
注册日期:2007-03-12 13:28:31

上传列表 - 美皮肤文档,网上下的;美皮肤文档,网上下的,2016-02-03 15:21:01,下载2次
AutoRingProjectxx_zz_src.rar - I created this app to simulate the ring behavior of the Motorola RAZR which would switch to loud when charging and return to vibrate-only when disconnected (no manual adjustment needed). This app also allows the reverse scenario (silent when connected otherwise ring). This tutorial assumes you already have the Eclipse environment up and running. If you are new to Eclipse and Android development, I recommend going through the temperature converter tutorial which can be found here.,2012-06-20 10:51:20,下载12次
VDiff_zxcc__src.rar - 外国牛人写的比较器,相当于beyongcompare,2012-06-20 10:44:44,下载3次
StarTrekRetro_dfgvdf_Src.rar - After reading the article of Michael Birken, one has to admit that it is again proven that there is only one ingredient that makes a good game: the gameplay. Not the looks, not the sound. As a huge fan of the Introversion Software games, which all have a special old look, I thought why not add this simple retro look to this game. Like James Curran stated, Michael Birken s article covers the game from top to bottom, there isn t much light I can shed over this. So, I will focus more on the differences of building a 2D game (which isn t a console) that looks like a console game.,2012-06-20 10:42:49,下载4次
CarouselDemozzxxx.rar - package com.carouseldemo.main import com.carouseldemo.controls.Carousel import com.carouseldemo.controls.CarouselAdapter import com.carouseldemo.controls.CarouselAdapter.OnItemClickListener import import android.os.Bundle import android.view.View import android.widget.Toast ,2012-06-20 10:38:59,下载4次
3GModemxx.rar - A wireless 3G modem is a type of modem which connects to a cellular network instead of to the land line telephone system. It allows you to get broadband internet access anywhere you can get a cell-phone signal. Many cellular phones these days have 3G modems built into them. There have been a lot of great articles that guide you how to write an internet dialer for regular modem (and most of them work for 3G modems too) but some information is missing, for example, signal strength, connection mode (GSM, GPRS, EDEG, HSDPA, etc.) and other information which is wireless modem related. ,2012-06-20 10:36:37,下载12次
MagneticPendulum_zdfsthbs.rar - A few years ago, I got an article named "Experimente zum Chaos" [translated.: "Experiments on Chaos"] from the the German version of the Scientific American. The article dates back to 1994, and introduces among others a simulation showing the chaotic motion of a pendulum under the influence of gravity and three magnets. For some reason, this simulation fascinated me and so I wrote a program implementing it. The original program was coded quite some time ago, and since then I almost forgot about it. But because now I want a high resolution image of this fractal for my wall, I had to recode it. [Stupid reason isn t it? So what!] ,2009-02-24 09:05:25,下载6次
hgrd_src_zdhdhth.rar - HGRD is a code for triangulation of a polygon with or without holes. It can triangulate and also deal with many disconnected polygons treated as a single one [see figure with the triangulation of Norway border line]. The algorithm is based on Delaunay triangulation. One of the main problems was to keep complexity order as low as possible [N log N] so tree structures [i.e., STL map] are used in critical parts. Thanks to this, it was possible to triangulate a complex polygon with around 40000 nodes within 6s [Athlon 1.4GHz DDR 266]. ,2009-02-24 09:04:58,下载20次
geometry_dzthstrh.rar - This article presents two classes and a set of utility functions for computational geometry. C3Point is a 3D counterpart to CPoint and CPolygon encapsulates a set of C3Point s and provides general polygon handling functions. The classes have been mildly optimised for speed. The classes were originally written for use in discretising 2D surfaces into element networks and for calculating properties of the resultant elements. Care must be taken when using some of the functions such as the curvature and area functions to ensure that the results returned by the functions are consistent with your needs and definitions. ,2009-02-24 09:04:27,下载5次
fractalsSSE__dsthbsrc.rar - You probably have heard about fractals before. They are beautiful pictures such as the one shown above. Any fractal can be described using iterative formulas. So you can generate a fractal by evaluating these formulas and finding the color of each pixel. That is a large computational task, and drawing a fractal needs a fast CPU and a carefully optimized program. ,2009-02-24 09:04:04,下载4次
