
注册日期:2006-12-27 13:51:15

modelsim_se_10.0_install.rar - modelsim10.1官方安装指导。希望对想安装MODELSIM软件的通知有所帮助。,2012-03-14 17:37:33,下载26次
AD9984A.rar - 视频接口芯片,支持1900X1200以下所有分辨率。,2012-03-14 17:34:10,下载26次
rtp_spec.rar - RTP协议标准,RTP 在多点传送(多播)或单点传送(单播)的网络服务上,提供端对端的网络传输功能,适合应用程序传输实时数据.,2012-03-14 17:12:28,下载9次
RTP_h_264.rar - RTP 协议是IETF ( Internet Engineering TaskFo rce) 在RFC1889 中给出的, 是专门为交互式音频、视频、仿真数据等实时媒体应用而设计的轻型传输协议。RTP 被定义为在一对一或一对多的传输情况下工作, 其目的是提供时间信息和实现流同步。RTP 通常使用UDP来传送数据, 但RTP 也可以在TCP 或A TM 等协议下工作.对H.264网络开发有何大帮助!!,2012-03-14 17:03:56,下载13次
UYYTY.rar - 一种关于高速时钟提取的文章,讲述了锁相环提取时钟的优缺点。,2008-04-07 17:27:14,下载56次
HDB3bianjiema.rar - 关于HDB3码的一种新的编解码形式,可以有CPLD实现。,2008-04-07 17:25:10,下载16次
guangdian.rar - 关于光电转换的介绍,包括信号的编解码。很精彩呀!,2008-04-07 17:20:54,下载10次
smi_rw.rar - 基于IEEE802.3标准的SMII网络通信的VERILOG实现,2008-04-07 17:16:46,下载38次
ram_smi.rar - 关于RTL8208的传输协议及标准的VERILOG实现。,2008-04-07 17:14:38,下载20次
DDR2_sdram.rar - DDR2 的控制器,它是由LATTICE的编译器生成。,2008-03-31 10:26:41,下载88次
TLV320AIC23.rar - Texas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries (TI) reserve the right to make corrections, modifications, enhancements, improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice. Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete. All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.,2007-03-29 11:17:05,下载64次
epm7032ae.rar - (1) This pin may function as either a JTAG port or a user I/O pin. If the device is configured to use the JTAG ports for in-system programming, this pin is not available as a user I/O pin. (2) The user I/O pin count includes dedicated input pins and all I/O pins.,2007-03-29 11:12:23,下载12次

