
注册日期:2007-03-31 21:40:14

HLA 的FightGame例子 - HLA 的FightGame经典例子,具有C++源码,有参考价值,2022-07-09 13:30:00,下载0次
RTI-应用案例 - RTI-HLA 的经典应用案例,包含源代码,具有参考价值,2022-07-09 13:29:00,下载0次
Sonar Model Based Matched.rar - 宽带匹配场信号处理方法研究,非常具有参考价值,2021-03-15 19:35:15,下载6次 - hough变换谱线检测技术的matlab处理程序, 非常实用,2021-03-14 17:45:22,下载0次
Broadband passive sonar trackingt.rar - 宽带声纳跟踪技术研究, 描述了各种处理方法研究,2021-03-14 17:41:45,下载0次
123.rar - 火箭仿真的matlab 程序, 具有很好的参考价值, 有文档,2018-09-11 19:32:59,下载25次
SINS-MATLAB.rar - 惯性导航程序,matlab程序, 有注释,很不错的参考程序,2018-09-11 19:29:48,下载7次
MISSILE TEST.rar - 导弹的仿真程序, opengl编写,效果很好,2018-04-07 23:01:49,下载6次
earth simulation.rar - 地球的三维仿真,通过鼠标可以控制地球运动,效果非常好,2018-04-07 22:59:31,下载2次
卫星轨道计算.rar - 卫星轨道 描述,非常详细的卫星轨道ppt文件,2018-01-19 17:42:51,下载23次
卫星轨道模拟程序.zip - 卫星轨道模拟程序, matlab程序, 有文档说明,2018-01-19 17:40:53,下载18次
第2章-卫星轨道.rar - 第2章-卫星轨道, 详细的ppt描述了卫星轨道基本知识点,2018-01-19 17:39:30,下载1次
Cooperative-Diversity-in-Wireless-Networks-Phd.ra - To e ectively combat multipath fading across multiple protocol layers in wireless networks, this dissertation develops energy-ecient algorithms that employ certain kinds of cooperation among terminals, and illustrates how one might incorporate these algorithms into various network architectures. In these techniques, sets of terminals relay signals for each other to create a virtual antenna array, trading o the costs|in power, bandwidth, and complexity|for the greater bene ts gained by exploiting spatial diversity in the channel. By contrast, classical network architectures only employ point-to-point transmission and thus forego these bene ts.,2012-02-28 23:17:10,下载14次
On-the-Role-of-Estimate-and-Forward-With-Time.rar - In this paper, we focus on the general relay channel. We investigate the application of the estimate-and-forward (EAF) relaying scheme to different scenarios. Specifically, we study assignments of the auxiliary random variable that always satisfy the feasibility constraints. We then consider the Gaussian relay channel with coded modulation, where we show that a three-level quantization outperforms the Gaussian quantization commonly used to evaluate the achievable EAF rates in this scenario. Last, we consider the cooperative general broadcast scenario with a multistep conference between the receivers. We first apply EAF to obtain a general achievable rate region with a multistep conference. We then use an explicit assignment for the auxiliary random variables to obtain an explicit rate expression for the single common message case with a two-step conference.,2012-02-28 23:15:22,下载5次
Cooperative-Diversity-in-Wireless-Networks-MM.rar - Cooperative Diversity in Wireless Networks important thesis with matlab code simulation,2012-02-28 23:14:16,下载24次
