
注册日期:2007-04-05 15:23:53

imageprocessing.rar - 自己编写的基于直方图均衡化以及边缘增强的程序!,2008-11-16 10:05:11,下载45次
ant.rar - 一个小巧的蚁群算法演示程序,C语言源码,在TC2.0下调试成功!,2008-08-01 20:48:29,下载14次
DateTimePicker.rar - 用csharp编写的记时程序,可以显示当时的日期。希望会对大家有所帮助!,2008-03-21 13:30:03,下载24次
TeboScreen.rar - 获得屏幕的截屏程序,并可以把截得的图形保存起来!希望会对大家有用!,2008-03-21 13:25:11,下载24次
Snake.rar - 用c#编写的贪吃蛇游戏代码,用鼠标控制蛇的方向,左击向右转,右击向左转。,2008-03-21 13:18:35,下载12次
FCMandlsb.rar - 里面有模糊聚类分类方法FCM的代码和数字水印算法LSB的实现代码!,2007-12-12 09:58:00,下载68次
Fast_Color_Denoising_ROF.zip - Name: gmac = global minimization of the active contour model % Description: see paper "Fast Global Minimization of the Active Contour/Snake Model" in JMIV07 % Author: Xavier Bresson (xbresson@math.ucla.edu) % Lastest version: 07-09-21,2007-11-14 22:51:21,下载36次
Fast_Global_Minimization_Active_Contour.zip - Author: Xavier Bresson (% Last version: Aug 3, 2008 % For more information: X. Bresson and T.F. Chan, "Fast Minimization of the Vectorial Total Variation Norm and Applications to Color Image Processing", CAM Report 07-25,2007-11-14 22:49:05,下载78次
gcrf_demo.zip - This MATLAB code is an example of how to train the GCRF model described in "Learning Gaussian Conditional Random Fields for Low-Level Vision" by M.F. Tappen, C. Liu, E.H. Adelson, and W.T. Freeman in CVPR 2007. If you use this code in your research, please cite this paper,2007-11-14 22:36:37,下载72次
T3DCHAP15.rar - windows程序设计游戏编程的方法的小程序的方法的实现方法的程序,2007-05-26 22:22:35,下载8次
T3DCHAP12.rar - windows程序设计的游戏开发的一个小游戏的软件的程序设计的方法,2007-05-26 21:02:26,下载3次
DISPACKAGE.tar.gz - vc的源代码程序的基于最小特征向量的元素的集合方法的程序源代码,2007-05-26 17:09:31,下载6次
T3DCHAP13.rar - nettime源程序代码的重要性的类别的分类,2007-04-05 20:30:44,下载4次

