
注册日期:2007-03-28 12:46:43

PerceptronLMSFeedForwardBackPropagationCharacterRe - there are some newly released Neural Network Example Programs for Character Recognition, which based on Image Processing Toolbox,Neural Network Toolbox in MATLAB, which is quite informative for the beginners in Neural networks applicators,2007-04-01 18:57:39,下载35次
DemonstrationofRecedingHorizonControl(RHC)usingLMI - Demostration of example 6.2: Constrained Receding Horizon Control Example retired from the book: Receding Horizon Control - Model Predictive Control for State Models published on 2007-03-28 ,2007-04-01 17:58:53,下载16次 - it contains many classic Test Problems for Unconstrained Optimization such as camel6,treccani,goldstein,branin, shubert1,Ackley,dejong,dejong1,dejong2, dpower,rastrigin,Griewangk,Schwefel, rosenbrock2 and step. the package have the contour and mesh figures of these problem. it also give m files of these problems,and you can easily get your view of figures.,2007-04-01 17:39:23,下载55次
TravelingSalesmanProblemwithGeneticAlgorithm.rar - this m file can Find a (near) optimal solution to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) by setting up a Genetic Algorithm (GA) to search for the shortest path (least distance needed to travel to each city exactly once) Notes: 1. Input error checking included 2. Inputs can be specified in any order, so long as the parameter pairs are specified as a parameter , value ,2007-04-01 17:19:48,下载26次
matlabcodesofIterativeMethodsforLinearandNonlinear - This folder contains all the codes based on Matlab Language for the book <《Iterative Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Equations》, and there are totally 21 M files, which can solve most of linear and nonlinear equations problems. ,2007-04-01 17:03:52,下载34次