Decode-and-Forward-Two-Way-Relaying-with.rar - In this paper, we study a decode-and-forward twoway relaying network. We propose an opportunistic two-way relaying (O-TR) scheme based on joint network coding and opportunistic relaying. In the proposed scheme, one single “best relay” is selected by MaxMin criterion to perform network coding on two decoded symbols sent from two sources, and then to broadcast the network-coded symbols back to the two sources. The performance of the proposed scheme is analyzed, and verified throughMonte Carlo simulations. Results show that the proposed scheme achieves a better performance compared to the fullydistributed space-time two-way relaying (FDST-TR), which has been identified as the best decode-and-forward two-way relaying method so far.,2012-02-28 23:12:28,下载21次
An-Opportunistic-Cooperation-Scheme-and-its-BER-A - The cooperative communication technology proposed in recent years enables network nodes to share their antennas to achieve diversity gain. In this paper, an efficient variation scheme on opportunistic cooperation is proposed by using an outage criterion, in which the cooperation mode will be adopted only when the channel from source to relay does not occur outage event.,2012-02-28 23:11:23,下载12次
Outage-Analysis-of-Coded-Cooperation.rar - Outage Analysis of Coded Cooperation Cooperative communication is an emerging paradigm where multiple mobiles share their resources (bandwidth and power) to achieve better overall performance. Coded cooperation is a mechanism where cooperation is combined with—and operates through—channel coding, as opposed to the repetition- based methods.,2012-02-28 23:04:41,下载20次 - 采用monte carlo方法的differential evolution 程序 ,2011-11-18 09:18:58,下载9次 - differential evolution algorithm 差分演化算法,非常有效,2011-11-18 09:17:02,下载31次
MatlabUserManualSignalFiltering.rar - User Manual for STABLE 5.1,2011-01-12 22:19:56,下载2次
chapter5.rar - Subspace Techniques with AlphaStable Distributions,2011-01-12 22:18:32,下载1次
chapter6.rar - WideBand Source Localization in the AlphaStable,2011-01-12 22:17:14,下载3次
Equalization_Tutorial.rar - Adaptive equalization教程,2011-01-12 22:15:03,下载7次 - Iterative receiver design一书的源码,2010-09-25 21:03:29,下载67次
thesis-blind_equalization.rar - 自适应均衡器设计用于抑制信号失真,自适应均衡器节拍系数是时变调整的。,2010-09-25 20:55:32,下载19次
UWB_BPSK_Analysis.rar - WB_BPSK_Analysis.rar:BPSK modulation and link analysis of UWB monocycle and doublet waveforms.Revised 1/2/05-JC.This m file plots the time and frequency waveforms for BPSK 1st and 2nd derivative equations used in UWB system analysis. ,2008-10-16 21:38:30,下载8次