demo_src_1_sdrthsf.rar - Image alignment is the process of matching one image called template [let s denote it as T] with another image, I [see the above figure]. There are many applications for image alignment, such as tracking objects on video, motion analysis, and many other tasks of computer vision. ,2009-02-24 09:03:33,下载7次
BezierCurves_dshbds.rar - Bezier curves are the most fundamental curves, used generally in computer graphics and image processing. These curves are mainly used in interpolation, approximation, curve fitting, and object representation. In this article, I will demonstrate, in a very simple and straightforward way, how one can construct these curves and make use of them.,2009-02-24 09:02:50,下载14次
tkugukl.rar - tkugukl.rar c++初学者,指正使用例子,2008-04-28 20:00:53,下载1次
c_to_asmm_compers1123.rar - c_to_asmm_compers1123.rarc代码编译为汇编的交叉编译器---跨平台,2008-04-28 19:59:51,下载1次
seuthrsytuj.rar - 一个快速抓屏的例子~~seuthrsytuj.rar,2008-04-28 19:59:07,下载3次
mhkjionIP_cddzfh.rar - hkjionIP_cddzfh.rar监视ip的例子,数据包分析,2008-04-28 19:58:23,下载5次
c_gui_zdhbdzh.rar - c_gui_zdhbdzh.rar一个小GUI系统,可以看下,2008-04-28 19:57:14,下载3次
xfyhjyfkhk.rar - 一个反汇编器源码 一个反汇编器源码,2008-04-28 19:56:20,下载28次
unp_1945_src.rar - wuinzup in the MFC way,2008-02-25 12:39:09,下载1次 - new serializing arbitrary data structures,2008-02-25 12:37:00,下载2次 - Optimization Algorithms蚂蚁算法!~,2008-02-25 12:35:49,下载9次
newhh_table1_src.rar - A console-based hah calculators,2008-02-25 12:34:17,下载3次
cmp1984.rar - some File Comparer with visual output,2008-02-25 12:30:53,下载2次 - a N-gram and Fast Pattern Extraction Algorithms~ ,2008-02-25 12:27:07,下载36次
serch_A_start.rar - 一个VC写A*寻路的程序库,可以给你演示各种算法的快慢,优劣,作者超级强悍,一定要看!要用VC6.0编译才行~,2007-08-02 16:35:33,下载100次
new_realtime_os.rar - 一个强实时OS的设计文档,对嵌入式OS开发,移植有兴趣的一定要看!,2007-08-02 16:29:45,下载18次
dsp_projiaochengs.rar - 嵌入C语言开发教程宝典,可以看看! PDF版本,2007-08-02 16:22:13,下载67次
unrealtek_drivers.rar - LCD 的C语言驱动程序,非常实用! 可以,2007-08-02 16:18:35,下载4次
8051f.rar - c8051一个EMIF控制的例子,课业可以看看!,2007-08-02 16:09:28,下载32次 - Practic Guides to STL,2007-08-01 16:18:26,下载3次 - Port Access windows os,2007-07-14 21:11:11,下载3次
fjntmk.rar - API Monitoring Unleashed!!! ,2007-07-14 21:10:01,下载2次 - Serial ports. Enumeration and FIFO controls. ,2007-07-14 21:09:00,下载5次 - ~Eliminating Explorer s delay when deleting an in-use file,2007-07-14 20:58:57,下载9次 - a USB drive for safe removal!! ,2007-07-14 20:52:45,下载3次
debug_.ZIP - Debugging and Building Operating Systems,2007-04-01 23:48:50,下载3次 - Enumerate Threads For Windows NT 4.0 ,2007-04-01 23:47:51,下载2次 - Hooking the kernel directly ,2007-04-01 23:44:11,下载5次 - a Windows service (used to be called NT service) is a console application,2007-04-01 23:38:55,下载6次 - Cryptest (MFC Style Crypto++ v4.2 Library GUI). ,2007-03-12 13:46:23,下载195次 - Simple Reminder Application,2007-03-12 13:42:17,下载39次 - Transparent Console Application ,2007-03-12 13:40:23,下载82次 - Transparent Console Application ,2007-03-12 13:38:47,下载77次 - Updating version information at run-time,2007-03-12 13:37:22,下载86次

近期下载 - 语音识别中的声纹识别测试的C++源代码,主要基于PLDA打分的小模型 - 声纹识别和语音识别,语音识别的模块使用的讯飞云。声纹识别的代码则是参考了Dake前辈的代码。在此提出感谢。
USB-communication-code-on-vc.rar - 用于USB通信的上位机程序,对于各种方式都有实现
iPaint.rar - 用VC++开发的对USB数据和下位机的通信,对学习和下层机通讯的作者,可以下载。底层由C++来实现
VC++USB.rar - VC++编程环境下的USB编程(接收和发送数据)
usb-pcb-firware-libusb.rar - 如标题,对应之前上传的用VC编写的USB采集电压的客户端程序,这是相应的单片机设计电路(PCB工程),需要烧写到单片中的固件代码(用winavr环境,C语言编写),以及电脑识别USB需要用到的LIBusb文件,都包含在内
MSB.rar - VC++实现与USB进行通讯的代码;介绍如何与USB进行通讯了,不错
vc_usb.rar - 上位机与USB的通信程序
EZ_USB_DDK_VC.rar - easy usb windows驱动源代码
VC++USB PROGRAM SOURCE CODE.rar - USB Comunication make in Visual C++
tmiprogram.rar - Write the USB interface communication program with VC
VC_Example_USB-CAN200.rar - USB-CAN200通信的VC代码,给了具体的通信示例,包括连接、发送、断开等
PID.rar - 可以利用CAP捕获输入引脚获得过零点,也可以利用捕获功能计算得到交流风扇的当前转速。
CPU_FanSpeed.rar - 用STM32F103+W5100实现100MHz网卡通讯,通过外部中断计数实现风扇速度采集,用SPI实现主控单元与多个模块之间的通讯,该系统以实现产品化流程,性能高度可靠。供兴趣者交流参考。
activacion.rar - proteus of moc3021 octocoupler with triac for a resistive load. - Keeping alive a KRUPS cofee maker with Arduino WARN!! does not has PID to control temperature The LED flashing sometimes fail NTC pin to +5V, Another pin to A0, A0 (PullDown resistor) to Gnd of 22000Ohms (22K - orange,orange,orange) For led, 1KOhm resistor (brown, black, Red) to control pump and warming resistor, 2 homemade circuits with MOC3021 and TRIAC BTA12-600, for MOC, a 1Kohm resistor and for triac 220 Ohms resistor
