10-10 15:08:07,下载71次
tvdenoise.rar - The Rudin-Osher-Fatemi total variation (TV) denoising technique poses the problem of denoising as a minimization problem,2007-09-11 15:19:54,下载107次 - A quantitative analysis of perimeter roughness is carried out to illustrate the degree of roughness of input images.,2007-09-11 10:39:28,下载42次
otsu.rar - Compute a segmented image (Iseg) containing n classes by means of Otsu s n-thresholding method (Otsu N, A Threshold Selection Method from Gray-Level Histograms, IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. 9:62-66 1979). ,2007-09-11 10:30:49,下载29次 - This toolbox contains functions related to image processing, including * images loading and generation. * filtering and blurring functions. * anisotropic and spacially variant filters. * non-linear filtering (median, LIC, bilateral). * High Dynamic Range image loading and equalization. * total variation image processing (denoising and decomposition). * non-wavelets image transforms such as local DCT,2007-09-11 10:07:14,下载193次
Pictures_Hiding.rar - 包括:隐藏混沌序列即隐藏参数的生成;对图像进行隐藏;恢复出隐藏前置乱的目标图像;恢复出原目标图像;对隐藏目标置乱处理等,2007-09-11 09:00:48,下载60次