qamTx.rar - qamTx.rar:Modem Transmitter and Channel Simulator的例程,实用程序,2008-10-16 21:38:01,下载2次
Gardner123456.rar - Gardner定时程序.rar:用于接收端的基带信号同步处理,非常实用,2008-10-16 21:37:00,下载432次
FSKdnewemode2.rar - FSK信号的解调,FSK信号的解调中频fc为15MHz,2008-10-16 21:35:50,下载19次
MIMO_OFDM.rar - 老外写的关于MIMO-OFDM程序,比较容易理解,具有参考作用,2008-08-21 23:15:22,下载49次
OFDM.rar - OFDM的基本原理及FFT实现,一篇参考文章,写的不错,2008-08-21 23:12:59,下载7次 - 统计信号处理的一个Matlab工具箱,有参考价值,2008-08-21 23:08:03,下载36次
digitalfilters.rar - 数字滤波器的详细实用设计方法介绍,非常实用,2008-08-21 23:02:21,下载5次
QPSKwithmatlabcode.rar - QPSK调制解调程序仿真程序,非常有参考价值,2008-08-21 22:59:53,下载57次
PROGRAM.rar - 常用的一些数字信号处理的C语言算法,还有部分汇编程序,2008-08-21 22:56:27,下载4次
maths.rar - 本文提供了英文公式的标准读法,对于参加国际学术会议交流具有很好的参考作用,2008-07-26 17:15:46,下载4次
thushara.rar - 一篇关于宽带波束形成方法研究的博士论文,作者在该领域的研究非常深入 ,2007-04-17 22:24:44,下载559次
OpenGLObjectSmooth.rar - OpenGL中对物体进行柔和、平滑地填充,对于OpenGL应用具有参考作用.,2007-04-04 16:40:14,下载62次
embeddedsystemtable.rar - 嵌入式系统开发的中英文词汇表并有详细注解,具有参考价值,2007-04-04 16:38:38,下载88次
aritificialfive.rar - 简单人工智能的五子棋游戏,VC编程学习的初始教程,2007-04-01 23:38:54,下载181次
3DOpenGLsourcecode.rar - 三维绘图程序,水波程序具有电影般的波动效果,三维成像具有完整的openGL法向量计算过程,鲨鱼,透明盒子和飘动程序绝对令人耳目一新,2007-03-31 22:03:13,下载482次

woterrobotstarsky2.0.rar - 是一个用Opengl和VC编写的代码,实现是的水下机器人的实时路径规划。同时设置了几个不同的视角来观察机器人。是三维海底水下机器人的方针
FighterTest1.rar - 很好的opengl的潜艇水下航行的程序,大家可以看一看 - matlab编写的声场计算程序,可以计算海洋声场
KRAKEN测试算例中文手册.zip - 为了感谢惠俊英老师的谆谆教诲,特为好奇诸君再奉上水声物理--海洋传播声场模拟的一份武林秘籍! 当好奇诸君阅毕此卷,又轻松跑完9份作业(9路招式),即悟简正波海洋声场传播模型之能耐! KRAKEN与AcousticsToolbox遵照GNU公共许可证进行分发。感谢Michael B. Porter对KRAKEN的原创。也感谢由Free Software凝聚起来的自由科学家社区。 本秘籍适合大三以上和非水声物理专业同志们的快速参学。 吴开明 2018.12
localization.rar - kraken建模利用匹配场实现声源定位的例子,kraken包需要自己下载
SSP-inversion.rar - 水声声速剖面反演的MATLAB仿真。用了比较基本的滤波方法ENKF。 - 浅层海洋环境由信源组成声源,海洋形成信道,和水听器阵列组成接收器。在这个传播模型中,信源,信道和接收信号这三者,通常能知二求一,具体应用诸如利用海洋环境参数和接收到的信号来定位声源,或者通过计算发射信号和接收信号之间的差异,反演海洋环境参数。 而在接收器方面,我们通过设置各向同性的水听器阵列。通过算法和处理器,我们便能量化模型,传统是处理器主要基于接收信号是高斯信号,而海洋中存在着大量的有色噪声。本课题的研究目的便是在前人的基础上,在海洋声层析成像的背景下,在信源与接收器阵列之间,引入信号的高阶统计量,对非高斯过程的水下信号源进行定位,并提高算法的性能和准确性。 利用非高斯过程的高阶累积量不恒为零的特点,滤去高斯有色噪声对信号的影响,其又包含了信号的相位信息,便可以极大的优化匹配场处理过程的性能和准确性。
DOAestimation.rar - 阵列信号处理关于角度估计的matlab源码,针对圆阵,直线阵和十字阵列。
lunwen.rar - 基于麦克风阵列的声源定位,四元十字阵的matlab仿真
r_signal_simulate.rar - 水声定位,四元阵超短基线,的定位算法仿真,可添加姿态校正
水声阵列方面.zip - 内容主要有短基线、长基线、空域滤波以及自适应阵列处理技术方面的资料,便于大家学习
usbl.rar - 超短基线定位算法程序,TDOA定位,双曲定位中一种简单有效的估计
CD.rar - 阵列信号处理的理论与应用(第二版)_光盘
MVDR.rar - MVDR宽带相干源DOA估计中,相干信号子空间法的空间重采样的聚焦矩阵的构造的程序 - 聚焦波束形成 线阵波束形成算法实现:包括非FFT算法和采用FFT算法的程序
ISS_MUCIS.rar - matlab仿真非相干信号宽带MUSIC方位估计,与DAS和MVDR方法进行对比。信号到达角度可调整
Wideband_DOA.rar - 本程序是对宽带信号波达方向的估计算法,利用频域平滑技术,有一定的参考价值
MVDR.rar - MVDR算法 亲测可用 MVDR自适应波束形成算法研究
CBFandMVDR.rar - 宽带CBF和MVDR波束形成算法在DOA估计中的应用,包括运动目标的轨迹绘制 - 水下传感器网络的DV-Hop定位,matlab程序
