
注册日期:2007-03-28 09:27:36

PictTest.rar - 实际的视频工程项目经常和YUV格式的全电视信号打交道,另一方面为了增强系统 在PC平台上的实时性,必须发挥显卡系统的工效,即不采用GDI方式来显示视频帧。 本演示程序告诉读者这种做法的大至步骤: 读入YUV文件(采用YUV422格式),然后通过DirectDraw在主平面上显示出来。 每次显示一帧图象。,2007-12-19 10:51:05,下载89次
four Toolbox for SVM.rar - 这里实现了基于四种SVM工具箱的分类与回归算法: 1、工具箱:LS_SVMlab Classification_LS_SVMlab.m - 多类分类 Regression_LS_SVMlab.m - 函数拟合 2、工具箱:OSU_SVM3.00 Classification_OSU_SVM.m - 多类分类 3、工具箱:stprtool\svm Classification_stprtool.m - 多类分类 4、工具箱:SVM_SteveGunn Classification_SVM_SteveGunn.m - 二类分类 Regression_SVM_SteveGunn.m - 函数拟合 更详细的相关函数说明请通过help命令查看!,2007-12-19 10:42:24,下载634次
Feature Extraction and Gabor Filtering_C+Matlab.ra - Garbor filter is famous for its approximation to the characteristic of Cortex in human vision system. The state-of-the-arts advancement in computer vision application demonstrates the success and promissing of this technique. This directory contains the codes for Gabor filtering and texture feature extraction. The strategy of constructing the Gabor filter bank is based on the accompanied paper included in the subdirectory.,2007-12-19 10:39:43,下载258次
FaceRecognition.rar - 笔者自行编写的Matlab环境下的人脸识别算法小实验, 采用的是经典的PCA算法,主要内容是采用SVD方法提取出象素空间上的 PCA主分量特征,分类算法上仅是基于最小距离分类 ,2007-12-19 10:34:42,下载174次
Adaboost_guy.rar - Adaboost算法是一个著名的机器学习的算法,由于它在目标识别上的成功应用,至使被广泛的工程技术人员所熟知,这里提供一个辅助自学的工程案例,读者可以体会算法中的技术细节。这对于激发原创性思维是至关重要的!,2007-12-19 09:56:05,下载724次
Matlab_ToolBox(MachineVision).rar - 来自澳大利亚Qeensland大学的计算机视觉Matlab工具箱。 This Toolbox provides a number of functions that are useful in computer vision, machine vision and related areas. It is a somewhat eclectic collection reflecting the author s personal interest in areas of photometry, photogrammetry, colorimetry. It covers functions such as image file reading and writing, filtering, segmentation, feature extraction, camera calibration, camera exterior orientation, display, color space conversion and blackbody radiators. The Toolbox, combined with MATLAB and a modern workstation computer, is a useful and convenient environment for investigation of machine vision algorithms. It is possible to use MEX files to interface with image acquisition hardware ranging from simple framegrabbers to Datacube servers.,2007-04-22 16:22:49,下载578次
Surveillance2.rar - 用MAtlab写的不错的运动目标检测的分析平台。 研究人员可借此学习在Matlab71上如何编写图形化界面的程序, 同时可以将自己的代码在平台上面运行,方面地查看运行的效果。,2007-04-22 16:07:05,下载312次
SNVisionDemo.zip - SNVision Library (.dll).是法国SpikeNet公司的核心视觉分析软件。 SNVision Library (.dll) is the true core of our technology. It is made of 50 fully documented functions for image processing and analysis. It is provided with "how to use" examples for the main programming languages. SNVision Library is the runtime module which enables you to include Spikenet Technology into your application,2007-04-22 16:04:51,下载8次
SGLDMatrix.rar - 灰度空间共现矩阵(SGLD)是著名的提取目标纹理的特征,已经成功地应用于人脸检测等计算机视觉中。大家可研究此MAtlab代码,在实用中转化为C代码使用。,2007-04-22 15:47:31,下载126次
Applied.Software.Project.Management.Nov.2005.OReil - 这是写给作为软件工程项目经理的书,原书的书评是: "If you re looking for solid, easy-to-follow advice on estimation, requirements gathering, managing change, and more, you can stop now: this is the book for you." --Scott Berkun, Author of The Art of Project Management,2007-04-22 15:24:52,下载26次

