
注册日期:2007-02-16 10:26:47

FFT_MATH.rar - fft算法实现的说明文档,可以用在嵌入式环境下.包含了原理和一个C的例子,可以用在ARM和单片机上.,2013-02-06 13:07:37,下载6次
talk.rar - 详细说明了头骨,喉骨,耳机送话器的原理和实现方法.,2013-02-06 13:05:48,下载17次
Linux-pthread.rar - 非常非常经典的LINUX下进程通信的说明,强烈推荐下载,绝对是不可多得的经典教材.,2013-02-06 12:57:25,下载26次
UDP-Test.rar - LINUX下的UDP通信程序,非常适合用在嵌入式的应用.,2013-02-06 12:49:08,下载8次
pthread-test.rar - linux下的多线程例子,包含了俩个线程的创建和互斥.,2013-02-06 12:47:15,下载7次
PIC_Hi-Tech_C_I2C_for_EEPROM_24LC01B.zip - Example code for I2C, routines for PIC16F877 to write to the 24LC01B EEPROM, using the PICDEM 2 demo board from Microchip.,2007-02-16 10:55:37,下载68次
PIC_Hi-Tech_C_Mike_Pearces_I2C_routines.zip - A complete set of bit banged, software driven I2C routines I created for any PIC device - and they work!! These functions are single master only functions, and are ideal for communicating with things like EEPROMs, LCD Drivers, ADC Converters etc,2007-02-16 10:54:52,下载28次
PIC_Hi-Tech_C_PIC16F87x_serial_comms_and_VB6_sampl - Serial port example.?How to communicate with RS232 to your PC via a serial port, with Hi-Tech C code, hardware schematics, and Visual Basic 6 sample project.,2007-02-16 10:49:50,下载22次
PIC18F1320_bootloader_with_complete_source.zip - PIC18F1320 bootloader. This a port of the PIC16F87x bootloader to the PIC18F1320. Project includes Microsoft Visual C++ source for the Windows downloader, and assembly source for the PIC core. For more background documentaiton about bootloaders in general, see the PIC16F87x ,2007-02-16 10:46:43,下载54次
PIC_Hi-Tech_C_PIC18F4550_USB_CDC_example_v1-02.zip - USB的开发例子,用PIC18F4550实现.可以和电脑用USB控制连接.,2007-02-16 10:44:56,下载239次

StateGriduCOS.rar - 该程序是基于stm32f103-cortex-m3芯片,并带有实时操作系统uc/os的智能电能表程序
