
注册日期:2007-03-05 21:37:18

上传列表 - A Csharp class to send email.hese managed wrappers wrap each of the methods on the original interfaces and correctly communicate with the unmanaged server. In addition, some of the original methods are exposed as properties instead of pairs of methods. For example, all pairs of Set and Query methods are exposed as properties,2007-04-30 14:34:05,下载2次 - Email Client.It is very good code.You can use the class to work very well.,2007-04-30 14:32:43,下载8次
EASendMail.rar - To write a managed event sink, you must link to the PIA that contains the necessary interfaces and implement the interfaces that correspond to the events that need to be handled. Optionally, you can link to the assembly that contains the easier-to-use wrappers for these interfaces. The following example illustrates how to write a managed SMTP event sink in CSharp that handles inbound commands. Use this type of sink to handle inbound SMTP commands and messages, and to process them as needed. ,2007-04-30 14:26:13,下载12次 - Writing event sinks in managed code allows the programmer to make use of the Microsoft® .NET Framework and to more efficiently write the code that is necessary for the sink. Writing managed sinks can be somewhat difficult, however, because event sink interfaces were designed primarily for C++ programmers and are therefore not very easy to use in a language such as C#.,2007-04-30 14:22:24,下载6次 - 此工程是用来发送邮件,每好的一天当然要用GOODDAY来发送自己的邮件.传送自己的心情给朋友,2007-04-30 14:20:43,下载5次 - 这是一个用C#编写的下载邮件的类,使用此类可以应用于简单的邮件下载里面. ,2007-04-30 14:16:11,下载17次

