
注册日期:2007-04-11 10:16:36

EmirSoft_Esdelphi.rar - 我正在找工作,薪金要求:最少6K以上,否则勿访;电13316624198 QQ:307180242 仿Delphi工具或控件(开发平台),源码delphi7编译通过 如果在您的项目中,具有一个类似Delphi的开发平台,你认为如何? 支持对项目的源代码存取数据库, 完全可以运行期设计操作或编译子模块, 也可以像Delphi一样打开相关项目文件操作,2010-03-10 19:50:15,下载27次
EstSearchDialog.zip - Searchdialogs arose from an idea by Eric ten Westenend to allow adding search capabilities to a database application in an easy way. Not reprogramming a search functionality over and over again, not several different implementations of searching throughout the application, no per-application solution anymore. A standard way of searching that is easy to use for the end-user and easy to implement for the programmer. While Eric was able to develop his idea to quite a professional level, I still saw possibilities to extend the idea. I also wanted to allow other Delphi developers to use the powerful solution freely. Erik Stok search dialogs is what resulted.搜 ,2007-12-29 22:14:41,下载7次
QiMidasfor2006.rar - QiMidas组件全代码版支持d2006 QiMidas组件全代码版支持d2006,2007-12-29 22:08:48,下载19次
PowerArc.zip - 老外的超高效率压缩,High efficient Data Compression Library for use with Delphi. Support Rank, ZIP, BZIP and PPM compression algorithms. Compression ratio more than 1.5-2 times better than ZIP/RAR archiver. Compression speed up to 8 Mb/sec (on PIII-600).,2007-12-29 22:05:43,下载17次
cdsthread.zip - 三层多线程分段取数据,三 层多线程分段取数据,2007-12-29 11:58:55,下载28次
sfz.rar - 基本功能:1. 从身份证号码中取信息              2. 判断身份证号码的有效性              3. 将15位号码转换成18位号码,2007-12-18 17:51:09,下载7次
Echm.rar - 帮助编写程序,并打包成控件使用, 即:在你的项目使用过程中可视编写帮助, 也可以用作网页可视编辑器,2007-12-18 17:48:18,下载9次
CartmanLand_v1.0.rar - 插件开发学习 delphi 适合初学者,非常简便,2007-09-20 19:42:37,下载26次
APPADDMenu.rar - 其他应用程序加菜单 如何给exe文件加个 菜单,让它执行自己的功能,2007-09-20 19:25:48,下载3次
IssuanceSoft.rar - 目录同步,根据文件版本,版次复盖发布,如没有版本,版次则按文件的修改时间判断复盖,2007-05-19 11:14:05,下载14次

GprinterSDK.zip - 佳博热敏打印机 蓝牙连接SDK2.2版本。
